Olive Branch Discipleship Ministries
Moving In His Power and Might
A Faith-based, Non-profit Corporation
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- Hope for the day
4.27.15 Hope for the day. What would we do without it. Somehow, no matter how bad the previous day, we wake up to a new day and hope abounds within us again. Sometimes it is a very small flicker and sometimes it will flood our whole being. It really doesn't matter as long as we embrace the measure of hope that we have for the day we face. Hope is that inexplicable sense of expectation of something good, something positive, the daring of a possibility that is in favor to us and to our need. Who can explain it? Who can put it into words? Now the hope that the world gives us, our natural-man hope, is based in our own understanding, expectations, dependencies, and strength, and can be dashed without warning as these things fall apart. But hope that comes from Christ Jesus is based on Him and His works in us, through us, and around us - not dependent on anything but Him, His Word, and the Holy Spirit. It takes all 'works' out of our hands. What a relief. All we have to do is to know that our Lord loves us and always has our good in mind. Always. How many times we have had to go through things that we didn't think we would ever be able to live through?? And then because of prayer, hope, faith we made it and were able to look back and see the 'coincidences, luck, etc.' that enabled us to make it. You do realize that in Christ there are no such thing as coincidences or luck, but only the moving, connecting, and nudging, of the Holy Spirit?? These are God-designed connections, appointments, and directions. Without hope we lose heart and we die, spiritually and sometimes physically. Tomorrow always brings new hope, new mercies, and new possibilities. Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord. Remember your word to your servant, for you have given me hope. - Pastor Sandi
- Aware
4.8.15 Awareness. Do you ever just stop and think what that means? Are you aware? I think, for the most part, we just get up in the morning and move through our day dealing with whatever comes across our path, not thinking too much about it except to handle it, to get through it, or to make it right. However, there is so much more going on then we might ever think. These situations, circumstances, challenges, irritating people, can be the very thing that will change the course of our life forever. IF we will stop and really take a look at what is in our path for the day, we can step into blessing and avoid disaster and destruction, or step into a mess that can take years to undo. Let's face it, many of the decisions we make, the choices we choose, or the words we 'spontaneously' say, will make or break us pretty quickly! Nothing like a sinking heart to tell us that we missed it, that we made the wrong choice that now cannot be undone. Being aware means 'to be observant of, to pay attention to, having knowledge of or being conscience of, being alert'. It also means to be mindful of what is going on around you in the workings of the Holy Spirit in your life for the day. What you may see as a real obnoxious irritation could be a major lesson or blessing in disguise. Being alert in the natural man is to have intuition. Being alert in the spiritual man is to be discerning and wise. Which sounds better to you? Do you ever think about the workings of God the Father in your daily life? Let's stop and not be so quick to be so 'busy' that we are irritated and bulldozing our way through our day and miss what Jesus might be trying to do for us. There are wonders all around us, answers to our prayers, the love and presence of our heavenly Father. gate-keepers for our miracles. Stop. Breathe. Be AWARE. Don't miss where the Lord is working!!! Take time from now on to 'be aware'! - Pastor Sandi (Amplified Bible) "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be firm (steadfast), immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord [always being superior, excelling, doing more than enough in the service of the Lord], knowing and being continually aware that your labor in the Lord is not futile [it is never wasted or to no purpose]."
- Challenges and favor
3.16.15 I have been paying attention to the richness of God's favor in my life. Do you ever take time to do that? Favor is a kind act, undeserved; something done or granted out of good will; the state of being approved or held in high regard. Most of the time favor comes to me in the form of a challenge or something that can appear as negative at first. If I view all things through my own human eyes, I would become discouraged and upset, even fearful; but because I am spiritually training myself to see through my spiritual eyes - God's possible view of it all - I am becoming more aware of the grace and favor hidden there just waiting for me to discover it. Remember, "And in all things God works for the good of those that love Him, that are called according to His purpose" Romans 8:28 So, please, take time to think on God's favor, look for it, ask for it. Be thankful and praise Him always! It is good medicine! - Pastor Sandi www.olivebranchdiscipleshipministries.com
- What kind of friend are you?
5.29.15 Friends. Friendship. How sweet it is. It is a good thing to have good, honest friends in your life, or at least one. While we have many acquaintances, one good, honest friend is invaluable. What is your criteria for a good friend? What are your expectations for a friendship? The Bible tells us that for a person to have friends, he must first show himself friendly. Are you the kind of friend you would like to have? How about trust, loyalty, steadfastness, honesty, forgiving, patient, kind, generous, humorous, encouraging, comforting, etc.? Then there are the interests in common that give us pleasure to do things together, to enjoy life in each other's presence. There are many things that make up a deep and intimate friendship; things we want and need, but things we must have our self before we will attract a friend like this. Why don't we pause today and think about this. Think about who you are and what you offer as a friend. Are you demanding and controlling? Are you fussy and manipulating? Do you require more than you are willing to give out? Do you require all the attention? Do you do all the talking and decision making? Are you a good listener? Are you patient and kind? Do you take time to encourage and edify? Remember, you get back what you give out. What kind of friend are you? - Pastor Sandi www.olivebranchdiscipleshipministries.com " Proverb 17:17 "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." Proverb 18:24 "A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Proverb 27:6 "Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses."
