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07.05.2020 A Turning Point

Jeremiah 6:14, 19-21

"They (false prophets and false priests) dress the wounds of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace."

"This is what the Lord says "Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths (of faith and belief), ask where the good way is and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, 'We will not walk in it'. I appointed Watchmen (those who sound the alarm) over you and said, 'Listen to the sound of the trumpet (Shofar).' But you said, 'We will not listen.' Therefore hear O Nations; observe O witnesses, what will happen to them.' Hear O earth: I am bringing disaster on this people, the fruit of their schemes, because they have not listened to my words and have rejected my law.'

A turning point is approaching and it cannot be undone. A time of decision is approaching and must be determined. Wake up Church! Are you not aware of the tactics of your enemy? He is abounding in your nation America and you must wake up! There is a division of hate and love in this nation, a man made division orchestrated by the enemy to perpetrate lies and bring great pain, to divide people and races. This is not of me. I am a God of all and have not a preference of person, gender, or race.

America, you must decide if you are for me or against me, here is no other ground. What you decide on November 3rd will be your destiny. This is not about a man, it is about me. This is about righteousness and evil. So many voices in your nation, yelling, screaming, demanding, bullying. Yes, there are changes to be made and as my people call on me I will bring the justice that is needed. I look at the heart of man. There is no perfect man but in me.

Truth and faith are in the White House now because my presence is there. Socialism is not the way for America, it would only bring her demise and cause her to implode and yet there are those who are demanding it. America, your enemy lies within your nation. Your enemy walks in your halls of politics and justice. I am not a liberal God, I am a loving and forgiving God and will turn your nation around as you pray. You must choose whom you will serve, God Almighty or the enemy of your faith.

This man in the White House is imperfect, he is not a politian and does not speak as a politian. His words are spontaneous and ignite, he speaks out what he sees and what I say. He serves me and is bold to proclaim righteousness.

You must stop looking at man and look at the fruit of his life and his love or lack of love for me.

You have two choices. You must decide. Wake up Church! This is not about political parties, this is about me. This is about love of God and proclaiming that love, this is about being a nation under God and all that means.

Danger lurks. This other man, if brought into office, will not maintain that office for long, he is being used. The second will take over and will bring destruction to America.

You say, 'What a terrible thing to say!' It is true and you know it, it is destruction for this man. I am aGod of my Word and I do not vary.

Listen! Hear Church, wake up! Pray for righteousness and pray for the peace of your nation. Pray for righteousness for all, pray my righteousness prevails.

A decision is coming. A decision to be made. A battle between goodness and evil abounds. A turning point that cannot be undone. Wake up Church!

- Pastor Sandra Matheson

2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, who are called by my name (Believers), will humble them selves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."


Heavenly Father, forgive this nation of her rebellion to you. Forgive us of our sin of rejecting you and the original prayer for this land as it was established. We have sinned greatly in your eyes Lord, in rebellion, in the offerings to Baal, of the acceptance of witchcraft, and of our confusion of man. Forgive us Lord and heal our land. We desire peace and unity, freedom and healing for all - but not according to man's standards or understanding - according to your righteousness and plan for this nation. There are those voices who are trying to incite and to bring in evil to our nation.

We pray healing for them also and the healing of our nation. Forgive us Lord, we repent of our rebellion to you. Thank you Father.

In Jesus' Name, Amen

Proverb 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart. and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight."

Psalms 33: 10,12 "The Lord foils the plans of the nations, He thwarts the purposes of the people."

"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He chose for His inheritance."

2.18.19 A New Season of Time

Listen America! The Lord God says there is a new season of time that is coming to America, not a only in a physical sense but spoken out by Holy Spirit to be a new Spiritual season of time. This season is not initiated by any other spirit other than the Holy Spirit.

Hear what the Spirit says:

A new season of time has come upon the nation of America. This is pivotal to the future of this nation, and to the world because of this nation's influence to the world. There is a great divide in America, between left and right, good and evil, rights and wrongs. The loud and angry voices of Socialism, Humanism, Liberalism, abortion and alternative lifestyles have barraged and shouted down the voice of the Church and my Believers. But no more. My People will rise up and confront with love and concern the affairs of the day. Those who call themselves by my name and believe and work for these issues I will spit out of my mouth. You cannot believe in God and drink out of the devil's cup, you cannot stand if you are a divided house.

America was called the United States of America by its forefathers who listened to me

and were placed in history by me for this purpose. This nation is to be united and I will unite it once again. There is a move of my Spirit about to break across this land and it will not be stopped. It will move and purge away the divisions of this land, it will bring my power and my might to those who will see and receive. This will be a move of the Holy Spirit to call many into the kingdom and to empower those who truly walk with me, to equip them for this season of time.

There are those who speak loudly and strongly against this administration and the President who sits in the White House. Many are set against this man no matter what he says or does. It matters not to me if mankind likes it or not, this is the man I have called to this office and he will remain to serve my purposes. He will be filled with the Holy Spirit to empower him to overcome obstacles set before him. I have set his face like flint and he knows what he is called to do and he will do it. He will complete this term and serve another. No weapon forged against hi will prosper. Words spoken against him I will refute and turn against those who speak them.

In all the loud and hateful voices is the voice of the enemy aimed to discourage my people and to quiet their voices due to fear, But Holy Spirit is my voice and He brings the true message and gives encouragement to my Believers. HE will empower Believers with boldness and anointing in this season of time to speak what I tell them to speak.

Woe to false prophets and false teachers! Woe to pastors who are afraid to teach and lead their people in what is needful for them to survive this season of time spiritually. Woe to all who do not speak truth but speak their own agenda for their own purposes and profits out of their own fears. A man or woman of God cannot house a spirit of fear. I have not given Believers a spirit of fear but of peace and joy and a sound mind.

If these pastors and spiritual leaders and teachers who call themselves by my name do not listen to my Spirit and change their ways I will remove their lampstand from my presence. This is a season of time that not one has lived through before. This is a time of great falling away and great movement of Holy Spirit. This is a time of prophetic fulfillment and alignment of promises, callings, opportunities, blessings, and physical/spiritual miracles.

Come and listen to the Spirit of God. Obey. Be brave. Trust in me.

- Pastor Sandra Matheson 2.18.19

America. 9.14.18 Whom I have called, I have called

I hear my people complaining and muttering and murmuring about the state of the nation of America. Murmuring and complaining about the leadership and the current president. And yet, I hear their cries for the nation to be saved, to be restored, and for righteousness to be restored. So, as I promised, I sent to you a Jonathan for Israel's David. And yet you continue to complain and to speak out untruths about the man I have called and chosen to take the office of the President of the United Stated. You say he is racist, I say he is not. You say he is brash, I say he is bold, you say he exaggerates, I say he speaks truth. You say you don't like the manner of his speech and I say I do! I called him out from the masses of population for such a time as this. Many people are slandering his name and I say be very careful what you say against those that I have called for a high office assignment. I do not take lightly any of those false words spoke against him - and even the out and out lies that have ben said. The nation of America is divided once again as it was in the 60s and 70s because of the former president elected that was not ordained by me. He speaks with calm voice and half truths, soothing and cajoling. Man's choice verses my choice. My Word says that "No weapon forged against (him) shall prosper and that every word spoken against (him) (he) will refute," (Isaiah 54:17) I will say once again that this President is my choice and under his administration, as he seeks my face (and he does!) I will bring this nation back to what I have destined it to be. There are many blessings and great favor over the land of America because of the actions and choices this President has made, and continues to make under my watch. My people must stop this division and the hateful words spoken against this man Trump. Your words will either bring you blessings or curses as a nation. Which do you want? The blind cannot lead the blind or they both will fall into a ditch.

Pray for your leaders and for the government of your land, America. Pray for wisdom and discernment for your president, pray he hear my voice and my directives as I speak to him and to those around him who are to advise him. Pray and stop your muttering! Remember my people who left Egypt with such promise and wealth and yet continued over and over to mutter and murmur, complain and criticize Moses time after time, never got to see the promised land they dreamed of. This is unbelief, doubt, and rebellion. Stop! Put your trust in me! I have promised to lead you and to guide you and to bless you. Allow me to do so by stopping all your negative and hateful words and begin to speak promise words, words of life and prosperity. This President will win another term for I have many plans for him and for this nation, and I will take America back to my bosom and restore her for her assignment.

Your former president desired another outcome and to serve another god. He brought division and chaos but I will take it back. Those who lie and devise an evil plan for this President will fall away. I will turn their words back upon them and they will bear the brunt of my hand. They will lose office and fade away. I am beginning a strong shaking and separating of those in power over the nation of America. Do not be dismayed at what you see and what you hear. Put your trust in me.  

Stop! Pray! Seek my face! Trust and have faith in me! Pray for those who rule over you! Have good courage for I will do the plan that I have and the enemy will not win. This president wants to being safety to your nation's borders. He will do that.

- Pastor Sandra Matheson Sept. 14, 2018  

1.17.18 Transition

The nations of the earth are in transition, says the Lord God. It will appear as chaos

and confusion in some nations but I am bringing a relief of my Spirit into all of that.

This is the measure of relief and open doors

I am bringing to my people, the nations of the earth, and to the work of the Church. My

people are hurting and angry and confused.

It is now time to preach the hard truth with measures of my love. Remember, my love

will cover over a multitude of sins - with accountability and responsibility. I hear my

people cry out as to their part in the Kingdom and I say to you, just be about the Father's business. Be a people of integrity, hope, goodness. Be a people of faith and begin to understand the power of your words. My people bring such chaos into their lives just by their own words and then try to rebuke

the devil. You must own your own words and hear them. Understand that your words

create or destroy. Get out of your flesh and your own understanding and lean into me, I will give you only Truth and truth that heals and empowers you in positive ways. In this transition of nations, and my people, it is time to rise up and be for me and not against me.. You say, how am I against you Lord? By resisting what I say to you, by thinking your own thoughts, by rebellion against my word, and by lack of faith and prayer, and by allowing the nature of the world into your places of worship. You are bragging about your tolerance and your acceptance of other beliefs and I am saying to you that I do not accept them and am calling you to bring these people into Truth.

I am using the United States to initiate this transition of nations. There are those who are resisting my choice, who have become hateful and rebellious and refuse to see. This is not about parties or specific groups of people, this is about right and wrong, righteousness and deception, good and evil. This year I am going to unite this President with his own Party and even with the oppositional party. This President really holds no allegiance to any political party but to his assignment and to the people of the United States. This is about a transition of mindset, heart, and changing from confusion of good and evil. I am working in this President, he is not perfect but he is hearing me and is doing what I have called him to do, his agenda.

The transition of nations is taking place in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Mexico, and all he nations of the earth. There is not one nation, big or small, that I am not present in and working in through my people and through the Holy Spirit. Some nations will hear and receive and some will set their hearts as stone against me. This transition will begin this year and have great results, but will continue through the next 7 years. I will complete the work I have begun. China and North Korea are in for great transition. If they do not hear and obey, I will uproot

and pull away and reveal. The leaders of all these nations are being called up, whether

they know me or not. I hear the cry of my people. Through this transition the prayers of my

people are going to be answered, personally and corporately. I am moving in the White

House, throughout the capitol of the United States and the branches of her government. I

will do the same in China and North Korea. I am calling up nations to do what is right.

Europe will have opportunity to make changes and turn to me. I am talking about the

leadership and those in positions of power. If they do not, Europe will be overrun with the

enemy and these nations will be in shock and fear. I will move among the people but they

must pray and stand up for righteousness. Remember, I inhabit the praises of my people;

and wherever 2 or 3 are gathered in my name, I am there.

As for my church, She has become a place of business in many cases and I am

going to withdraw my presence from them. I am going to move through those who call

themselves Pastors and leaders and deal with them to turn away from their rebellion and

repent; to get back to what I have called them to do: to bring the Truth and Understanding

of my Word to my people and to trust in me and in my Holy Spirit. I will plant and uproot.

Be aware, I know all of your secret sins just as I knew the hearts of the Pharisees. They

were whitewashed tombs filled with dead men's bones. They had no life, only religion.

This transition is for good and not harm. This transition is to reveal the deception you are

under and to give you eyes to see and ears to hear. I am looking throughout the nations

seeking those whose hearts will serve me totally and completely. Do not be dismayed or

discouraged, do not wring your hands and wail as these things take place. Open the eyes

of your heart to see the Hand of your God in the middle of all this. Do not listen or pay

attention to those who rail at these circumstances and at me, for they are far from me and

cannot understand. I AM the Great I AM; I AM the God of the Angels Army; I AM the only

True God. Call on me and I will give you rest. Call on me and I will show you Truth. I will

give you strength and enable you to fulfill your assignments for my Kingdom. Behold, I

will do a new thing. Can you not perceive it? Amen


Almighty God, we praise you in your greatness, in your wisdom, and in your love, for all your

goodness given to us as Believers in Christ Jesus. We recognize you as the only one true

God, that there is none before you and none after you. You are the Eternal God. We ask that

you create within us a clean heart, that you search each one to reveal any unclean thing that

we need to repent of and to bring under the Blood of Christ. We pray for our nations and lift

up our leaders. Move in them Holy Spirit to bring them to Christ. We pray for wisdom and

discernment to be upon our leaders and we pray for unity of agendas. We pray for a great

move of the Holy Spirit among the peoples of all the nations. May they come to Christ Jesus

as their Lord and Savior. Thank you Jesus. Amen  

10.4.17 Signs: God Speaks

Genesis 1:14 And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the

day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years

Matthew 16:2-3 He (Jesus) replied, “When evening comes, you say, ‘It will be fair

weather, for the sky is red,’ and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red

and overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot

interpret the signs of the times! 

