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A New Beginning

The Lord is not finished. This is a new beginning for the nations on earth if they will seek my face and not only my hand. This is a trying season of time, a season of time of calling forward, a season of extending faith, and a season of time of separation of sheep and goats and wheat from the tares. 

This is a new beginning of fresh anointing on my Believers, a new supernatural time of my presence and of my manifestation. I am assigning angels to support my Believers, to assist and to cover over them. A new supernatural time of angelic visitations and great moves of the Holy Spirit in signs and wonders, provisions, restorations, healings and miracles.

Do not be discouraged and do not be frightened by the words and ways of the world. Look to me, put your trust in me. I will give you common sense, my wisdom, and my knowledge to navigate in a way the world will not recognize.

You must have faith in me and you must learn discipline in the Spirit to succeed and to partner with me. Stand against your fear with common sense, turn your face towards me, look up and receive. It is a discipline and will take some time but as you continue to stand against your fears and stretch forth your faith you will see a mighty move of God.

Do not be discouraged in your nation, I am dealing with your leaders, and with your leaders in the churches. I am waking up my Bride and I am cleaning her up to attend the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, the groom. There is much work to be done so you must learn faith with patience and learn to stand firm and be full of my Kingdom purpose.

As I said to Joshua, be strong and courageous, do not fear for I am with you; I know you have not gone this way before.

Study my Word so you know what is required of you and how you need to partner your faith with mine, how to hear what the Spirit of God will say to you to give you wisdom, discernment and direction to know what to do and to always know that I am with you.

There will be changes in the nations of the world this year, in the USA.  There are many voices in this world, many messengers of fear. My People, my Believers, should not be moved by them. You are to be wise and to be able to discern what is good and what is evil. I do not give my people a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind. 

Rejoice! A New Beginning has come. I will restore back to you what was taken from you so that you will be able to complete your assignments in me and the plan that I have for your life. Be strong. Be steadfast. Be faithful. Be of good courage for I AM with you!  Amen

- Pastor Sandra Matheson


The season of time has come upon the nations of the earth that will begin the separation between good and evil and for it to be very apparent. My Holy

Spirit is moving across the nations and is reaping a harvest for my Kingdom. My hand of judgement is upon these nations, stirring up choices and decisions. This move of judgment is not about politics but is about good and evil. My Church, good is good and evil is evil and you cannot call evil good nor good evil. Chaos, separation, confusion, hatred, bias, racial divisions, death of babies, indifference to the elderly or infirmed - these are the demonic forces over your nations. Because you have called good evil and evil good, these ramifications have come upon your nation.

Let not your heart be overwhelmed by what you hear or see, trust in me, have faith in me. I am always working through the midst of chaos and confusion to bring about a good conclusion for my Church, those who are called by my Name and those who live and walk out my Word throughout their 

day. I am not talking about Religion but about Faith in Me, a relationship with me.

America is struggling with these forces of evil through the division of political parties. I do not have a political party and will not adhere to one. Either you are for me or you are against me. My people need to stop and realize this and move into righteousness in order to be effective for me and for my Kingdom. How do you define what is good and what is evil? You define it against my Word. It does not matter what you believe is good or evil, it matters what my Word says and it will never change.

Look towards goodness in leaders, honesty and integrity, moral foundations that say what is right is right and what is wrong is wrong. My Word tells you what a good leader is and how that leader will impact a nation and a person. The influence of an evil person, one who has their own agenda and purposes for self gain, will permeate a person and a nation and bring destruction. A righteous person will bring peace and unity and will bring glory to me. Make a decision what you will walk in, goodness or evil. The scales hang in the balance and destruction may come at any moment.

- Pastor Sandra Matheson

Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

Proverbs 8:13 The fear of the Lord is hatred of evil. Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate.

Psalm 34:14 Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.

Proverbs14:34 Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.

Psalm 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!

Isaiah 60:12 For the nation and kingdom that will not serve you shall perish; those nations shall be utterly laid waste

2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Acts 10:35 But in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.

- Pastor Sandra Matheson


Dear Father God, may be fall to our knees and bow our heads in submission and honor to you as the one and only sovereign Lord over all the earth an all living things. May we be mindful of your Word, your agenda, your plan for our lives and nations. May we become the people you have called filled with honesty, integrity, goodness and mercy. May we understand that we must hate evil of any kind and stand against it to initiate the goodness of your Kingdom here on earth. May we bring honor to you and glory to your name. we must call good, good and evil, evil - with no reservations.


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