Drought. The ground is so dry! I am observing as I have been out walking my yard, my ground, that the grass is turning dry, lifeless, dead. It is becoming straw. As I watched through the hot and sunny days, the ground became dryer and hard. I became concerned. There are a lot of wildfires springing up and they are running rampant, destroying ground and homes in its way. I began to pray for rain, several days of good steady rain. Not devastating rain that will cause flooding and damage, but just the right amount of rain to refurbish and refresh the ground and to bring Life.
I began to think of Elijah and how he prayed for the relief of drought and watched with anticipation for the beginning of the rain. For the sign. How he quietly waited and believed.
This morning I woke up to the sound of good, steady, refreshing rain coming down in a rhythm of beats upon my ground, my yard. I am grateful. I am rejoicing. I know that because of this rain my ground will spring up life, my flowers will open and receive, and my fruit trees will greedily drink in the water to feed the fruit springing up on them.
As I am aware of all this I am reminded of dry and lifeless spiritual ground that lies within each of us from time to time, some more than others. Some do not even know that they are dehydrated and dying of spiritual thirst. They are lifeless and lethargic, just moving through life with as little energy as possible.
The lack of water is devastating on a human being, and the lack of spiritual water is devastating to the human spirit. I want to greedily drink from the well of the Holy Spirit, to be washed and refreshed daily in the Word of God! I want to walk in 'life' and 'growth', and create life wherever I am and wherever I go.
There is an amazing move of the Holy Spirit moving over the face of this earth, encompassing each and every parasol of ground. Water, drink, refreshing, Life!
I want to be aware of it and to receive from it. Do you? Are you receiving the healthy clear water of the Holy Spirit or are you drinking out of a polluted and dirty well, one of your own making (own strength) or one that is counterfeit (false beliefs)??
Come. Let us drink of the Holy Spirit. Let us be alive with the refreshing, anointing and power of God the Father running through us. Let us have the Spiritual ability to create Life wherever we go and not to bring spiritual death. What do you think? Invite Christ to take over your life and to bring you Life! Take a chance and see. Trust Him..... Your life depends upon it.
- Pastor Sandi