Luke 21:25 There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be

in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea

Acts 2:19 I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood

and fire and billows of smoke.


So many times I have heard Believers in Christ say they would like to see “signs, wonders,

and miracles” and I understand what they are saying. I would too. Signs give information,

understanding and directions. However, in every season of time the Great I AM uses the

heavens and the elements to speak to His people and we are missing it. We focus so

much on the disaster and the negative, and we must deal with that for sure, but let's not

get lost in it as the Egyptians did as Moses pleaded with the Pharaoh to let God's people

go. We must understand that our God uses all of His creation to speak when He wants to

and it is up to His people to turn into what is happening and to learn to hear His voice, to

see the bigger event that is happening. I believe He is doing that right now in our nation. I

believe He is doing an astounding thing and we should not miss it. It is like a code that only

His people know, not unlike the parables of New Testament times. As food for thought,

here is what I believe He is saying to this nation right now through all that has happened.

You may not agree, and that is okay with me.

First I will give some explanations regarding the hurricanes, the floods, and the earthquake in Mexico:


*Corpus Christi: Body of Christ

*Hurricane: a strong and power wind force of at least 74 mph, usually carrying intense rain

, sometimes thunder and lightening

*Flood: an outpouring of an abnormal amount of water beyond normal confines

*Harvey: battle worthy

*Irma: war goddess

*Mexico: land of the war god

*Maria: sea of sorrow or bitterness

**A new hurricane on the scene as of 10.6.17: Hurricane Nate. Nate means "gift of God"

Now, putting all that together I believe the message to us from our God is this:

Remember, my rain falls on the just and the unjust; I have no respecter of person. Even in

the middle of chaos and confusion I am moving and speaking and creating. You say,

“What could God possibly create in the midst of trauma and terrible circumstances?”

I say, there has been created the division of nations and peoples and belief systems in

this land, and deliberately and with systematic intent. America is a nation divided and

extreme prejudice. In the process of these natural disasters I have used the elements of

nature to bring a message to this land. Through the process of all these circumstances

people of this nation have come together and to the aid of each other – regardless of

color or belief or sexual orientation. In this process, for a moment in time, you were all

able to see that none of these man-made divisions were important or accomplished

anything. You forgot all this momentarily and this nation came together as one.

Through all these disasters I am sending you a message. You will say, “Why do it with so

much damage and turmoil? I say, “Because you will not see and you will not listen unless

something of this magnitude comes.”


“I am saying to the Body of Christ (those who believe in Jesus Christ) that through a strong

and rushing wind (hurricane) and the abundance of water (flood: removing and cleansing

temporal things that can be lost) I am anointing you to be battle worthy (Harvey), even

though you may not feel you are. You are worthy to do battle against the goddess of war

(Irma: Ashtart, Babylonia - Iran) and to take the ground of the land of the war god (Mexico

and the border/wall); to overcome the season of peoples (sea) mourning (sorrow and/or

bitterness) the losses involved to come to the place where (Hurricane Nate) you will begin

to see the gift of God to this nation, Jesus Christ, and then I will bring the increase, the

increase will come (Jose) to this nation in the form of spiritual increase in the goodness

and growth in Christ, in the revival of favor and spiritual understanding in Christ Jesus, in

favor and prosperity. The enemy of your faith has quietly and very purposefully, even

stealthily, entered into your nation and you have turned you eye away from him - choosing

not to see. Your enemy, Satan, has brought his messengers into your nation to stir you

up and to do you harm and you do not even see it. Wake up! I am giving you a sign, a

message, a warning! I desire to heal your land from the division of peoples that the devil

has brought. I have set those around you to help you, those in high places and places of

authority. And yet, even my people murmur and complain and speak evil of these I have

chosen and set before you. Why? Because they are different? Because they do not speak

the political language you are used to? You must stop this! You must be a people who

see with your spiritual eyes what the hand of God is doing and you must come along side

in agreement. This nation is seeing the goodness of man to each other as you draw

together to overcome the devastation and sadness upon your nation. You pray and I do

and you complain. Why? Come. Have I not called you to be a people strong in my Spirit

and to be separate from the concepts and beliefs of the world? Your enemy stands before

you and you do not see him on the concept of tolerance. This is deception from the enemy

of your faith, your nation. Wake up! See what the Great God Almighty is doing in your

nation! Amen.

** I believe there are great days ahead for this nation of America if her people will come

together as one and forget the line of color and the differences of belief.

-Pastor Sandra Matheson 10.4.1


Dear Father, we pray that we, as a people, can lay aside our differences and join together

to help one another in this time of need in our nation. We don't understand all things but

we do place our trust in You. We pray the goodness of man and the righteousness of your

people will rise up and care for their fellow man, and our nation will heal from all her

divisions. May you move upon our hearts for mercy and kindness to be extended. Help us

all to remember that we are not guaranteed a tomorrow but we do have today. No one

knows when traumas will show up and our losses take place. May your Body of Christ

(Corpus Christi) be all you have called her to be. We pray for healing of body, soul, and

spirit and that You will begin to replace our losses and rebuild homes and jobs. May You

comfort those who have lost their loved ones and heal their broken hearts.


5.5.17 Spirit Moving

My Spirit is on the move! My army is rising up! My people are waking up and rising up! The

Spiritual war is a ground war now. The enemy is salivating over Jerusalem and he shall

not have my city. My city belongs to my people and it shall be restored as the capital city

of their nation once again. Do not be fearful and do not fret, what you see and hear is not

necessarily what is happening for the enemy is stretching truth and veiling truth to bend in

his favor. My Word is true and always has been and always will be. My Word can be

depended upon now and forever. What I have said, that will I do; I will not turn away from

my plan. I have said that I will once again raise up America as a light in this world and

that I am doing. I have said that I will once again bring prosperity upon America and that

I am doing. I have said that I would expose and turn evil upside down in the nation's

capitol for so many have lost the vision for the nation and have turn into their own gain.

They have clocked the truth with deceit and have called evil good, passing laws in the

land that have ensnared so many. All for their own gain and to hide their own sins. I am a

God who sees all and knows all. There is nothing hidden from me, and there is nothing too

hard for me. I am looking for a strong people; people who are determined to bring my

righteousness into this land. Man seems to think that being double minded and being

accepting of all things brings glory to me and I say it does not. I will continue to turn man's

understanding upside down and do the 'unreasonable' to establish my nation to her

rightful place and my people in this government continue to humble themselves and call

on my name for healing in this land. What is right is right and what is wrong is wrong - not

according to man but according to my word. It doesn't matter to me what man thinks for

his understanding is small and limited. It matters that my Word, that I have established,

stands strong forever and never changes. Already the world is taking note of America and

the turn around that is taking place. This is just the beginning. I told you I would raise up

a man of honesty and integrity, a friend to Israel, a man who desires to unite, a man who

will establish goodness once again. This is a season of time that my Spirit is moving

greatly and will establish my Church once again as she was meant to be. Power and

Might will be evident in my people who are called by my name and who has ears to hear

what the Spirit would say and who have eyes to see what the Spirit would reveal. This is

the season of the great move of my Holy Spirit once again and there will be not limits to his

move. He will anoint and raise up my people, he will guide and direct my people. Rejoice

in me! Rejoice for the Spirit is moving and instructing. Rejoice for goodness is on the rise

again. There is a very distinct lint being drawn as division in this nation at the moment. I

have allowed this so that my people can see light from dark, good from evil. I am

beginning to shift the leaders, the shepherds of my sheep. I will have no mercy upon

those who resist and continue to have their own way and teach their sheep deceptive

things. I am sifting 'Christians' from 'Believers'. Do you perceive what I am saying? Do

you understand? Do you receive? I am moving and changing and cleaning up. Decide

this day whom you will serve: Me, man, or the evil one. Amen

-Pastor Sandra Matheson


Dearest Father wake up your people, those who say they know you and love you. Wake

them up Lord and shake them from their slumber. We cannot close our eyes and turn our

heads from the evil around us but we must rise up, speak up, and pray up! We must

become a people in this nation who know how to pray and to pray consistently for our

leaders and for the nations. We must draw even closer to you, we must feed upon your

Word more than ever for great deception is coming. Have mercy Lord and continue to

equip your people - and to raise up the Apostles, the Prophets, the Teachers, Evangelists,

and solid Pastors/Shepherds. Amen

3.8.17 Ground war:

The war has gone from the heavenlies to the ground. The war over American and her

round is purposeful and full of design by the enemy of your faith. A trumpet has been

sounded, a watchman has been appointed. A break in the wall must be prepared and

repaired and now is the season. O you of little faith! Why do you carry on so? Why do

you not see the hand of your God moving to bring you the changes and the blessings

needed for your nation? Stop! Rise up and take your positions! I AM the God of the

angels' Army and I AM moving across this nation in accelerated time and season. I AM

calling forth an army to fight the enemy for your ground. Do you not see what has

happened to your ground? Do you not know? The enemy has come and placed his feet

upon it through riots and vandalism and militant protests, through deaths and much evil.

Have you not had enough? Do you not have all that you need? I have sent a repairer of

the breach to you. Join in with agreement to my plan for your nation. Did I not say to you

that I was not done with America yet? Did I not say that I was going to raise her up and

prosper her once more? Yes! I have said these things. Rise up my people and stand firm

on my word and my promises. This is a season of great promise and great blessings. The

enemy will howl and screech and protest because he wants you to remain in bondage

and despair; he wants to continue the fear and the despair. I am giving you a new breath

of life. Now rise up and take it! Turn to me, trust in me. I am calling what is evil, evil; and I

am calling what is good, good. Are you with me or against me? Stand for what is right

and true; come into unity and agreement for your nation.

- Pastor Sandra Matheson


This is now an accelerated time in the release of the supernatural. There is a window,

a portal, over the United States and the war in the heavenlies has been one. Now is the

time for the ground forces to come together, to withstand the plans of the enemy to

kill and steal and destroy. I am saying to my army,

Rise up! Stand and be strong. Be bold in my name. Submit yourselves to Me, the God of

the Angels' army, resist the devil and he will flee from you!" There has been a reprieve

over the American nation for the Spirit of

God to move and occupy and I am

looking for those who will stand with me and hear the voice of their commander. Have

I not told you that I am not done with America yet? Have I not told you that I have a

Jonathan for my David? Did I not say that America would be a land of prosperity once

again? What I say I will do! Do not be fearful and the business of the United States

moves forward and changes. Evil is evil and yet it becomes normal when submitted to.

Now you will begin to see the contrast between evil and the goodness of your God. Pray

my people. Pray and uphold your president and his people, his family, his businesses. I

have called him and equipped him for such a time as this. Pray for Israel, the apple of

my eye. Become a great people of prayer and praise and thanksgiving. Watch and see

the hand of your God move and create and bless and grant favor.


- Pastor Sandra Matheson


Psalm 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He has chosen as

is own inheritance

I am breathing a new breath upon the nations of the earth. I am breathing new life.

To the nation that will receive I will begin a restoration. To each believer I will begin

a new work, a work of restoration and resurrection of their mind and spirit. Each

Believer must begin to clear their mind of thoughts, agendas, and beliefs that do not

line up with My Word. No longer can you profess something with your mouth and not

believe it in your spirit and receive from Me. Your actions must now begin to line up

with your words. You have not because you ask amiss. Who do you say I AM?

America is rising up. Look, I am doing a new thing and who can understand it? I am

confounding the logic of man and moving My own agenda for America. The world is

shifting and posturing and vying for power. The United Nations is crumbling and

eventually will be no more. Each nation will be responsible for itself and its peoples;

each leader will answer to Me. Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed. Have faith

in God! America ill be prosperous again and will be a great friend to My David. As I

have said, I will bless those who bless Israel and I will curse those who curse Israel.

Pray for your leaders America. Pray for your shepherds, and pray for the prophets.

I hear My people cry out to Me for the miracles they need, for the healings they

need. My Word is healing balm and wherever it is sent it will accomplish that for

which it is sent. You shall have according to your faith. So, have faith in God!! I will

manifest the answers to your prayers for I AM a good God, full of mercy and grace.

I am searching out those who will serve me with all their heart, all their soul, and all

their mind.

- Pastor Sandra Matheson

Proverbs 15:3 The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the


Psalm 101:6 My eyes shall be on the faithful of the land, That they may dwell with

me; He who walks in a perfect way, He shall serve me. 

2 Chronicles 16:9 (MSG) God is always on the alert, constantly on the lookout for

people who are totally committed to him. You were foolish to go for human help when

you could have had God's help. Now you're in trouble - one round of war after



Though the seas roar and strong winds blow, I - the Great I AM - never sleeps and

never changes. No matter what man says or man plans, I will take and make it a

profitable thing for those of my people who are attending their ear to me. Do not be

fearful nor be anxious as one who has no hope, for even in the midst of what seems

confusing or chaotic, I am there. I have a plan for those who are called by my name.

