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12.4.14  Changes

Seasons:  each of the four divisions of the year (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) marked by particular weather patterns and daylight hours, resulting from the earth's changing position with regard to the sun.

This is the definition of seasons in the natural state of man.  Where I live, it is not uncommon to  have the season blend together in some manner, they are not always definitively defined as they are along the eastern coast. I have been thinking of the "seasons" of my life; those changing times I have gone through both naturally and spiritually.  In this definition of seasons, I can see the Spirit of God. I am not sure of how many seasons of changes I have gone through this year, but it sure seems to be many! 

In this definition, relating to us spiritually,  I think we can count on at least 4 per year. The number 4 indicates rule or dominion, earth or the physical (4 corners), creation or creative works.

Let's look at the seasons and how they may look to us within the Spirit's perspective:

Winter:  a time of "holding", a time of planting seeds for later harvest, a time of resting or inactivity, a time to move in faith believing without the evidence of that faith (hidden), a time to let our 'ground' rest in the Spirit of God

Purpose:  to take reflection of one's self, to learn to wait upon the Lord, a time to 'know' that the Holy Spirit is moving when we don't seem to see anything happening, a time to plant seeds of faith for a harvest when we are ready for the harvest, preparation for new beginning.

Spring:  a time for new beginnings, a time of stepping up and stepping out, a time to 'bloom' where God has planted you to be for the moment, a time to activate the seed of faith you planted in the winter season, a time to look for new life and the 'fruit' that is developing, a season of hope and expectation.

Purpose: to be aware of harvest coming, to clean up your field of faith from the weeds and thorns the silent enemy has come to plant in your harvest, turning into the Son, initiating growth in the Spirit, expectations of newness.

Summer:  full exposure to the Son, heat, can be dry, thirsting for water - the Holy Spirit; 'fruit' growing and ready for 'use', a time of comfort and goodness and productivity but also a time of purging by going through the 'fire'.

Purpose:  to show forth the growth of the 'seed', to experience the growth of the fruit of your life, to seek out refreshing in the Holy Spirit, and to allow the heat of the Son to purge out impurities in you, learning to trust the Lord in what He is doing in your life so that you are ready for your harvest

Autumn:  harvest, reaping, cleaning up for new plantings, filling up and overflowing for the 'winter', a time of strengthening

Purpose:  to take in the favor and the benefits of labor, to see a new transition in yourself, and the filling up for quiet time and resting that is to come, 

Let us learn to embrace the seasons of our life. Some are full of light and vigor and good works and some are tense and purging, turning us inward to see the hand of God move within us to clean us up and ready us for His purposes. Some seasons are filled with joy of the harvest and goodness, and then some seasons are times of rest, quietness, transitions that can seem cold and harsh.

God always has a plan for your life regardless of the times and seasons. Take time to note what season you are in and allow Him to work for your good. Do not become discouraged or think that God is no where to be found. He is here. He is always Now, He is always ready and moving and working for your good. Be at peace and welcome the seasons of your life. Fill each and every one up with an overabundance of Him through submission, obedience, increasing and growing faith, a mouth of thanksgiving and praise, and do all with a deep heartfelt purpose to fulfill your calling and the Kingdom's assignments for your life!  Embrace the changes of your life! Be blessed!

- Pastor Sandi



   "Even the stork in the sky knows her appointed seasons, and the dove, the swift and the thrush observe the time of their migration. But my people do not know the requirements of the Lord."


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