- Friends
5.19.15 Friends The strangest of companions, of those in fellowship with each other! I am observing my little dog, a toy German Schnauzer, and my daughter’s big dog, a mix of Hound Dog and German Shepherd, playing together. My dog, Pepper, is feisty and standoffish, a Diva, a little intimidated about Gunner, my daughter’s dog, and his size. To one of Gunner’s ‘lopes’, Pepper has to take somewhere around 10-15 steps to catch up with him. It is not uncommon to see him running around the yard at a leisurely pace and her going at break-neck speed to catch up to, or to get away from, him. Gunner lopes around the yard, unconcerned, only wanting a friend and to play. He leaps and lopes and jumps. He turns and twirls and does all he can to entice her. He even gets down on his belly, face to face at her level. Yet, Pepper stands still and watches him. She doesn’t seem to be the least bit impressed nor does she seem to want to join in. She watches him until he has run himself out and suddenly plops down on the ground, out of breathe. He looks at her and she looks at him. Poor Gunner! He finally accepts the fact she is not impressed and is not going to join in, he lowers his head in resignation. He lies very still. Pepper meanders over and lies down near to him. And there they are - the odd couple, the best of friends, relaxed and enjoying the quietness of friendship. How are you in your friendships, those you fellowship with? Do you gravitate to those like you? Do you venture out to others a bit different than you? Ever hear how opposites attract? Sometimes the best of friends are those who are so different and yet so much the same! Sometimes the one who rubs you the most will be the best friend you need to have. They will challenge you, correct you, rub the rough edges off of you, and develop the Fruit of the Spirit in you. They will tell you Truth and this is good stuff! Proverbs 27:5-6 “Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Wounds from a friend can be trusted but an enemy multiplies kisses.” Proverbs 27:17 “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:9 "Oil and perfume make the heart glad; so a man's counsel is sweet to his friend” - Pastor Sandi
- Fallow and empty ground
5.5.15 I have been looking at the rapid growth of my grass. A little rain, a little sunshine and O, my gosh! Very quietly it takes it all in and begins to grow and then, quite suddenly, it is long, lush and green. And yet, in certain areas I notice sparseness, areas where it is barren and needs reseeding. As I examine the ground it seems hard and tough, empty. So, out comes the rake to turn over the ground, to break up all the hard and tough areas to prepare for the seed. Here comes a handful of seed to lavishly throw out to cover over the sparse areas of earth, and then comes the water - the rain and the sunshine - to perpetuate the growth. How faithful our God is to care and to observe what the needed areas of our life are for Him to re-seed. How He comes, through others and through His Word, to turn up our hard and fallow earth, the ground of our heart and spirit, to give us the seed we need! Just the right seed. And, most of the time we mutter and complain about it, not liking the process at all! And then, after the hard work and the work of patience in our life, the seed takes root and quietly grows until suddenly we see the lushness of our growth and our empty and bare places are no more. It is a work well done and well worth the effort. Will you let the Lord turn up the hard, empty, fallow ground of your heart? Will you allow Him to reseed with the fertilizer of His mighty Word? Will you allow Him to use the Son and the rain of the Holy Spirit to cause you to root and grow and become lush n Him? I so hope so! the 'suddenly' you too will be lush and green in Him! - Pastor Sandi Jeremiah 4:3 "For thus saith the Lord to the men of Judah and Jerusalem (Believers) 'Break up your fallow ground and sow not among thorns." Hosea 10:12 "Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the Lord, till He come and rain righteousness upon you."