I have a plan within a plan that will continue even as earthy changes take place. Do

not believe the enemy when he says to you that all is lost and all is done. This is not

so! Did I not say that in all things I will make good for my people? The enemy is

roaring over America right now and this seems to be all that my people can see. And

yet I am continuing to move and restore and make good. Turn your faces to me. Put

your trust in me. Have faith little ones, for I am here and I am still on my throne.

Remember what my Word says: IF my people, who are called by my name, will humble

themselves and pray and turn away from their wicked ways, I will hear and come and

heal their land. I am a God that does not lie. What I say I will do, I will do. I am

placing the power of change into my people's hands to initiate this change. Have

faith in me. Trust in me that all things will work for the good of those who love me.


- Pastor Sandra Matheson

Prayer: Father God, have mercy on the nation of America. Forgive us our arrogance

and self-reliance. Forgive this nation who has turned her back to the things of God

the Father and has presumed to think she is a god unto her self. Forgive the sins of

this nation Lord, the sins of greed, arrogance, entitlement, pride, self-reliance, and

the worship of Baal. Forgive us of our many sins and remember that you have those

who love you and serve you with all their hearts in this nation. We pray for a good

leader, one who has the good of the people in mind, just as Cyrus did as the

Babylonian Empire was destroyed. He was not a believer in you but had an ear opened

to you. Give us a leader who will do your will and be open to your leadership. Forgive

America for her sins and have mercy upon us. Amen

- Pastor Sandra Matheson

Psalm 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, The people He has

chosen as His own inheritance.

Isaiah 45:1 [ Cyrus, God’s Instrument ] Thus says the Lord to His anointed, To

Cyrus, whose right hand I have held— To subdue nations before him And loose the

armor of kings, To open before him the double doors, So that the gates will not be


Isaiah 44:28 .......Who says of Cyrus, ‘He is My shepherd, And he shall

perform all My pleasure, Saying to Jerusalem, “You shall be built,” And to the temple,

“Your foundation shall be laid.”

9.24.16 A New Change

Why are my people so anxious? Why are my people professing negative things with

their mouths over America? Have I not said and have I not promised to send a

Jonathan from America for my David of Israel? Have I not promised change and a

renewing of America? You of little Faith! What have begun I will complete. Pray for

this nation my people!! Pray for Israel. There is great warfare going on in the

heavens over America. The enemy of your faith desires to bring destruction upon

her but I have decreed that this is not the time or the season. If my people will pray

and repent of their wicked ways, I will stay my hand and restore America to what

she has been called to be. I will cover and protect the Apple of My Eye - Israel as

well. I am calling out for my Bride.

I am telling Her to prepare, to get ready for I, the Bridegroom, am making

arrangements to come soon! I am looking for a Bride without spot or wrinkle; a

Bride who is moving in Her authority and power given to Her by Her Bridegroom.

Wake up My Bride! Prepare yourself! Rise up into Your fullness and Your promises!

Do not be anxious. Do not be afraid. Do not be fearful. Do not resist change because

it is of the extraordinary and not of the usual. Have you not cried out to Me for

change? Have you not cried out to Me for a revealing of the hidden things? Have you

not cried out to Me for justice in this nation? I am bringing change to you that will

heal and restore and unite you once again. The enemy has brought change, change

that has divided and destroyed and capitulated to the enemy over and over again;

change that has thumbed his

nose at Israel, My Chosen Ones. This shall not be anymore. Do not remember

former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. I am doing a new thing! Rejoice My People!

Lift up your hands to Me and rejoice! There is a season of refreshing, of

restoring, of replenishing, of favor and blessings coming; a season of great power and

healing moving over this nation. Believe and receive! Rejoice and be glad!! - Amen

- Pastor Sandra Matheson

7.29.16 Did I not Give Warning?

France, Germany, Belgium, did I not say to you - through this Prophet- many, many

months ago that your enemy was invading your lands with a smile on his face and a

dagger up his sleeve? Did I not say to you that the blood of old would run on your

lands again? Did I not give you warning? America I have given you the same warnings.

England, the same. And yet you continue to ignore the warnings and the blood is

running. Your leaders cry out to be welcoming, to ignore proper ways, not to follow

laws for safety. I say to you that if you continue, more blood will run, more hearts

will bear loss. Foolishness, foolishness! Head my warnings!

- Pastor Sandra Matheson

7.14.16 A Choice for America (revision 7.29.16)

America, you stand on the brink of changing history in your nation. There is warfare

over your nation and yet you do not seem to notice it. What will it take to show you

what is happening in your nation? There is division and strife between your people,

there is war against your authority, and there is a transfer of wealth but it is not

my transfer. This transfer is being stolen from you will you slumber with your eyes

wide open. This is not the Plan that I have established for this nation. There is

about to be a huge burst of the move of Holy Spirit over your nation, and the nations

of the earth. It is here, it is ready, and it is beginning. America you are reaping your

tolerant nature and the enemy has stealthily entered in and yet you do not see. Your

leaders are in another agenda and mindset and it is not mine. Your leaders are full of

their own understanding and want their own power to change. You asked for change

and I gave you change just as I did with the nation of Israel and King Saul. The

change that has entered in is dark and void of my Spirit. And yet, I will have mercy

because I hear the cries of my people in this nation, on this land. You are about to

choose a new leader and new leadership. Choose very carefully. Listen to their words.

Do their words, actions, and life add up to the content of my Word? But you say,

‘Lord, both are evil and I don’t know which one to choose!’ I have chosen this leader,

this Jonathan, for this nation and to be a friend to Israel, my David. I have chosen

this leader who has startled you with words and concepts and not with smooth

talking or what you are use to hearing. His is words seem to be brash, jangling,

startling. And yet you do not see. You have a choice of risk and change or status quo.

America, you have an opportunity to turn into blessing or to turn into deeper sorrow.

Just because your national leaders have instilled laws and mandates for sin and

rebellion against me, it does not mean that these laws and mandates are of me or

that I approve of them. Those of my people, those called by my name, need to wake

up and discern the times and seasons of their nation. I am a good God, I am a loving

God, but I am also a Holy God of what is right and what is wrong. Remember that

my ways are higher than your and my thoughts are greater and fuller than your

thoughts. Wake up America! I have chosen a leader for you. It is time to put the old

familiar ways behind you and embrace the new I am giving you. I tried once before an

d yet you chose the same familiar ways and here you are. Wake up America! Wake up

my people! You are at a point of a Spiritual crossroad in your nation.

Jeremiah 6:16-21

This is what the Lord says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient

paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.

But you said, ‘We will not walk in it.’ I appointed watchmen over you and said, ‘Listen

to the sound of the trumpet!’ But you said, ‘We will not listen.’ Therefore hear, you

nations; you who are witnesses, observe what will happen to them. Hear, you earth:

I am bringing disaster on this people, the fruit of their schemes, because they have

not listened to my words and have rejected my law. What do I care about incense

from Sheba or sweet calamus from a distant land? Your burnt offerings are not

acceptable; your sacrifices do not please me.” Therefore this is what the Lord says:

“I will put obstacles before this people. Parents and children alike will stumble over

them; neighbors and friends will perish.”

2 Chronicles 7:14

“…if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and

will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

Isaiah 43:18-19

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!

NOW it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and

streams in the wasteland.”

- Pastor Sandra Matheson


Heavenly Father, cause us to be willing to open our eyes and hearts to a new thing in

our nation. Help us to remember we can see through your eyes if we choose to. Now

is the time, now is the season. Let us turn away from what has already been done and

not turn back, but turn into a new thing, a new beginning. Let us seize the moment;

let us seize the Kingdom. Let us do the right thing because it is the right thing to do.

Let us be daring for the Kingdom of our God. May your blessing and favor rest upon

this great nation and out of that may all the nations be blessed. May you strengthen

our bond and service to your people, the nation of Israel. Thank you for your great

mercy and your great grace. Amen.

6.17.16 America:

Awake! Awake I say! I am doing a new thing and yet you do not perceive it. You are

stuck in the old ways, the familiar ways, and you are fighting for the old. Am I not

the God of creation? Am I not continuing to create – just look at the heavens! And

yet my people are alarmed and are wringing their hands and whispering ways to

hinder my will and my progress for this nation of America, and throughout the

nations of the world. Did I not reveal to you that I would defeat ISIS? Did I not

say that my Spirit is moving in the enemy’s camp and changing hearts and thoughts and

beliefs? Why do you not believe this! How would I do this? Would I hide this from my

people? No, I raising up America and she will become a diamond in the darkness once

again. Do not be alarmed but continue call on my name and I will show you deliverance.

What you are which will afford peace and prosperity. I have stated many, many, times

that I am raising up a Jonathan for my David and yet you do not hear. You do not

perceive. Is not my Word full of the unusual things I did upon this earth? Did I not

tell you that I would take the foolish things and confound the wise with them? Listen!

Do you not hear the rushing of the Angelic army assigned to my people and to the

nations who serve me? I AM the God of the Angelic Army! Stop resisting and come

together as one and I will pour out my Power and Glory, begin seeking my agenda! This

is the season of the unusual and the pouring out of my Spirit once again. I have a

plan and it is to give you hope and a future and not to harm you in any way. Listen

O nations of the earth! Come and call on me! Come and listen to me and see this

amazing thing I desire to do. Do not hear the lies and fears and agenda of the enemy,

the devil, but turn into me.

- Pastor Sandra Matheson 3.17.16

Prayer: Heavenly Father calm our nerves! We desire to have change, to have the

agenda of our God, to flourish and prosper our nation and the nations of he earth.

We desire to stand in peace and power to be part of the great spiritual harvest you

are initiating on this earth. Forgive us Lord, for our mistrust of you, for our lack of

faith in you, for not believing you to do what you have said you would do. We pray

that you shake up this nation of America, to shake out the wrinkles of her wedding

dress and her beliefs, to shake out the old and gather in the new. We trust that you

will give us a President who is a man of honesty and integrity, who has a pliable heart

before you, and who loves Israel. We desire to serve you and to trust you. Have your

way Lord and may we stand with you and see the wonders you will do! Amen




China is beginning to struggle and their money is devalued. The enemy creeps into

Europe and blood spills over the lands again. The enemy slithers into Britain and

America thinking he can kill, steal, and destroy, and yet I reveal and destroy him.


France: Be alert. Be wise but not in your own eyes. Do not be arrogant or overconfident. There is an enemy invading your land and you slumber. This enemy is sly and cunning and devious in his tactics. He knows your weaknesses and he knows your fears. You must stand up and turn to Me. I am your saving grace. Financially it is still difficult and there will be another season of difficulty. I am calling on My people to stand up and pray for their nation and for their leader. I have a rich harvest in this land. I will show myself strong to them and in them. When they are weak, I am strong in them. Look! Do you not perceive it? I am doing a new thing, initiating a new calling and a new strength. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. new strength.

-Pastor Sandra Matheson 12.18.15


Europe: Beware. Your enemy has risen up and means to cause chaos, destruction, and confusion in your lands. Your lands cry out with the blood of those who sacrificed in days of old when the enemy thundered through your nations. Will you not heed your enemy now? Will you allow your enemy to continue to deceive you and speak out of both sides of his mouth to you? He wills to instill fear and dread into your lands. One by one by one, your enemy is rising up and will stand forth in each of your nations and you must conquer him or he will

conquer you. This is not a war about land but a war of ideology and you must determine what it is that you believe. I set before you a choice of Life and death. Choose Life and I will sustain you and you will conquer your enemy. Choose death and he will shed your blood. Your enemy bears many names but spouts the same rhetoric. You must see that the days are perilous and things are not the same as was. Put your trust in Me. Call on Me. Choose Me this day and I will give you wisdom and I will reveal your enemy to you, I will expose the hidden plans. Do not put your trust in man’s strength. Without the arm of God, man’s strength is feeble. Heed the Word of the Lord.

-Pastor Sandra Matheson 1.15.15


Europe: The blood of European soils cries out to Me. Have you forgotten what the Prince of Darkness brought unto you? Do you not remember? An enemy is an enemy until they repent of their ways to Me. I have warned you that you evils and it will bring devastation and destruction unto your nations. Religion is not moving you into a personal relationship with Me. You must turn into Me and rest IN Me! Wake up! Rise up! Break away from church tradition and move into the grace and favor and anointing I have for you. One nation at a time, one leader at a time, and it will light the fire and My Spirit will roll in with power and authority and freedom. 


Be careful. Be aware of what you are stepping into, what your agreements and alignments are. Be careful; all is not what it seems to be and your enemy lies waiting at the door. The old ways of prejudices are not productive for you. Do not embrace the ways of old, the thoughts of old. The blood of the ground cries out to Me and I hear it! I hear the legacies of those who shed blood on your ground the legacies that were cut off and incomplete. Be careful.

-Pastor Sandra Matheson 12.18.14


Europe, you are playing with fire and yet you are fascinated with it and will not turn from your old ways. Religion, religion, religion. What good is religion? I have come to you over and over and yet you persist in your own agenda. Look at your history. Look at the blood on your ground. Do you not see? Will you not change? The old ways are rising up and you are embracing them. You will think you have power for a moment, you will think you have good alliances for a moment, but all will come down. The same evil spirit that ruled over your nations of old wishes to rise up again and is so doing destructive it was back then and how destructive it will be again. Will you not turn away from it?

