Romans 13 :1
"Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God."
In the climate of today, there is much passion about government and those who 'rule'. I suppose the key word is 'rule'. When the people feel powerless and feel as though they are not being heard, it can appear that government 'rules' even though it is suppose to 'serve' the people. As our government seems to repeal or re-evaluate what the people have spoken through the power of our vote, it appears that it doesn't matter what the people want. I observed some pole results this morning on some pertinent issues facing the American people at the moment, and was struck by how the pole results were opposed to what the government 'says' the people want. If these poles are correct, why then is not the voice of the people being heard? How is this scripture relevant, and what does it mean? Does it mean the authority process or concept itself is what is from God, that the office itself is what is appointed by God? Or, is it the person holding the office, the person himself/herself, that is appointed by God? Is it both? And, what is the Believer's responsibility in all this? It is past time that the Believer wake up and address these questions before it is too late.