- the glass
2.25.15 In listening to many conversations concerning the conditions of life and the world, I have been very aware of the language around me and of the negative and positive attitudes that fill our lives. I have been thinking....... Do you see the glass half full or half empty? Do you approach life with a negative or positive outlook? It seems to me that this is the issue of life these days. We have a choice to receive information with a negative concept or a positive one. Negative will say, "if anything bad can happen to me, it will." Positive will say, "It all looks bad but there is a positive It seems to me that in these days there is much more negative than positive. I know, you could say, "I am just being truthful and realistic about it all." Yes, that is true. I think we must always see the truth in the situation or the circumstance, by all means, but it's the mind set in which we approach it all that will determine a good outcome for us and open a place up for our God to work for our good. Lots of things happen and lots of people over come them to stand victorious in life. Truth can change in an instant and our attitude can as well with more information or a better outlook. Life can be hard and there is much fear abounding these days. Who can you trust? Information and solutions seems to change without warning. People state something and then take it back. Is there anything that is sure and good and dependable? Yes. The Word of God has all the answers to life's concerns and challenges and will give good solid steps to overcome. We have a Life Manual that most never open up or take time to read. You would be surprised how up to date it is, how relevant it is for our days and our times. Check it out. God is always current. Half full? Half empty? Negative or positive? It's all about choice. I choose to see half full. - Pastor Sandi
- Promises
- Changes
12.4.14 Changes Seasons: each of the four divisions of the year (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) marked by particular weather patterns and daylight hours, resulting from the earth's changing position with regard to the sun. This is the definition of seasons in the natural state of man. Where I live, it is not uncommon to have the season blend together in some manner, they are not always definitively defined as they are along the eastern coast. I have been thinking of the "seasons" of my life; those changing times I have gone through both naturally and spiritually. In this definition of seasons, I can see the Spirit of God. I am not sure of how many seasons of changes I have gone through this year, but it sure seems to be many! In this definition, relating to us spiritually, I think we can count on at least 4 per year. The number 4 indicates rule or dominion, earth or the physical (4 corners), creation or creative works. Let's look at the seasons and how they may look to us within the Spirit's perspective: Winter: a time of "holding", a time of planting seeds for later harvest, a time of resting or inactivity, a time to move in faith believing without the evidence of that faith (hidden), a time to let our 'ground' rest in the Spirit of God Purpose: to take reflection of one's self, to learn to wait upon the Lord, a time to 'know' that the Holy Spirit is moving when we don't seem to see anything happening, a time to plant seeds of faith for a harvest when we are ready for the harvest, preparation for new beginning. Spring: a time for new beginnings, a time of stepping up and stepping out, a time to 'bloom' where God has planted you to be for the moment, a time to activate the seed of faith you planted in the winter season, a time to look for new life and the 'fruit' that is developing, a season of hope and expectation. Purpose: to be aware of harvest coming, to clean up your field of faith from the weeds and thorns the silent enemy has come to plant in your harvest, turning into the Son, initiating growth in the Spirit, expectations of newness. Summer: full exposure to the Son, heat, can be dry, thirsting for water - the Holy Spirit; 'fruit' growing and ready for 'use', a time of comfort and goodness and productivity but also a time of purging by going through the 'fire'. Purpose: to show forth the growth of the 'seed', to experience the growth of the fruit of your life, to seek out refreshing in the Holy Spirit, and to allow the heat of the Son to purge out impurities in you, learning to trust the Lord in what He is doing in your life so that you are ready for your harvest Autumn: harvest, reaping, cleaning up for new plantings, filling up and overflowing for the 'winter', a time of strengthening Purpose: to take in the favor and the benefits of labor, to see a new transition in yourself, and the filling up for quiet time and resting that is to come, Let us learn to embrace the seasons of our life. Some are full of light and vigor and good works and some are tense and purging, turning us inward to see the hand of God move within us to clean us up and ready us for His purposes. Some seasons are filled with joy of the harvest and goodness, and then some seasons are times of rest, quietness, transitions that can seem cold and harsh. God always has a plan for your life regardless of the times and seasons. Take time to note what season you are in and allow Him to work for your good. Do not become discouraged or think that God is no where to be found. He is here. He is always Now, He is always ready and moving and working for your good. Be at peace and welcome the seasons of your life. Fill each and every one up with an overabundance of Him through submission, obedience, increasing and growing faith, a mouth of thanksgiving and praise, and do all with a deep heartfelt purpose to fulfill your calling and the Kingdom's assignments for your life! Embrace the changes of your life! Be blessed! - Pastor Sandi " " "Even the stork in the sky knows her appointed seasons, and the dove, the swift and the thrush observe the time of their migration. But my people do not know the requirements of the Lord." "
- A heart of Thanksgiving