- Pastor Sandra Matheson


America: Be careful America! The enemy is laying a snare for your feet, and one that will be difficult to get out of! All is not what it seems to be. Stop. Breathe. Wait. I will unveil the Truth and expose the lie. So many of your leaders are being deceived because of their own understandings and because of self-agendas. I say to you, America, wait. The enemy will thrust you into a deceitful agenda and, if you accept, you will grieve - your people will grieve. Beware of the enemy you cannot see, not the one you see. The one you cannot see comes to you with soothing and soft words, sneering at you behind your back, daggers in their words. Your enemy comes to you disguised in a friend's cloak but hides an enemy's heart. You are being deceived more from within then from without. I ask America Would you support your enemy

d you support your enemy? Would fight alongside your enemy and not think your enemy would not reach out to destroy you?' Your leaders are dull in their thinking because of wanting to be politically correct, trying to appease everyone. This enemy that you cannot see - because you choose not to see - is of more danger and destruction to you than you can even imagine. Wake up My People! Pray for your leaders. Pray for mercy over your land. Pray for lies to be exposed, for dangerous alliances to be exposed, for true agendas and beliefs to be exposed. Pray for Truth to be revealed in such a way that it cannot be denied by those who lead you. Pray for your leaders! Pray!There is a great deception being formulated to gain an enemy's agenda.Do not be fooled and do not move until you see Truth. Because of this deception, your leaders - your President - cannot hear the words of a Friend, the words of a true ally. Though this friend speaks truth, your leader chooses the lie. Seek Me America and I will show you the way to go! I have a following of Believers in this land, says the Lord God Almighty, and I will not let go of them and they will not let go of Me. I will hold them in the palm of My Hand. They have cried out to Me and I have heard their cries; I will answer their cries.... Wait. Watch and see, I will reveal the Truth in place of the lie! Amen

- Pastor Sandra Matheson 9.5.13


Europe, there is a silent evil that is creeping over you, stealthily and purposefully. You have allowed it, you have encouraged it. You are being lulled into believing that you will overcome, that you will conquer, that your enemy is your friend. Your enemy is deeply entrenched in you and you cannot discern him, you cannot see him or smell him or feel him. But he is there and waiting. Just as the former Antichrist of the past overtook you with winking eyes and flattering lips, so shall the coming Antichrist. You are so filled with the nonsense in your head that you cannot hear your heart. I am knocking on the door of your heart. You have a form of religion but it is dead and useless. You have no place for Christ. You pride yourself on your enlightenments but you are steeped in darkness. The occult overcomes you; it is rooted in you; it is evil and cunning and terrifying - yet you do not see. Remember days of old when the evil over ran you, when your lands were flooded in blood and war. How easily you forget! How quickly you turn back into your folly! How simple it is to deceive you once again! Your governments will fall, your financial institutions will come tumbling down, your peace will collapse. Turn to Me before it is too late. Look! Your enemy hides in the tall grasses and you cannot detect him. He blends in with the land. Your enemy comes dressed in fine garments and draped in mesmerizing words that drop like honey from his lips, and yet you are not aware of him. He will strike you quickly from the inside out and you will be destroyed and wailing in sorrow.

-Pastor Sandra Matheson 8.26.11


**China, Listen to the Spirit of the Lord! Your leaders are moving in greed and in lies and in deception and in all their evil planning and in their evil alliances! It is time that you be aware that you are not as powerful as you seem to think that you are! What you have spoken of in the darkness concerning the American financial system/currency and the proclamations you have made and laughed about concerning this, I will turn upon you! What you put your strength in will collapse and be as nothing.The heavy iron fist that you have displayed for many, many years is about to be broken and turned inward upon those in leadership who are in opposition to Me and who are listening to and agreeing with the Evil One. His time will be but is not now. Behold, now is the time and now is the season that My hand will fall upon your nation. Repent and turn away from all this wickedness and from all the oppression that you rule in! Repent and turn unto Me before it is too late, for I am coming and I will take a great harvest from you and the blood of the martyrs will cry out to me for judgment against you! Step out of darkness and into the light! Repent! Amen

Pastor Sandra Matheson 8.28.11


Be still and know that I am God. I see all things and know all things. There is nothing that happens that I am not aware of. You must know, and you must believe, that I am in control. I hold the universe together; I hold the planets, the moon, the sun, the stars, all together – there is nothing too hard for Me. Why do you doubt? Why do you murmur and complain, why do you take on these offenses that you perceive? Surely it is time for My children to grow up and to move from babies to mature believers in Me! It is time to lift your head and throw back your shoulders, to stand tall and firm in Me and all that I have given to you. I cannot do any more, I have given all unto you to use and to prosper with. Reach out and take it! Appropriate all that is yours. Become trained and disciplined in what I have provided to you, you have all that you have need of, and yet you do not know.

Wake up dear children. Wake up My beautiful bride; your slumber is over and it is time to get ready. It is time to b about My business and the work I have for you. My people are dying and perishing in their spirit and this should not be! Where are my Shepherds? Where are My Teachers and Prophets, Apostles and Evangelists? I have set these in every church and yet My people remain unaware. Wake up! Time is short and I am seeking out laborers for harvesting the fields. Why do you languish about? Where are you?

Do not say that you do not know what to do! Do what My Word says to do and I will do the rest. Step out in faith and step away from fear. Your unbelief is stifling to Me! What more must I do? You lack not one good thing; you lack not one Spiritual gift. Take a step and watch what I will do!! Wake up dear children! I am waiting for you. Amen

- Pastor Sandra Matheson 11.28.15


Dear Lord, wake up the courage within us! Wake up the prophesy and the encouraging and the edifying that we need within our church. Stir up our pastors, our shepherds, to be courageous and impart these things to us. Stir up our spirit to rebuke the destroyer and to appropriate your Gifts to us. Let us be the solution and not the problem! Amen

Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

Proverb 2:10-11 “For wisdom will come into your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul; discretion will watch over you, and understanding will guard you.”

1 Corinthian 1:17 “Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed.”

5.19.15 Words of Man

Words, words, words! Man has so many words to say such few things! Much talk, much posturing, much posing and indications of power. Throughout the nations this is going on. I am not impressed. Through the history of this earth there have been words and pronouncements, rulers, regimes and kingdoms, nations and peoples, and all have fallen, imploded, or disappeared as if they never were. Only the Word of the Sovereign Lord remains. Only the Word of the Sovereign Lord stays the same, it never changes, it never passes away. Promises and pledges, so persuasive and appealing to the ego and pride of man! And yet, the Promises of the Sovereign Lord stands and is fulfilled, without fail. When will man ever learn? When will man turn to me? There is an army that I am raising up. This army is beginning to gain strength and to be bold and to arise for its purpose. Man says, ‘Where is this coming of the Lord? Where is it? I do not see it so it cannot be!’ Man says ‘This is foolishness, we are all gods, we make our way, we make our destinies and our decisions.’

Ah, but my ways are not your ways, says the Lord. My ways are higher than man’s. My ways prevail. Look to the history of the earth. Where are these men now? Where are these great nations now?

Listen, Believers of God Almighty, the Great I AM; listen to what the Spirit of God says: There is a time coming in which I will be seen and I will be glorified. There is a time in which I will release the power of heaven to flow over this earth, over these nations, to gather my people. There is a time now in which I desire to restore and raise up. This is the time and season of the releasing of my power. And yet, only those who are looking for it and seeking after it will see it and recognize it for what it is. They will be the army and they will partake in my glory. I am not done with the nations of this earth just yet.

I speak to America and I say to her, ‘Do not be discouraged. Do not be confused; for I am a God of order and there a season of time yet for order. Through all the confusion, and the noise of many voices claiming and proclaiming, I will make clear my way. As my people pray for this nation of America I will heal and restore. I will do the same for any nation on this earth if they will but humble themselves and call on my name, repenting of their wicked ways that keep them separated from me. It is not my desire that any should perish or fall under the Judgment. It is my desire to move with mercy and bring all that desire to, to come unto me. You say, I will believe when I see. You say, there is still time. I say, Call out my name! Invite me into your hearts! I will come. Like a flood I will rush in and heal and restore.

Listen what the Spirit of the Lord is saying.

- Pastor Sandra Matheson 5.19.15

5.5.15 Transition

And so it begins, says the Spirit of God. There is a change beginning, a transition from the old to the new. America, though there is great upheavals in your cities, though there is tremendous unrest, the Spirit of God is moving and beginning a new thing; a transition, a restoration, a renewing of concepts and values. Though man may think he has all the answers and that he is a god unto himself, I declare that he is not. Look what all the efforts of man have done. Look what the understanding of man has implemented. Look at the fruit of all these decisions in your land, and to what avail, to what end? And yet there is a movement, there is a powerful movement in the Spirit. I am rising up my people who are called by my name; a people who know Truth and a people who are not afraid to call out my name and to identify with me. This is not head knowledge or empty words to impress; this is heartfelt contrition and repentance, a boldness to stand up for God Almighty and to say enough! Do not say all is lost. Do not be discouraged and filled with fear. Do not say all is hopeless, we must run, we must hide, and we must horde away. Is this faith? NO! Listen. Do you not hear the sound of victory moving across this land? Have I not said that I am not done with America? Have I not said that I will rise up a Jonathan for my David? Have I not established a bond between America and Israel? Have I not said these things? Yes. I have! And what I say I will do, I will do! I have brought into office, into the Congress, new men and women who seek after me. They are bold in me and purposeful for me.

I am rising up a man to be the next president, and I am rising up a man to be vice prIesident. This time, as my people pray, this I will do. My choice was rejected by the people last time, a slight of hand, a winking of the eye. Man looked on the outer appearance and not the intent of the heart.

As this man comes into office, a budget will be balanced, prosperity will abound, a fresh move of my Spirit will wash over this land, and righteousness will be restored. I will turn the hand of the enemy who desires to destroy you and to wreck havoc in this nation. Love of nation and patriotism will not be a thing to be ashamed of any longer.I will raise up a boundary over this nation. I will bring healing and restoration. I will accomplish that which I have declared to do.

Look! Already the dollar is improving; already I am turning upon your enemies with their words of destruction. Russia is sinking, their money devalues and the people suffer under a man who desires to be czar. China is beginning to struggle and their money is devalued. The enemy creeps into Europe and blood spills over the lands again. The enemy slithers into Britain and America thinking he can kill, steal, and destroy, and yet I reveal and destroy him.

I have called out a people in these nations to rise up and to proclaim my name, to stand firm in me and to pray. I am raising up leaders who will right the wrongs and restore what is good. The enemy’s mouth is filled with blood and his teeth reek with flesh. He is bolstered with conquest and false power - all to his ruin.

Ukraine, I have not forgotten you, I have not let go of you. I am with you, those of you who call on my name. Do not be discouraged and do not lose heart. Trust in me even though you do not yet see the end. Look, listen, I am moving in miracles in your land.

Israel stand firm. I am with you. I will strengthen you by my mighty right hand. I will cover you over and under my wings. There is one who ‘stirs the pot’ and I will use him to reveal the hidden things and then I will remove him.

Iran and Turkey: an agreement, and arrangement to be made and to fall apart.

Iran will not honor her agreement America. What is spoken is not the intent of the heart. A shaking of hands, a nodding of the head, a smile on the lips – all to no avail; secrets; whisperings. Patience, they say. We will wait and we will have patience. We will set a snare…….. We will talk, we will offer tea, we will have a conversation… Be aware that what man wants may be what man gets, and this will bring destruction. Turkey will have enough and will turn on the agreement.

ISIS, your day is coming to an end. You are filled with false power and I will bring destruction upon you. I will turn you from the inside out.

- Pastor Sandra Matheson 5.5.15

4.8.15 Visions:

I have never placed any of the visions or dreams that the Lord has given me on this website. However, I am going to place several today. I am not going to give any interpretation of them; I will let them stand as they will for now. I also want to say that I have no personal issue with any leader of our nation, only with the politics that are contrary to God’s Word. To me, that crosses over all barriers of politics, race, and gender. – Pastor Sandra Matheson

Vision 1:

I see the White House from the front. The flag is at half-mast. It feels somber. There is a large mass of people, of all races and genders, standing around the fence that protects the house and the grounds, and they are very still and very quiet. It seems to me to be shock and expectancy of some sort. A lull, a pause, is taking place. An attack of some sort?

Vision 2:

I am seeing a large room, a formal room. I see military men of highest rank and order, of every branch of service of the United States. They are standing at attention, shoulder to shoulder, in unity. They seem to be very serious and thoughtful, full of resolve and purpose, in agreement. I feel that there has been a decision made and the seriousness of it is heavy in the air. No one moves. Everyone is waiting for the order to come. Who will give the order?

Vision 3:

I see the ground under the White House shaking and spit. A dark cloud is over it, a storm with rolling clouds, and a fist appears, smashing down on the dome of it. The dome falls, crashing to the ground. The covering, the lid, is off and exposure is there.

I hear the words “Division, lack of unity; brokenness and discouragement; every man is leaning unto his own understanding.”

Then I see a huge ball of great light and fire moving across the land, leaping up and dispelling the darkness and the ‘storm’ above the White House. I know this is the power of God and the moving of the Holy Spirit. What the enemy of our Faith desires to do, the great God of heaven and earth, the great I AM, is moving to block and to dispel, to turn this nation around.

He says. “Through the power of prayer I will turn this nation around and repair and restore and bring new hope and new life. Because of the prayers of my people will I turn around what the enemy means to do. Pray!”

