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Welcome to Olive Branch Discipleship Ministries, a non-profit tax deductible 501(c)3 Organization.

Established in 2009,we are a ministry dedicated to equipping each believer to become an active member of the Body of Christ, moving in His power and might. We believe that we all have a calling and a ministry given by God, equipped with Gifts and Power. We believe that these are the days of the Bride of Christ rising up and into the purpose She was designated to do, to increase the Church and the Kingdom of God here on earth.

We welcome any opportunity to share classes, teaching, and ministry that will further the knowledge and giftings of the Believer and build up the Church. It is time to be about our Father's business!

Olive Branch Discipleship Ministries

The olive branch, God's peace extended,

The Kingdom fully intended

For binding and loosening in God's power;

The signs and the wonders in this latter day hour.

The olive branch in the mouth of the dove

Brought hope and new life; the power of God's love.

Let us learn and excel in the power of the Word;

Let us be rooted and grounded and well assured

That the gifts, the miracles are for this day,

That the of the Word has never passed away.

The oil of the olive, the anointing it gives

Is the Holy Spirit that Jesus lives!

- Diana Rice

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