11.24.15 Thanksgiving. I love the thanksgiving dinner, my favorite. I love the smells and the preparations and the company. I love the fact that it is a unit effort; everyone brings something and we bring it all together for an amazing and fantastic spread of deliciousness! The table is set, fine dishes are set out, best silverware, table centerpiece and candles. It is beautiful, a feast for the eyes as well as the belly! All our senses are satisfied! I also love the fact that it calls up my family and friends to consider all we have to be thankful for. We are all at different stages of life and spheres of life but the thankfulness of our hearts are all the same. Our God is good! Our God provides! Our God loves and protects and heals! Our God makes ways where there really are no ways! Our voices rise up to share and tumble over others' words to proclaim what we are thankful for. Smiles flow over our faces and our eyes shine with the Light of Heaven. God's presence fills up the room and overflows on all of us. Isn't it a marvelous thing to just sit down and be very still before the presence of God and allow our spirit to soar up and in Him, to have peace and recognition of what He has done and provided through this last year!? I am reminded of what David said in Psalms 103: 1-6. NIV............... "Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits — who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. The Lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed." We sit down at the table, at the Lord's Table. We give praise and thanksgiving unto Him. We are amazed as we recount all His workings and blessings and encouragements He has given each and everyone of us. It is a good thing to take time and thank Him, to praise Him. It is a good thing to start a new year before the next thanksgiving with praise on our lips and gratefulness in our hearts. Please take time to do this as you take Thanksgiving. It doesn't matter is you are alone or with a whole group of people. We must begin to purpose to be a people full of thanksgiving and gratefulness so that our lives open up into the supernatural blessings of God in our lives. I want all of that and more! Thank Him and thank those He has set in your family, your world, for your Pastors, for your church, and for your nation. God is moving! Join in with Him. Look up and expect new and wonderful things through praise andthanksgiving!! Enjoy as your body and spirit are filled up to overflowing in Him!! Amen.. - Pastor Sandi www.olivebranchdiscipleshipministries.com NIV "That I may proclaim with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all Your wondrous works." Psalm 26:7 NIV
- Positive
10.30.2015 I have been pondering on comfort and encouragement and how it can effect the human being. Have you noticed that you get more comments of criticismLearn of encouragement? It seems we are surrounded with correction and negative comments most of the time. The world is rushing good,nd and so focused on "tomorrow" that few are aware of today. In counseling I have noticed over and over again that people are fully aware, or think they are, of all they do wrong or all they mess up. They are not aware of their value or what they do that is positive. Words are powerful and carry great weight; they will bring comfort or discouragement. It is hard to not respond to someone who is positive and imparts positive to us. We are drawn to someone who seems to see something good in us, something acceptable Don't you feel like the world needs this? I do! It doesn't mean that correction is not needful, or to be brought to us, but it does make a huge difference in how it is done. So much hurt, so much pain and so many disappointments, so much anger colors our words. Selfishness comes from our fear of not getting what we need, fear of losing what we have. Today we have a choice: will we be one who comforts, encourages, brings a positive word to someone, or will we be the one who is critical and negative and brings condemnation and hopelessness? This can be "death" to the hearer. " " " We all fail, we all blow up, we all can bite and chew each other up. " However, it is time for a change. It will take one person at a time, one on one. I am quite sure that we would prefer that people are patient and kind to us, understanding and encouraging, uplifting and positive. I am quite sure that we would prefer someone see that what we are doing is good and that we are not all "bad". I So, will you add to the problem or will you be a strong part of the solution? Learn how to bring instruction and correction so that the person blooms instead of dies. A "win-win". Learn how to speak to those around you as you would want them to speak to you. Think about how you want someone to treat your heart of emotions and feelings. Learn to impart goodness and not evil. Step out today and change the - Pastor Sandi www.olivebranchdiscipleshipministries.com Job 16:2,5 "I have heard many things like this; you are miserable comforters, all of you!" "But my mouth would encourage you; comfort from my lips would bring you relief."
- What do you mean?
9.27.14 "What do you mean?" We seem to have a big problem among Christians these days. We say one thing, mean another, and do something else! This is a mess and it certainly reflects badly on God's Church. We are Christ's ambassadors and every thing we say reflects on Him. We, Christians, just don't seem to think that it matters. It does matter. It is lying and deceitful. How many times have you been disappointed by believing what someone told you they would do? How many times has this taken your life off course, cost you more money, ruined trust and faith in you? I think it is time that the Do you communicate well? Do you call people and tell them you are unable to do what you said but you will do what you said at another time? And then do you follow through? Through the course of my Christian life of the last 4o years, I have been disappointed, hurt, betrayed, and lied to by other Christian believers who just cannot do what they said they would. They will not keep integrity within them- selves to follow through with their word at another time. Integrity is doing what you say you will do. The words you give to others will affect your life as well. You will be accountable to your words. You will prosper or not prosper by the flavor of your words. What you give out to others will be given back to you. So, if you want truth in your life, speak truth kindly to others. If you want trust in your life, show yourself trustworthy, if your want faith in your life, be faithful. if you want honesty and integrity in your life, allow them to flourish in your mouth to others. God is not mocked. What you "seed" out you will get a harvest of it back in your own life. Christian businesses listen up. This will make or break your reputation, your business, your prosperity, your life. If you do not listen, your businesses will fail and frustration will be your ruin. New International Version: "Therefore as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." " "And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them." Matthew 12:36-37 "But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned." Let us therefore, "say what we mean and mean what we say" - from now on! - Pastor Sandi www.olivebranchdiscipleshipministries.com