- Pastor Sandra Matheson 4.8.15


2 Chronicles 7: 14 “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn away from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”


I will do for America what I did for Israel. As my people prayed my hand moved and I sat Benjamin Netanyahu in office one more time. I hear the controversy, the muttering and the mumbling. I hear and I know. However, I have a plan to use this man. I have a plan for Israel, for her good and not her demise.

America: Do not lose hope, do not be dismayed. Pray for the deliverance of your land. Man has spoken and yet it was not my plan. Mr. Obama and Mr. Kerry feel that they have done a great thing. Mr. Obama wants to leave a great legacy in his name and Mr. Kerry wants to be president. Each man with his own agenda, in his own understanding.

I will sit a man in the White House, as I planned to do before, who will bring healing and restoration to this land. He will not see color nor will he see gender. He will see what is right and what is wrong. I will give him the ability to reconcile and he will have honesty and integrity. Wisdom will fill his thinking. The prosperity of his hands will bring financial blessings to this land of America. I am not finished with America. I am not finished with Israel. I am not finished with those nations that are fighting for truth and for what is right. I am not finished. Darkness will not win. Pray America, for your new president. Do not be apathetic; do not bury your head. Pray. This election is very important for America. Pray.

ISIS will not prevail. Confusion and chaos will fill their camps and I will do in them what I did in the Midianite camp for Gideon. My Spirit is moving in the midst of their camps and I am breathing new life into men and women, children. I will take a great harvest from out of the middle of them. Their mouths are filled with blood; their hearts burn with a lie. They serve the god of war and destruction, death and blood. They are blind and do not see, and their wills are filled with rebellion. And yet I will have a harvest and no devil can stop me and no man can stop me. I hear the cries of my people and I will avenge them. Watch and see.

I am the Lord God Almighty. I am the God-of-the-Angels-Army. I AM that I AM. Is there anything too hard for me?! Amen

- Pastor Sandra Matheson 4.1.15

3.28 .15

Silence in heaven. Stillness. The Spirit of God is moving, the Holy Spirit is at work. Do you not see, O nations of the earth? Do you not see what the Great I AM degrees will be and will stand? Who can thwart the plans of God Almighty? How deception flew, how the peoples schemed! And yet, Benjamin Netanyahu withstood and the plan of God prevailed. The nations say, their leaders say, Israel is not to be; Israel should be divided; Jerusalem should be divided or declared an international city. Do you not know that Israel is born of Me? How can you rail against this and continue to work against Me?

Listen, says the Spirit of God, If My people, who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and turn away from their wicked ways, I will come and heal their land. I will renew their land and explode My faith upon it.

America: What I have done for Israel I will do for you. Have I not said that I would raise up a Jonathan for My David?Yes! This I will do if My people will persevere and seek My face and pray. Hear Me! I am not done with Israel. I am not done with America. I am not done with the nations of the earth.

America, there is fear in the White House. There is disarray. There is confusion. How I have called out to your leader and yet he insists on going his own way.

There is a turn coming, a change is taking place. Have faith in your God, the Great God, the only God of heaven and earth. Rise up America. I am sending you a man for the Presidency that is honest, intelligent, full of integrity. Pray for this man. He is called by Me to turn this nation around.

Russia: A shaking is going on in Russia. I am moving in this land and I am dealing with the leadership. This leader thinks he is all powerful, immutable, unstoppable.

How he postures and struts! Little does he recognize that My fist is coming down and the outlook of this land is changing. And yet, I will have mercy on those of this land who call out My name and turn to Me. I will have mercy and will pour out My grace upon them. I will reap a great harvest from this ground.

Great Britain: Stop! Think of the alliances you are making! Is this of Me? Stop and think and see what is creeping over you. Do not buy the lie but turn into the Truth, My Truth. I have a purpose and a plan for this nation and yet you continue to move in your own understanding. Your enemy is at your door, smiling, smooth, subtle, -and yet with blood on his teeth. Wake up. Hear the word of the Lord. Turn unto Me and I will bless your land

Though the nations strut and though the nations rage and plan and devise their own strategies, it is I, the God-of-the-angels army that will prevail and have My way. ISIS appears strong and ferocious. They thrive on fear, but not all is as it seems to be. I am moving even in their midst, in their ranks, gleaning a great harvest of salvation from out of them. North Korea is fracturing, unstable, pushy. Sickness in leadership. Ukraine, I hear and I see. I see the blood and the pain. I have not forgotten nor have I forsaken you. Come unto Me, call unto Me, unite in Me.

- Pastor Sandra Matheson

1.15.15 France and the Nations

Did I not say, and did I not declare, says the Lord, that France and Europe had an enemy hidden deep within their lands? Did I not warn that this enemy was dangerous and deceitful? Have you not learned from the past of your nations how deceitful the enemy can be? Although the enemy has changed name and language and clothing, the enemies’ hearts are the same. Evil, destructive, decimating all within their path - with no mercy and no quarter; without reason. France, Europe, now you have seen, now the world has seen. My people, and the nations, must stop calling evil good and good evil. Evil is evil. Deception is destruction. France has risen up. France has declared war on this enemy. France has become a leader. The nations have rallied together and now, if this is truly so, the enemy will be destroyed and scattered. For their time is not yet, their day is not now. However, the time is coming and coming soon that it will be. The world has seen what will be, on a small scale, when My Spirit is taken up from this earth – when I come back and snatch My Peoples away suddenly and without warning. At that time the enemy will rush in with a vengeance and overtake all, and destroy all who will not comply. Turn to Me, O Nations of the earth, while there is still time, while there is still the Grace of God abounding. Turn to Me and repent of your discard, your disdain of Me; for I am a good God, full of mercies and grace, favor and blessing. I am a God of Life and restoration and not of death and destruction. I am a God who will forgive and embrace you as you turn away from your wicked ways that separate you from Me. As My Word says, these are the times and seasons of wars and rumors of wars, nations against nations and peoples against peoples. However, this is also the season of great faith and grace.

Europe: Beware. Your enemy has risen up and means to cause chaos and destruction, and confusion in your lands. Your lands cry out with the blood of those who sacrificed in days of old when the enemy thundered through your nations. Will you not heed your enemy now? Will you allow your enemy to continue to deceive you and speak out of both sides of his mouth to you? He wills to instill fear and dread into your lands. One by one by one, your enemy is rising up and will stand forth in each of your nations and you must conquer him or he will conquer you. This is not a war about land but a war of ideology and you must determine what it is that you believe. I set before you a choice of Life and death. Choose Life and I will sustain you and you will conquer your enemy. Choose death and he will shed your blood. Your enemy bears many names but spouts the same rhetoric. You must see that the days are perilous and things are not the same as was. Put your trust in Me. Call on Me. Choose Me this day and I will give you wisdom and I will reveal your enemy to you, I will expose the hidden plans. Do not put your trust in man’s strength. Without the arm of God, man’s strength is feeble. Heed the Word of the Lord.

England: Beware, the enemy is standing at your door. He is licking his lips with the taste of blood in his mouth. His fist is raised against you in anticipation of destruction. There is smoke and fire running underground; many people gathered. If you will call on My Name and turn to Me, I will come and rescue you. I hear the voices of My people in your land and I listen. As you call out to Me, I will expose the hidden plans. I am greater than the enemy. I Am that I AM.

America: Plans have been made and sites have been chosen. Smoke and fire and bricks falling. Because of the prayers of My people in this land, I have protected and revealed the hidden things. This time the enemy rises up from within and not from without. When will you wake up and put an end to all the political correctness? You are so deceived that you do not even see your enemy for who he is! I am not a liberal God. What I have said is evil, is evil. What I have said is good, is good. America, you do not even know what that means anymore! How your leader slumbers in his spirit! How confused and conflicted he is! He has surrounded himself with those of perverse hearts and smooth words, lips that move and say nothing. He has made a choice, and even in the face of Truth he turns away. They have joined in a unity of agreement that is not of Me. The faith of his father is a snare unto his feet. The words of his mother are a stronghold in his mind. He must repent and turn to Me wholly and completely. He opens his mouth and cannot speak; he tries to formulate words and cannot utter them. Do not lose heart America, for I hear the prayers of My people and I attend unto their cries. All is not lost. I am raising up a strong and decisive leader who will not be afraid to lead, even through the hard times and the difficult seasons. I am raising up a leader of good fiber, strong in integrity and strong in focus, not afraid to say what is evil is evil, and what is good is good. I am raising up a leader for America to be a Jonathan for Israel’s David. Have I not promised this? America will be strong and in agreement with her ally, Israel. A great blessing will come over these lands because of this. Pray! Pray for this leader to rise up and to come forward My people in America. Pray, for a great deal is a stake here in your nation. Pray!

Israel: How I cry out to you, says the Lord God. How I cry out to you, the Apple of My Eye! I woo you unto My bosom and I whisper into your ears. Come to Me. Come. I will cover you over under the shelter of My wings, I will heal you with the healing balm of My wings. Come and turn not away from Me. Come unto Jesus My son. Do not allow the lies of evil men to block your hearts from Me. Do not allow the evil of men’s hearts toward you to block you from My love and My covering. I love you Israel with an everlasting love and I desire you unto Myself. I am a jealous God and will not allow another to have you. Come. Turn your hearts to Me, to Jesus My Son; turn your faces up towards Me and I will shower you with favor and with blessings. Seek after Me, Jesus, and see that I and My Father are One. Seek after Me and see that I am truth. Test Me and see that I am good. Come.

Netanyahu: I have called you. I have called you not once, but twice. I have called you for this time. I am saying to you, ‘Do not focus on the words of man but focus on My Words.’ I am wooing you to Me. Listen. Stand and be still. Move out of fear and discouragement for I am with you. I will give you the wisdom that you need, that you desire. I will give you the discernment that you need. Do not allow the lies of men and the times of old to keep you from Truth. Search My Word and I will reveal Truth to you. Search My Word and I will reveal Yeshua to you. Seek and you will find when you seek Me with all your heart. I know the plans I have for you, not to harm you, not to harm Israel, but to give you hope and a future. A future that can only be in Me. Do not be discouraged for I am raising up a leader in America that will, once again, be a friend to Israel. Once again there shall be unity. Look to Russia and beware. The bear is moving. Remember the prophesy given over you in your father’s house. Remember the call upon your head in your father’s house. Remember how I opened the way unto you. Come My son, Let us reason together.

ISIS: You are evil and gorged with blood. You have the scent and taste of death all around you; all you bring is darkness and death, destruction. This fills your hearts with pride. But I say unto you, you are not greater than I AM! I AM is the one and only God, God of heaven and earth, and I will share My power and My glory with no other. I will smash you down to the ground. I will grind you into it with the heel of My foot. I will confuse you and bring chaos amongst you. You will not trespass My line, You will not prosper and your plans will not prosper – even though it has the appearance of that now. There was one a time ago that set himself up against me and desired to take My Holy Mountain, My throne. There was a war in the heavens and he was hurled down and brought low. So shall you be. You will never overcome My people. And yet, I will have a harvest out of you. I will have a remnant from you. I will turn the hearts of many and they will have their full of blood and distruction and turn to me. Their war cry shall turn into a deep wail of repentance and I shall hear and restore.

Ukraine: Do not be fearful, do not lose heart. You may be little but in Me you will be mighty. Did not My servant David kill the Bear with his bare hands to protect his sheep? Yes! And so will I. The Great Bear is about to fall. It is imploding and caving inward, losing balance and toppling over. They are scrambling inside the halls of their government and there is much discord and mutterings and complaining, many jockeying for top positions of power. Watch and see a great thing that I will do! I will strengthen you, Ukraine, as you call on My name. I will cause you to rise up and show you miracles you have not seen. Come. Put your trust in Me.

Russia: Your days are numbered in the throes of your aggression. You flex your muscles and roar out your words. You walk with arrogance and speak with pride. And yet I will expose you and you will become impotent. Your leader emulates this. And yet there is a remnant of My people in your land, those who love Me and serve Me and call on My name. I will cause them to rise up and speak up. Because of them I will temper My wrath against you O Gog and Magog. I created Russia to be a beautiful land and to be a gentle land. I created Russia to be a land full of people who serve Me. I am a good God. I am fair and compassionate, not willing that any should perish or be destroyed, overcome by the power of your enemy. Russia, pray for your leaders. Pray they will turn their faces to Me. Trust in Me and not in man.


- Pastor Sandra Matheson 1.15.15

Psalm 35:20 "For they do not speak peace, But they devise deceitful matters against the quiet ones in the land."

Psalm 122:6 "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May they prosper who love you."

Jeremiah 6:14 "They have also healed the hurt of My people slightly, Saying, ‘Peace, peace!’ When there is no peace."

Philippians 1:2 "Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ."

2 Chronicles 7:14 ".....if my people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My Face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."



Mutterings, whispers, words being said behind closed doors in the seat of power in America; in the seats of power in Europe, in the Middle East. Criticisms and judgments over the Apple of My Eye, says the Lord. A plot is being hatched, a plan is being made. I warn you, do not touch the Apple of My Eye; do not trample on My ground; do not place battle with Me!

There is an evil thing being devised over the nation of Israel but it shall not prosper. I will protect this nation, I will cover it over. Remember Israel, all that I have done for you and how I have provided miracles of protection. I will continue to do so - as you call on My name. These nations rail at you, they belittle you and disparage you. Little do they know, nor do they care, that in so doing they disparage Me.

