I am thinking about my level of faith this morning. I have great faith in some things and little faith in others. I think we all do.
In James 1:20 we are told "But do you want to know, O foolish man. that faith without works is dead?"
We are foolish because we are impatient and give up way too soon. This verse means that faith without legs - action - is dead and stagnant and goes no where. It carries no Life and no LIght. Faith grows as we dare to step out, with wobbly legs and all - and heart in hand. Put some action to what you are asking the Lord for and believing Him for. Get up and move! He has already done it all for you, your supply kit is full and ready. As you begin to take a step of faith and learn what balance is in faith, your faith will grow and become strong and occupy in you solidly until He comes back again.
Luke 18:8b "However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?"
Let's be people of the Book, people of active and living faith; faith is the muscle of heaven! No, it is not easy to persevere, but it is possible and the rewards are amazing! Make your decision today and don't turn back!
Pastor Sandi