Do the Right Thing.
Simply do the right thing. Easy to say but not always easy to do. How do we know what the right thing to do is? So many opinions, so many voices, emotional tugs, so much pressure!
The right thing to do is whatever the Word of God says to do on any subject known to man. The Bible is the final authority. Yes, I know, there are cultural issues and customs to deal with, the thoughts of who wrote what and when. Listen, The Word of God is right and true and will flow throughout the entire Book, from cover to cover. The principals and precepts of life. Relationships. Right and wrong. Truth and lies. Hope and despair.
The Word tells us that God has written the Word upon the heart of man, his conscience:
Romans 2:15
(They {Gentiles}show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.)
So we have no excuses; we know what is right and what is wrong deep within our hearts. In this time and season doing the right thing can be blurred and choices become difficult. God pays attention to the choices we make, indicating to state of the condition of our heart/belief. We are at a point of decision right now, here in the United States, determining right or wrong, good or evil, the right choice for a leader of our nation. Both sides are passionate and persistent, strong in rhetoric and opinion. But which one lines up with the Word of God? So much said about personal rights, abortion, immigration, deception, truth, etc. We must look at the integrity, honesty, "fruit" of the person's life. Goodness. What would our God be pleased with?
For a true Christian it is all about what God says is right and true and not what our flesh wants. It is not about the easy way out of anything. It is time to determine taking a risk or maintaining the status quo; continuing on with things as they are or doing a new thing.
Isaiah 43:18-19 “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."
Take time and pray, think, look into what the Word says is right and what is wrong. Let's get our opinions and feelings out of it and let's do this right. God will hold us accountable; God will hold our nation accountable. Remember, we will get what we vote for. Do not be deceived.
There is a Trump-Pence on the wall. A watchman on the wall. A Jonathan for Israel's David. Now is the time.
- Pastor Sandi