There is talk among the nations to divideMy land, to divide My city. There is talk among the nations to conquer My people and to do them harm, both physically and politically. There is ridicule of Israel’s leaders among the nations’ leaders. This does not sit well with Me. This will not be so. There is a time and a season that only the Father knows, and this is not yet the time. Rise up O Israel! Rise up and do the right thing. Stand firm. Be bold. I am with you. Do not be discouraged. Remember the Hand of your God. I will cover over My people and I will cover over My land. Look to Me, look to My Son. Your prophets of old cry out. Look to Me and I will show you great and mighty things that you do not yet know.

- Pastor Sandra Matheson 12.19.14

12.18.14 Fire Burning

Fire burning, heaven moving, thundering and lightening! These are the sounds of heaven, the sounds of My Spirit moving around the world. I AM is moving. God-of-the-angels-army is moving! My Spirit is moving around the earth in places where you do not think. My power is burning and anointing is falling. A new beginning is about to begin. Do not say that it is over. Do not say, it is of no use. Do not say all is lost, for it is not so! The voices of the world would say there is no hope, there is only war and death and lack and loss. ‘Where is God??’ they murmur. ‘Why does He not do something about all this??’ Ah, but I am! I am stirring up the darkness and the evil and bringing all things into light for all to see. I am bringing into light what is hiding in the darkness. I am exposing and revealing. What I have spoken to the leaders of the world in private I am now bringing out into light because they will not heed My voice, they will not listen to My Prophets and My Teachers. These leaders are obstinate and headstrong, determined to go their own ways. I hear the cries of My people and the cries of the nations under trials and persecutions and death. I hear all and am aware of all.


There is a new beginning coming the first of the year, a new thing. There is a new awakening happening in the

United Kingdom beginning in the New Year. A great move of My Spirit and power will over run this nation and bring in a great harvest. I am moving in Great Britain’s leadership, civil and church; I am moving in the palace. A transition is taking place, the old replaced with the new. England you have given yourself over to your enemy. If you will turn back to Me, I will renew your strength and your power as a nation in the free world. Your enemy must not be placated any longer. You must rise up or be trampled over.


The blood of European soils cries out to Me. Have you forgotten what the Prince of Darkness brought unto you? Do you not remember? An enemy is an enemy until they repent of their ways to Me. I have warned you that you are quietly and unknowingly retreating into old ways and old bondages and old evils and it will bring devastation and destruction unto your nations. Religion is not moving you into a personal relationship with Me. You must turn into Me and rest IN Me! Wake up! Rise up! Break away from church tradition and move into the grace and favor and anointing I have for you. One nation at a time, one leader at a time, and it will light the fire and My Spirit will roll in with power and authority and freedom. 

Rome, it is not by the power of man but by My Spirit, says the Lord. Do not look to a man to lead you in Spirit – look to Me! I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father but by Me. Man is a vessel to be used for the glory of God, not to take the glory of God upon himself. I will share my glory with no other.


I see the pockets of flame that burns within you. I hear the voices of My faithful. Darkness is trying to suffocate My Spirit, trying to snuff out My people. It cannot do this. I have a remnant and I will take them as seed and will reap a great harvest from them, right under your noses. Evil thinks it has power, but only as far as I allow. People of African nations, turn to Me. Know that I have a plan and the enemy cannot stop it. I am waiting for you to rise up, My people, to stand tall in your position in Me. It is not My will that any should perish but all should come to the saving grace of Christ. Listen, people of God, you are not limited to the iron fist of man. You are not limited in Me. Trust in Me, I will do wonders among you, and I will do miracles of provision and protection among those who will call out to me, who dare to believe that I am able. I will hide you in the palm of My hand. I am calling your leaders to turn to me. Those who heed this call will prosper, and will prosper their nations; those who will not, will perish and I will raise up new leaders. Heed My voice.


Favor is falling, falling, falling. A leader with no power. The ground is rolling and swaying, opening up, hungry and devouring. Darkness is over the Kremlin. Pride and arrogance prevail, the confidence of man runs amuck. Finances are failing, monies are devalued; what was will be no more. And yet My people will be sustained if they turn their faces to Me and stay focused on Me. However, there is a sliver of Light coming, cracking through the wall of darkness. Fire is moving and taking over. My Spirit is moving over the face of this nation and I am gathering up My believers, delivering My people. I have a purpose and a plan for My people. Stand firm in the Lord your God. Do not give in and do not compromise. A great move of My Spirit will give rise to freedom for My people in this land. Truth will be revealed and the hidden agendas will come to Light. Do not give way to the ‘natural’, stretch out your faith and realize I can do all things, I am not a limited God. I will have My way and no man can stop that. Rise up My Church, in this land. Do not be fearful or complacent or still. Do not wail and wring your hands and say, ‘All is lost’. Rise up and be known, be heard. The Spirit of the Living God is with you. I will provide and I will protect those who call out to Me! Restoration, recompense, favor will come. Miracles in the supernatural will abound through Me.


A transition is coming. Do you not perceive it? A transition is coming, old is being replaced; old thinking, old ways, old guard. A new thing is springing up. It is a time of unity to come over this land; to be joined in Christ, in His Word. Politics is a division of man. Unity in the Spirit is God joining together with mankind for the sake of a nation, of a people. I have heard My people. Do not think that you toil in vain, pray in vain. I bend low to hear you and I am turning the tide of thinking, of politics in this nation. You must continue to pray, you must not look to man or to his party affiliation- this does not matter to Me. I will use whomever I choose to use. I am not limited as man is. Pray for your nation, pray for your leaders, pray for a change of heart to Me that will create a change of thinking and bring in a new blessing for this land. All is not lost. I can undo and redo whatever has been done that is not of My plan. I am calling on My people to rise up and do the right things, to call evil, evil and good, good. I am calling on My people to believe in Me, My Word, without reservation. Dare to speak up, dare to expect more, dare to ask more of Me! The old guard is done; a new guard is coming in. A new leader is on the horizon. Pray for him. Pray for this transition, pray for January and February in this land. Pray for the word of God to move boldly across your land. A new transition is coming!


A turning over of the soil; a plowing up of the ground. Hidden seed in the fallow ground, buried and waiting, filled with expectation, filled with promise. Israel, call unto Me and I will answer. My hand covers over your land. Do not give away what I give to you. You cannot appease your bullies, they have blood in their mouths and only want to devour more. Their hearts are filled with malice and their minds are filled with evil thoughts towards you. Yet I will cover you over. Why do you give into them? Remember David and that he slew the giant Goliath! Who is your Goliath today? Rise up and stand! It is I whom you need to fear, not man, not nations, not leaders of politics. It is I you need to be in awe and wonder of. It is I you need to please, to call upon for help. When will you turn to Me? When will you recognize My Son? When will you realize that you are resistive to truth and are stuck in law and depression? I spread wide My hands to you, My palms are opened and filled with grace and blessings for you. Put aside your fear of man. Turn up your faces to Me. Seek out Yahweh for Yeshua and I will open your blind eyes to see what I have given to you and what I desire for you. You are the Apple of My Eye. You are the beat of My heart. I call you and woo you as a bridegroom to his bride. Test Me and see that I am good! Do not continue to believe the lies of your oppressors! Lies will keep you in bondage and I desire that you are free. Come and seek Me with all your heart and you will find Me. I am here. I wait for your invitation to come in. Come.

North Korea:

A change is coming. Sickness and death looms. There is much fear and perverseness, death, murder, torture. Great fear abounds with this leader’s ever changing emotions and selfishness. There are mutterings and murmurings in the great house of North Korea. I will change the guard in the snap of My fingers, in the movement of My hand. How arrogant man is to think he can control Me! How insolent are the words of his mouth in cursing Me! A new leader, a new beginning. A woman shall find favor if she will heed the call I have upon her life, if she will listen to what My Spirit is whispering to her in the quiet of the night. I am unfolding My plan to her as she lies upon her bed, My dream angel is bringing a revelation to her - and yet she is afraid. Fearful of being found out. I will cover her over and reveal her when the season comes. This young man is ill and will be no more, in My time and in My plan. Behold, the Spirit of the Living God is moving across Asia, across all the lands and nations of Asia. Watch! See what the Lord will do!


Listen! What do you hear? Nothing you say. And yet My Spirit is speaking. The wind carries My voice, the waters roar out My name, the storms carry My power. So much devastation and destruction in your land and yet you do not hear Me. You are stubborn. Perverseness. Idols. I am calling forth My people of faith to stand up and proclaim the goodness of their God, even in the midst of all the destruction. A new thing is being birthed in the middle of the chaos and turmoil. Seek it out. Look for Me. Rise up! The harvest is ready the fields are plentiful to be harvested. Japan, turn and hear My voice. Turn and seek My face. Know that I am moving over the face of your nation, My eyes seeking to and fro whomever will serve Me with all of their heart and mind and soul. Come. Do not tarry. Here I am!

Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden:

How tolerant you are! How magnanimous you are! Priding yourself to embrace all thoughts and all beliefs. This is destruction, for there is only one way and only one God. There is only one name under heaven by which man may be saved from his own self, from his separation from me, and that is through the name of Jesus Christ. Listen and hear! The time is short. The enemy is running amuck and you cannot see. My spirit is striving with your land, but not always. Turn to Me. Look to Me. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father but through Me – Jesus the Son. It doesn’t matter if you believe or not. The Truth will stand and you will be judge by the Truth. I am moving in your leadership and turning hearts to Me. I am speaking to them and some are turning into Me and heeding My words to them. A season and a time of change coming. I am blessing My people in these northern nations and lands of old. I am blessing and covering over and multiplying their number on a daily basis. Do not lose heart. Stand with Me. I will fulfill all My promises in My Word that I have given to you. Stand and believe!


Doing the right thing because it is right to do! Standing for what is good and right and against what is deceptive and evil. Your leaders are rising up and blessing the land I have given to you. Your enemy desires to devour your land and to instill his own beliefs and laws, and yet your leaders rise up and say ‘No, no more, enough is enough!’ The world watches. Stand for righteousness and I will instill righteousness in your land. I will provide covering and protection, I will reveal the plans of your enemy, and I will stop his hand against you.


Goodness and mercy. A love and support for My people, for My land Israel. I have taken note of all of this. I will bless those who bless Israel and I will curse those who curse Israel. I will give you wisdom and knowledge in the way you should go. I will cover you over. I will bless and prosper your land. I will bless your leader and leaders. Your people will prosper because of good leaders who seek after Me. Turn away your enemy, stop him at your boarders. The ones who come in the front gate are from Me and the ones who sneak in through the back gate are of the enemy and bring death and destruction. Be stout and courageous. Turn to Me. Embrace Me.


Though you have been tested, and though you have been tried, My Hand is with you and I will do a new thing. Do not be discouraged but stand fast. I am aware of all that you have been through and aware of the cost that you have paid. There is a crown of victory that will rest upon you as I reap a great harvest for the Kingdom of God from your land. Call upon My Name and I will move with great power over you and strengthen you and open up signs and wonders and miracles to your people who call on My Name. All is not lost. Peace


My people are rising up. My people are becoming great in number. Look! Do

you not see? The Spirit of the Living God is moving across your land and a great fire is burning – the Fire of Heaven is burning. Your people in this land are thirst for the Holy Spirit and he is moving and saving and healing and doing great miracles. Turn to Me. Trust in Me. The leaders of this vast land will be put to the test. They will be pressed and pressured, by the world and by Me. What will you do, O China? What will you embrace? Come. I am waiting and I am wooing you. Lay down your idols, your gods, your traditions of faith. Come to Me.


Be careful. Be aware of what you are stepping into, what your agreements and alignments are. Be careful; all is not what it seems to be and your enemy lies waiting at the door. The old ways of prejudices are not productive for you. Do not embrace the ways of old, the thoughts of old. The blood of the ground cries out to Me and I hear it! I hear the legacies of those who shed blood on your ground; the legacies that were cut off and incomplete. Be careful.


Be alert. Be wise but not in your own eyes. Do not be arrogant or overconfident. There is an enemy invading your land and you slumber. This enemy is sly and cunning and devious in his tactics. He knows your weaknesses and he knows your fears. You must stand up and turn to Me. I am your saving grace. Financially it is still difficult and there will be another season of difficulty. I am calling on My people to stand up and pray for their nation and for their leader. I have a rich harvest in this land. I will show myself strong to them and in them. When they are weak, I am strong in them. Look! Do you not perceive it? I am doing a new thing, initiating a new calling and a new strength. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

- Pastor Sandra Matheson 12.18.14 

10. 17.14 Do Not Fear

Peace. Peace. Where is my peace, says the Lord. Is it in the nations? No. Is it in the leaders? No. Is it the people? No. Is it in My Church, the Bride of Christ?

This is the question. My peace should be in My Bride, the Church, and yet, where is it?

The Spirit of God is going throughout the earth and seeking out those ofHis children who are standing in peace and standing in faith, despite all odds and opposition. These are the children who will not be caught up in the drama and chaos of the world issues but remain firm and faithful and full of the purpose of the kingdom of God. The power and fire of heaven is moving and has assignments on this earth. He is seeking partners of faith to infuse and ignite to make a difference, and to expand the Kingdom. Come says the Holy Spirit. Come and allow me to move boldly in you. Come children if God, wake up and rise up. For now is the season and now is the time. You cry out to me to move in your lives, in your homes, in your families and places of business. I am here and I am willing. Are you? Do not be afraid. Do not fear. For I am with you and I know that you have never gone this way before. Trust in me. I will not fail you. Turn your faces to God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son. This is a season of power and might and spiritual authority. Step ye into it.

