Olive Branch Discipleship Ministries
Moving In His Power and Might
A Faith-based, Non-profit Corporation
Word To The Church 2020:

Hear O Church, what the Spirit of God would say to the Church of 2020:
You have heard that this has been proclaimed as the year of 20/20 vision of the Church, deeper insight into the things of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is so. It is also a year of great sifting and great transition and choices of how my Church will choose to remain faithful to me, to stand firm and to make good choices in me or turn away unto their own understandings. Great pressure has come upon the earth and upon every nation. This is the beginning of sorrows.
A time of testing. A time of faith. A time of trust in me. I time of choices. A time to stand. My Word in Isaiah 7 verse 9b says "If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all." You must make an active choice of your will Church, to stand in your faith in me and not receive the fear the world is trying to impart to you. This time will pass and life and prosperity will resume after the time of shaking has taken place. Remember the Law of First Mention in which the first plague took place, Exodus chapter 12 recounts this event and how I protected my people and provided for them in their transition. I will do so again. Place oil, representing the Holy Spirit, over your doors and on each side and in faith believing you will stand covered and protected. Do not dispise those I have set over you and listen to the wisdom I have given them. Obey.
There is great warfare raging over the nations. America is under attack from within.
Church, you must intercede for your leaders and your nations and I will move with mercy and grace over you. Humble yourselves and seek forgiveness of your sin, O nations, and I will heal and restore. You say, this is not God! He is love, and goodness, and kindness. And I say, Yes, I am. However I am a God of righteousness and judgment as will. I cannot tolerate sin. Come before me and repent!
Remember, my Word is my oath. I am a God that cannot lie.
A righteous man will remain in office and his enemies will not succeed in their plans. I have thwarted the enemy's plans so far and will continue to do so as long as my people call on my name and pray. Do not be fearful, do not faint.
Have faith in God, Church.
- Pastor Sandra Matheson
2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,
then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Acts 3:19 Repent then, and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out, that refreshing may come from the Lord.
Numbers 23:19 God is not a man that he should lie, nor a son of man that he should change his mind.
Psalms 33:12-13 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose 1for his inheritance. From heaven the Lord looks down and sees all mankind, from his dwelling place he watches all who live on the earth.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, may we show ourselves strong in you. May we have understanding that our greatest sin is believing that we don't need you in our lives. This is our greatest sin, pride in our own abilities. Please forgive us of this sin, and all sins that come out of this belief. We repent of our wicked ways in this nation, of taking innocent lives, of witchcraft, of the occult, of false religions, of humanism, of arrogance, of self sufficiency, and so on. Have mercy on our nations, have mercy on your people.