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It's a beautiful day in my neighborhood! It's a beautiful day in my home and in my yard. The sun is out, some energetic plants are trying to push up through the soil, and my trees are in various arrays of color and bloom. It is beautiful.

And, in the middle of this beautiful day, place, and yard, there is much work to be done. It takes time and muscle to maintain this beauty and this value around me, and seems to never be totally completed. Each day brings its labor.

It's hard to see beauty sometimes, in the midst of this required labor. It takes work and energy to maintain a loving and kind marriage through all the pains, disappointments, and unmeant expectations - and even in the amazing and wonderful times of a marriage. It takes labor to maintain order and upkeep to a beautiful yard. It takes work and time to do a job, to seek out a job.

Grace and beauty, favor and blessings, are all 'free' in Christ Jesus, but it is up to us to walk these out and to 'see' and to 'hear' what the Father instructs within them. We are lazy by our human nature and want entitlements that really are not ours to want. These wonderful things that bring about the beauty of our lives requires walking through our fears and leaving 'self' behind. We are way to quick to become mad at God and entertain the lies the enemy is whispering in our ear as 'truth'. Why are we doing this?


1 Peter 4:12-13 tells us this:  "Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ's sufferings, that when His Glory is revealed (through you, your words, actions, your perseverance) you may also be glad with exceeding joy."

Remember, God has not forgotten you. He knows you by name. God creates great wonders and beauty within darkness, confusion and chaos. He has beauty for you to see and to receive into your life. Do not give up! He is trying to move you into abundant Life - and most likely not the way you perceive it!

Try to 'see' through God's eyes and 'see' His beauty...........

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