- Pastor Sandra Matheson 

9.4.14 A Great Roar

Shaking, roaring. Screaming, wailing, cursing, the smell of blood. All this rises up to my nostrils and fills up my mouth and I spit it out. Man killing man. There is a great roar over the earth and darkness rising . It is moving and compelled to destroy all in its path; Its claws are out and its teeth are laid bare, eyes moving and darting about. The beast is hungry and seeking whomever he may destroy; mankind sees some, but much is still hidden in the darkness. I hear the nations cry out. I hear the people plead for safety and cry out to their god. Some know me and I hear. Others pray to their gods of destruction - their destruction. So much homage given to these false and hateful gods. There is a fierce battle in the spirit realm over this earth. Demonic forces are vicious and cunning and desire more blood, more death, more souls.

And yet, in the midst of all this turmoil, I AM is moving. I am healing, restoring, delivering and providing. Demonic forces in the middle east have tasted blood, smelled blood and are invigorated by it. A great and fiercesome warfare is being waged in the heavenlies over this earth. A fierce, fierce, battle in the spirit realm, for this is not a war over government or greed but of ground and power to control; a war of hatred. And yet as the enemy comes in, like a flood I will raise up a standard against him.

Have I not told you there would be turmoil in the world? That there would be wars and rumors of wars? Have I not told you that peoples would be against peoples? Why are you anxious? Why are you fretting? Trust in me, my people. I have provided a way through all things. I have promised to care for you, to provide for you, to heal you, to never leave you! All is not lost but some things must be. Be at peace in me. 

Israel: I am turning the tide. Stand your ground and trust in me! Do not falter and do not move. I will give you the total victory if you want it. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord God Almighty. Complete the battle and be firm.

I will cause confusion in the enemy's camp, just as I did for Gideon against the Midianites.

Russia: You think you are fierce and mighty and powerful on the world scene. You think you can maneuver yourself into a position of power to overtake and overthrow nations and then conquer them without opposition or ramifications. You posture and puff up for all the world to see. So far and only so far and then I will yank you back and bring you down with a crash of my fist. Your opponent is not man but the Great God Almighty.

Ukraine: I see you. I hear you. I have not turned away from you. I am aware of the oppressor who brings you much fear and grief and death. Put your trust in me and I will turn the oppressor away from you and I will remove his footprints from your land.

Syria: Evil has come upon you and evil will lick his lips with you. At yet I will take a great harvest from you and I will show myself strong to my people and those I am harvesting right beneath your nose. So arrogant, so snug. And yet with a wave of my hand the house of Syria will fall and my people will rise.

- Pastor Sandra Matheson 9.4.14

Psalm 2:1 NIV "Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain"

Psalm 9:5 NIV "You have rebuked the nations and destroyed the wicked; you have blotted out their name for ever and ever."

Psalm 9:15 NIV "The nations have fallen into the pit they have dug; their feet are caught in the net they have hidden."

Psalm 22:27-28 NIV "All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations will bow down before him, for dominion belongs to the Lord and he rules over the nations."

Psalm 14:4 NIV "Do all these evildoers know nothing? They devour my people as though eating bread; they never call on the Lord."

2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."


God gave this Word to Ezekiel between 593-571 BC. Not too much seems to have changed overall since then................................

Gaza. hear the Word of the Lord God Almighty, the Great I AM!

Ezekiel 25:15-17 NIV "This is what the Sovereign Lord says, 'Because the Philistines acted in revenge and took revenge with malice in their hearts, and with ancient hostility sought to destroy Judah (northern Israel), therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am about to stretch out my hand against the Philistines, and I will cut off the Kerethites ("the inhabitants of the seacoast") and destroy those remaining along the coast

(of the Mediterranean Sea). I will carry out great vengeance on them and punish them in my wrath. Then they will know that I am the Lord, when I take vengeance on them."


I take no delight in the destruction of any peoples or nations, says the Lord God Almighty. I am not a God of death but a God of Life. It is not my desire that any should perish but that all would repent, turn their hearts and minds to me, and receive the Salvation of the Lord through the work of the Cross. Come. Let us reason together. Come. Turn away from your god of war and death. Come unto me and I will give you Life and Peace and Rest. Come. My arms are extended to you and my hands fully open to you. This god you serve, of war and death, chaos and destruction, will only lead you to death and to eternal damnation. How I long to gather you in unto me! Hear me! Now is the time and now is the season.... Open your eyes and open your ears. Hear me. Amen.

- Pastor Sandra Matheson


Russia: What are you doing, O Gog and Magog? What are you doing? Do you have no concept of me at all? No! Your leader is full of rebellion and resistance. He has a desire to rule, to rule over all Asia, to rule and influence Europe, to be a stronghold and resistance against the United States of America. Have I not said I will bring my fist down upon you? Watch! You are so smug and so insolent; so cocky and so sure! Ah, but I am the Great I AM! It is I who allow the nations to rule; it is I who allow the leaders to prosper. This is but the beginning of the end. I am going to change the course of these nations and no power, no man, can stop me. It is not yet the time of judgment but it is the season of sifting and righteousness. Russia, do not think because you do not 'see' me that I am not moving in the midst of your nation for I most assuredly am. A little 'give', a little 'leeway', a little extension on the tether, and then Suddenly! My fist will come down upon you. Gog and Magog, you can taste the desire of power and control in your mouth, and yet you will end up with none.

My Spirit is moving across your land. I am stirring up the hearts and spirits of man and they are turning into me. I will have a harvest out of your land;

one you did not seed or plant for. I will cover over and protect my people within the borders of your land. Your stench is rising up before me, O Russia - Gog and Magog. Watch and see! Suddenly my fist will fall upon you...

America: Wake up! The enemy is encroaching on your land and you remain docile. Wake up! The enemy is sneaking into you back door and yet you leave it wide open. Do not look to the children, look to the motives and the agendas of those who are sending them. I will take care of the children if you will turn your hearts to me and seek out my thoughts and my wisdom. Men and women, who are called by my name, sitting in your seats of power - in the House and in the Senate - humble yourselves before me, fast and cry out to me. I will turn the course of this land, turn Her back to her purpose and her foundation. Men and women, called by my name- seated in high places, pray and seek my face and I will give you the power and the wisdom and the favor to turn this nation around! You are imploding America, rotting from the inside. Trust in me. Wake up! Be aware of those with soft voices, smooth lips and silky words. They flatter and deceive, winking with the eye.

Church: New International Version

"If my people , who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

2 Chronicles 7:14

New American Standard Bible

"For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?" 1 Peter 4:17

- Pastor Sandra Matheson


Israel: Israel take the ground! I am opening up a way for you, enter in it. Do not be deterred and do not be discouraged. Turn your face to me and I will cause you to rise up and I will give you the victory. I am giving you favor and I will expose to you your enemies' plans. I will confound the world with the grace and favor that I show forth to you. Israel is forever and the enemy will not have her! Miraculous. Beyond the mind of man. Israel, the Apple of My Eye. Take the ground back. Receive back what I,

the great I AM, has given to you. What I have promised, I have promised!

America: All is not lost. I am stirring up and I am bringing forth; I am exposing hidden things, things that man thinks is tucked away and out of sight. I see all things and nothing is hidden from me. I know man's heart and it is rebellious and full of strife and greed and lust for control and power. Only a heart anchored in me will survive; only a heart anchored in me will prosper. This president is full of his own might. He does not realize that I hear and know all things. I have heard the plans and the whispers. The walls record the words of man, and I know.

How I have tried to reveal myself to him, to honor him, to prepare a legacy for him to leave to this nation! How I have tried to guide and instruct and

to lift him up. And yet, he goes his own way, in his own understanding. He has surrounded himself with those of like spirit and mind. And yet I will topple this power. I will topple the capitol of this nation - spiritually, and possibly physically if they will not listen. I will take the top of the capitol building off and expose the arrogance of man and this administration.

Listen to me! I will topple the top of the capitol building and cause it to fall and crumble into dust. Come to me! Give heed to my Word and my ways and I will have mercy on you and anoint you with grace and favor. I will lift you up and honor you. Do not resist me any longer but open your heart and spirit unto me and unto me alone! Come!

Deep within the earth is a rumbling awaiting my command. Deep within this earth is a shifting and a power waiting to move. Beware, there is to be a change coming in this capitol. I am exposing man's agenda and many in the seats of power here are recognizing the depth of this deception. This deception is becoming a revulsion to them and I will make their bellies bitter with the taste of it! It will be sour in their mouths and they will spit it out with force. Favor will be removed and righteousness will rise up in this nation once again.....

I AM moving and doing a new thing. You must perceive in your spirit. Reversal. Rebellion and laws will be changed. All things are possible with God! I have promised a David for Israel's Jonathan, and I am raising him up. I am calling him forth, even now. Rise up my people. Rise up Israel and America. Truly I see and truly I am doing a new thing! Suddenly - and it is here!

- Pastor Sandra Matheson

Church: New International Version

"If my people , who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

2 Chronicles 7:14

New American Standard Bible

"For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?" 1 Peter 4:17

- Pastor Sandra Matheson


Israel: Israel take the ground! I am opening up a way for you, enter in it. Do not be deterred and do not be discouraged. Turn your face to me and I will cause you to rise up and I will give you the victory. I am giving you favor and I will expose to you your enemies' plans. I will confound the world with the grace and favor that I show forth to you. Israel is forever and the enemy will not have her! Miraculous. Beyond the mind of man. Israel, the Apple of My Eye. Take the ground back. Receive back what I,

the great I AM, has given to you. What I have promised, I have promised!

America: All is not lost. I am stirring up and I am bringing forth; I am exposing hidden things, things that man thinks is tucked away and out of sight. I see all things and nothing is hidden from me. I know man's heart and it is rebellious and full of strife and greed and lust for control and power. Only a heart anchored in me will survive; only a heart anchored in me will prosper. This president is full of his own might. He does not realize that I hear and know all things. I have heard the plans and the whispers. The walls record the words of man, and I know.

How I have tried to reveal myself to him, to honor him, to prepare a legacy for him to leave to this nation! How I have tried to guide and instruct and

to lift him up. And yet, he goes his own way, in his own understanding. He has surrounded himself with those of like spirit and mind. And yet I will topple this power. I will topple the capitol of this nation - spiritually, and possibly physically if they will not listen. I will take the top of the capitol building off and expose the arrogance of man and this administration.

Listen to me! I will topple the top of the capitol building and cause it to fall and crumble into dust. Come to me! Give heed to my Word and my ways and I will have mercy on you and anoint you with grace and favor. I will lift you up and honor you. Do not resist me any longer but open your heart and spirit unto me and unto me alone! Come!

Deep within the earth is a rumbling awaiting my command. Deep within this earth is a shifting and a power waiting to move. Beware, there is to be a change coming in this capitol. I am exposing man's agenda and many in the seats of power here are recognizing the depth of this deception. This deception is becoming a revulsion to them and I will make their bellies bitter with the taste of it! It will be sour in their mouths and they will spit it out with force. Favor will be removed and righteousness will rise up in this nation once again.....

I AM moving and doing a new thing. You must perceive in your spirit. Reversal. Rebellion and laws will be changed. All things are possible with God! I have promised a David for Israel's Jonathan, and I am raising him up. I am calling him forth, even now. Rise up my people. Rise up Israel and America. Truly I see and truly I am doing a new thing! Suddenly - and it is here!

- Pastor Sandra Matheson

7.15.14 Israel:

Fire, testings, turmoil. The nations of the east are rising up against my anointed ones and I will not tolerate it. Look! See how my hand covers over my tiny nation! Look! See the confusion I will establish in the enemy's camp. Israel, remember how in the days of old I would reveal the enemy's plans to my prophets, to my kings. This I will do again. I will pull up the enemy's skirts and reveal the plans and evil deeds that are conspired

against you. I will show you the enemy's plans as you call out to me.

My hand is over you for now and I am showing the world that they cannot conquer you, they cannot have their way. I will turn favor towards you, even though you feel you are alone. I am with you! Trust in me. Look to me. Do not be moved by what you hear or what you see. Pray for your nation, pray for your leaders. Netanyahu, for such a time as this....

I will bring my fist down on Hamas, on Hezbollah. I will bring my fist down on those who oppress you. Turn to me. Look up and see your redemption.

Your Messiah has already come. Yeshua. Amen.

- Pastor Sandra Matheson


The earth up-heaves; it churns with the turmoil that abounds over it. Waters roar, storms arise, fires consumes. The earth shakes and rolls. And yet, I AM is still on the Throne! Do not fear and do not be disheartened, for the Spirit of God rises up like a flood when the evil one rushes in. I hold the reigns of command and nothing escapes my eye. However, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways, I will come and heal their land. I am a willing God and will bend low to hear and honor my people.There is a crack in the door and Light is flooding in in Washington DC. The lid is off and I am shaking and cleaning out the old and bringing in the new. The old has become dry, hard, stubborn, wise in their own eyes. Some of them thumb their noses at me, at my people.

