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A heart of Thanksgiving



Thanksgiving. I love the thanksgiving dinner, my favorite. I love the smells and the preparations and the company. I love the fact that it is a unit effort; everyone brings something and we bring it all together for an amazing and fantastic spread of deliciousness!  The table is set, fine dishes are set out, best silverware, table centerpiece and candles. It is beautiful, a feast for the eyes as well as the belly!  All our senses are satisfied!

I also love the fact that it calls up my family and friends to consider all we have to be thankful for. We are all at different stages of life and spheres of life but the thankfulness of our hearts are all the same. Our God is good! Our God provides! Our God loves and protects and heals!  Our God makes ways where there really are no ways!  Our voices rise up to share and tumble over others' words to proclaim what we are thankful for. Smiles flow over our faces and our eyes shine with the Light of Heaven. God's presence fills up the room and overflows on all of us.

Isn't it a marvelous thing to just sit down and be very still before the presence of God and allow our spirit to soar up and in Him, to have peace and recognition of what He has done and provided through this last year!?

I am reminded of what David said in Psalms 103: 1-6.  NIV...............

"Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits — who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,

who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. 

The Lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed."

We sit down at the table, at the Lord's Table.  We give praise and thanksgiving unto Him.  We are amazed as we recount all His workings and blessings and encouragements He has given each and everyone of us. It is a good thing to take time and thank Him, to praise Him. It is a good thing to start a new year before the next thanksgiving with praise on our lips and gratefulness in our hearts.

Please take time to do this as you take Thanksgiving. It doesn't matter is you are alone or with a whole group of people. We must begin to purpose to be a people full of thanksgiving and gratefulness so that our lives open up into the supernatural blessings of God in our lives. I want all of that and more!

Thank Him and thank those He has set in your family, your world, for your Pastors, for your church, and for your nation. God is moving! Join in with Him.

Look up and expect new and wonderful things through praise andthanksgiving!!   Enjoy as your body and spirit are filled up to overflowing in Him!!  Amen..

- Pastor Sandi


"That I may proclaim with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all Your wondrous works."   Psalm 26:NIV

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