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Good and Righteous


5.1.20               Good and Righteous

Would you think you are a good person? Based on what criteria? Are you good all the time? Do you only think good thoughts? Speak out good things?  Have no selfish agenda of your own? Never prideful or stubborn?Do only good actions all the time?

Most people, based on human understanding and human criteria, would say they are, with out hesitation.  Which is greater - goodness or righteousness? Do you ever think on that? The real truth is, humans cannot be good or righteous in their own efforts.

Pride sets in. Anger at unfairness or loss sets in, selfish thoughts set in, hard and negative thoughts invade our minds all the time.  Hopefully we do not verbalize these thoughts out loud often! My daughter has a tee shirt that reads "Just because you think it doesn't mean you have to say it!"

The definition of good is, according to Mr. Webster's dictionary, "that which is morally right"  or to be a "benefit or advantage to someone or something". The problem with that is the moral basis or perspective a person has; their belief system. Now, this will vary from culture to culture, belief systems of faith.  So, a good person is one who tries hard to do the right thing and to be considerate and kind to others. This is a hard effort, never to get angry or hurt or disappointed or selfish, etc. It is impossible to be our own moral police - and man, left to his own understanding, will find it hopeless.

Okay, now what is righteous

Personally, I have times when I am disappointed in someone, angry, impatient, selfish, pride tries to pop in, words rise up in my mouth, and so on. How can a person ever accomplish this goodness and this righteousness? Is it possible? Is there a life manual to go to that will give us the information and training in how to accomplish all this?

Well, glad you asked! The Bible is the Book to go to for all of life's issues and all of man's shortcomings, and for all the hope and training we need to have. This book is our manual for life. Here are some instructions for life that it contains:

Ecclesiastes 7:20  Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.

1 John 2:29  If you know that He (Christ) is righteous (in right standing with God the Father - no sin), you may be sure that everyone who practices this righteousness has been born of Him (salvation in Christ).

1 Peter 2:4  He (Christ) himself bore our sins (actions and attitudes that are fleshly and sinful and separate us from God) in His body on the tree (cross), that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By His wounds (on the Cross) you have been healed (mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually)

Philippians 1:11  Filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.

Luke 18:19 And Jesus said, "Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.

Micah 6:8

Psalm 119:68  You (God) are good and do good; teach me your statutes (ways, commandments).

- Pastor Sandi


Heavenly Father, remind me by your Holy Spirit that I need to be In you to be truly good; in and of myself I cannot achieve this. You alone are good and you mean all things to be good in my life as I follow after Christ. Remind me of the Cross and all that was done by Jesus for me so I could have healing and righteousness (right standing with you Father) and eternal life with you. Sometimes I can be so stubborn and so rebellious I think I can do all things by myself. Forgive me. I yield myself to Jesus Christ as my Savior and as the Lord of my life, choosing to yield to His ways and His commands. I want be part of and be in your goodness and have the  desire to live in your righteousness. In Jesus' name,   Amen 

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