I will not tolerate this any longer. I am turning the establishment upside down and I am exposing the old plans and the old deals. Mr. Secretary, do not think that you are so wise and so persuasive. Your enemy smirks at you behind your back. You are making plans without any divine guidance and all will crumble in your hands. Mr. President, you are resistive to my direction. You insist instead to follow your own understanding - and yet you are indecisive and stand aside. Your nation rumbles.

Iraq: Lies and innuendos. Pointing of the finger. There is much blood being spilled and the devil is running free in your land. And yet you refuse to see. Even in the mist of all of this my Spirit is moving. I am pulling out a great harvest in your land and you cannot stop it. The evil one thinks he has pulled off a great scheme but I will complete my plan for my people in Iraq. For all the pain and all the sacrifice, I will strengthen my people. This leader will fall and a new one will arise, one who will bring reprieve and respite. The move of my Spirit will roar.

- Pastor Sandra Matheson 6.25.14


There is a wave of new oil rising up throughout this land, throughout the earth. This is a new anointing for all those who are called by my name. The Spirit of the Living God says to you, 'Rise up and be strengthened in Me! Rise up and be strong in Me! I did not establish My Church to be passive and weak. I called My Church to be filled with My Power and My Might. You are sleeping and inattentive to the Spirit of God. Too many are sick and dying and filled with lack. There is impotence in My Church. Why? There is pollution in My Church. Why?

Come. Let us bond together. Let us move in this fresh anointing that I am spilling out. Come. Allow Me to fill you up to overflowing.

You have allowed unclean things into MY Church. You say this is spiritual, it must be of God. I say No. It is not. These are the seasons of My Church and I am calling her awake. I am saying to her, Rise up! Now is your season and now is your time! Come. Hear My voice! Slumber no more!

The nations of the earth roar and are infused with turmoil. The leaders of the nations speak out of both sides of their mouths. All is deceitful and all is unclean. It is time for the Body of Christ to rise up in this earth and stand for the righteousness that is theirs. It is time for My people to pray and call on My name. It is time to take the ground back from the enemy in this land.

There is to be a shaking and a cleansing in My House, says the Lord. I am going to refine My servants. Some will fall away and some will withstand the test. I desire to have a unity in My servants, those who call themselves Pastors, Teachers,Evangelists , Prophets, Apostles. Some are not so but are false and deceiving. These are to be purged and refined so as to truly serve me and to lead My people in the way I would have them go. They will be refined to cleanse My House of all the unclean thing, to see the evil that has invaded her. This is a new season; a season to usher in My Bride for the season of Power and Might..

       This is a season of Cleansing, Anointing. Power, Holiness.

Ezekiel 8:9-13

- Pastor Sandra Matheson


9.1.13 Prophesy

Russia, you are in defiance. Choices. Your leader desires power and great recognition. He fancies himself a czar and a great ruler and yet he plots and schemes. A hammer will fall on you. It will crush you and break you to pieces. You are making many alliances for your own greed and for your own gain, but these alliances will turn on you. I will expose your leader for what he really is. Look! Do you not see? Yet look and see for I will do what I will do and power and influence will not be what you thought it would be. My hand is over My Church in this land and it will quietly continue to grow.

Nations of the Middle East, do not think you are greater than you are. You think you have a way to destroy My People, My Nation, but it is I who will destroy you if you follow through with your evil plans. While My Nation is not perfect, She is the Apple of My Eye and I will not tolerate anyone who means Her harm or tries to divide Her land. Your leaders are hateful and jealous and covetous over Her. Your leaders' mouths are filled with lies and deceit, and venom spews out of them. This is a poison that will poison all your nations; a poison unto death. And yet you persist. What bullies you are! You have all your land and yet you desire Her land, Her tiny little bit of ground. Have you not seen My protection over Israel? Have you not seen that you can come so far and so far only? If you continue I will release My fury upon you. Your nations are already in turmoil and deep unrest, with blood and the dying already filling up your streets. Sacrifices for what? There is an end for you and for all your leaders and yet it is not the end that you desire. There is a remnant of My Believers within each of your borders, within your nations, and I will cover them over with My Wings and deliver them. I will come and snatch them away from you when you do not see. I will provide for them, I will show them great and mighty things. Your leaders will flee in terror and it will be too late.Israel, do not fear, do not be afraid, do not be dismayed. If you believe in Yahweh, believe also in Yeshua Messiah, My son. I have placed a covering over your leaders and their families. If they will call on Me, I will give them wisdom and direction. You say there are no prophets of today but I have sent prophets to you who have spoken My Words over you, who have prayed on your mountain tops for you and your nation, for your leaders. Though these are trying times, these are needful times. Do not resist My calling, do not resist the Move of My Holy Spirit. I will reveal to your leaders the plans of the enemy just as I did in the times of old through the prophets of old. Trust in Me. Do not look to the right or to the left, but stay focused on Me. I am your deliverer just as I was when Moses led you out from Egypt. Do not wander in the wilderness any longer, do not lean unto your own understanding, do not allow what man has done unto you to keep you from Me any longer.


Europe, you are playing with fire and yet you are fascinated with it and will not turn from your old ways. Religion, religion, religion. What good is religion? I have come to you over and over and yet you persist in your own agenda. Look at your history. Look at the blood on your ground. Do you not see? Will you not change? The old ways are rising up and you are embracing them. You will think you have power for a moment, you will think you have good alliances for a moment, but all will come down. The same evil spirit that ruled over your nations of old wishes to rise up again and is

so doing. How destructive it was back then and how destructive it will be again. Will you not turn away from it?


Europe, there is a silent evil that is creeping over you, stealthily and purposefully. You have allowed it, you have encouraged it. You are being lulled into believing that you will overcome, that you will conquer, that your enemy is your friend. Your enemy is deeply entrenched in you and you cannot discern him, you cannot see him or smell him or feel him. But he is there and waiting. Just as the former Antichrist of the past overtook you with winking eyes and flattering lips, so shall the coming Antichrist. You are so filled with the nonsense in your head that you cannot hear your heart. I am knocking on the door of your heart. You have a form of religion but it is dead and useless. You have no place for Christ. You pride yourself on your enlightenments but you are steeped in darkness. The occult overcomes you; it is rooted in you; it is evil and cunning and terrifying - yet you do not see. Remember days of old when the evil over ran you, when your lands were flooded in blood and war. How easily you forget! How quickly you turn back into your folly! How simple it is to deceive you once again! Your governments will fall, your financial institutions will come tumbling down, your peace will collapse. Turn to Me before it is too late. Look! Your enemy hides in the tall grasses and you cannot detect him. He blends in with the land. Your enemy comes dressed in fine garments and draped in mesmerizing words that drop like honey from his lips, and yet you are not aware of him. He will strike you quickly from the inside out and you will be destroyed and wailing in sorrow.

-Pastor Sandra M.


Russia - Princes of Tubal, Gog, and Magog: What are you doing?? You say there is no God. You say, “We do not see Him or feel Him or touch Him, therefore He is not.” Your heart is full of evil and deceptions and manipulations. You are sly and cunning; you feel that you are strong and that you are powerful and you do not ‘need’ Me, but I say to you this is not so. You are engulfed by your very own lies. You are pumped up and arrogant and big-headed by your very own lies and beliefs. Just because you say there is no God does not make it so! There is a time coming that I, the Great I AM, will show you this. Your leaders have devised a plan and have hatched an evil thing with the Prince of Persia but it will not be so. I will bring your plans to light and I will stop them. This is not yet your time, but it is a time to come. I am speaking to your people. I am calling them out of the darkness and awakening them from their spiritual slumber. They are rising up! They are a hungry people and I will feed them on My Word so that it transforms their very lives. Then, when the Harvest Time is nigh, I will come and gather them up to Me! I will gather them and you will not see!

- Pastor Sandra Matheson

3.2.14 Double Anointing:

This is a year of double-anointing for My people. Those who will seek and look for it, those who will respond to My call and to the obedience of My Word. Double anointing and double blessings. Obedience is the key.

Pastor Sandra Matheson

2.26.14 Ukraine:

I am watching. I am aware. I hear the cries of the peoples of the Ukraine.

Though blood is spilled and lives are taken, a good thing will emerge. The secret things of the enemy will be revealed. My fist will come down over the land of Russia, over her leader who sets himself above all others. He is full of pride and arrogance and feels that he is invincible to all men. However, he is not invincible to the great God Almighty. I will do what I have said I will do, this man will not have his way. Look! Suddenly it will be no more. I am raising up my people through this blood and sacrifice in the Ukraine. I am a God of provision and restoration. All is not lost. Turn your eyes upon Me little ones. Look to Me, the author of hope and salvation.

I have a plan even in the midst of darkness; haven't I given My people power and authority over the darkness through My Name Jesus? Have you forgotten? Rise up! Have ears to hear and eyes to see what I am about to do. Do not be afraid for Righteousness will prevail through the remnant of Believers that cover your land. Suddenly I will do a new thing. Be in Peace through Me and hear what the Spirit of the Living God will say to you. Peace. Restoration. Prosperity.

- Pastor Sandra Matheson 2.26.14

Psalm 31:18Let their lying lips be silenced, for with pride and contempt they speak arrogantly against the righteous.

Psalm 119:122Ensure your servant’s well-being; do not let the arrogant oppress me

Isaiah 2:11The eyes of the arrogant will be humbled and human pride brought low; the Lord alone will be exalted in that day.

Psalm 33:10The Lord foils the plans of the nations; he thwarts the purposes of the peoples.

Psalm 46:6Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; he lifts his voice, the earth melts.

1.14.14: Cornucopia

Cornucopia says the Spirit of the Lord. Horn of plenty. This is the time and season of harvests and restoration. Do not be fearful, do not be moved by what the world says or what you see with natural eyes. I am the God of Plenty and I am more than able to provide all that you have need of. Do not faint and do not become weary. There is so much confusion in this world, so many voices to be heard. Those people who are called by My name, those who are of the Family of God and those who obey the commands of Jesus Christ, have no need to fear or doubt. I have told you that if you seek after the Kingdom of God, all these things will be added unto you. I am not a man that I would lie to you. My Word is sure and true. I know what My sheep have need of and I AM the Great Provider. I AM the Great Physician. I AM the Great Deliver. I AM that I AM. I have promised to never leave you nor forsake you. I will keep My Word.

You serve a God of Plenty. Know that I have heard your prayers; I have watched your faithfulness; I have seen you persevere; I have observed your boldness. Though the nations are in turmoil and transition, full of confusion and strife, I remain the same. I am constant and never changing.

America I have called out to your leaders. I have called them by name, I seek them out. Some have heard me and some still turn their backs to me. I am moving and I am shaking and I am changing the guard. Pray for your leaders. Pray for boldness and righteousness, pray for moral fiber to stand.

This is the season of My Church, My Bride. She must wake up and she must get cleaned up for the Bridegroom will come suddenly. You are My Bride if you serve Me with all your heart and mind and soul. This is a season and time of signs and wonders and miracles. Harvest. Plenty. No lack, no poverty. You are called to be the Salt and Light in this world. You are My Ambassadors. You represent the Kingdom of God here and now on this earth. Act like it. Seize the moment. Speak the language of God's Kingdom and not the kingdom of the world system - Satan's. Be a witness unto the world that you are My Bride, you are My Church, and that you serve a God who knows you and who cares for you. A God - The God, The Great I AM - who shows Himself strong in you and through you!

- Pastor Sandra Matheson

Galatians 6:9 NIV "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not faint."


Father may we have eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit of the Lord would say to us. May we be useful vessels for you and to you, remembering that we are your ambassadors at all times representing the Kingdom of God here on this earth. May we be reminded of our harvest time and pay attention to the seed that we cast. And may we put all our trust, hope, and faith in You and in You alone in this time and season of The Church, knowing that we are You Church and The Bride of Christ. May we glorify You in all we say and do, speaking only the language of the Kingdom of God here on earth as it is in heaven. Amen

- Pastor Sandra Matheson 1.14.14

11.25.13 A snare is cast: America

Behold, my hand has gone forth and a snare has been cast out. A snare, not by the hand of the enemy of the faith, but by my hand. A snare devised to trip, to expose, to reveal. Deceit, lies, false hopes, discouragement, and confusion. All have been cast out over the seat of government in America. Shame has descended upon this proud and arrogant leader and still he will not hear, still he will not see, still he points the finger and changes the agenda to disguise and distract from the motives of his heart. Shame for all to see. Favor is leaving, accolades are dying down, praises stifled. Enough is enough; I have had enough. I have sent confusion into the camp of this nation - confusion that cannot be contained or controlled by man. I have called out this man to me many times and he will not hear, he will not submit, he will not bend to me. How I have longed for him to come to me! How I would welcome him in if he will only come! And yet, he bows his knees, he bows his head, to another. Folly and foolishness prevail. Decisions are clouded and alliances are perverted. Do not be dismayed my children. Do not be fearful. Your Lord, your God, is still on the Throne and is still in control! Turn your faces up to me. Open your mouths to me so that I might fill them with my Bread and my goodness. Lift your hands to me so that I might bless them and all your labors would be fruitful. Do not be of the world! Do not see and do as the world does! Cleanse your hearts before me so there is no wicked thing as fear, doubt, or unbelief within you would hinder my blessings. Stand firm. Stand strong. Stand in your Faith. I am moving; I am overcoming. America! All is not lost. Your people are awakening and rising up! I will restore. I will expose and tear down and then I will build in righteousness. Be of good courage little ones. I am with you. America will rise again - in spite of her enemies' proclamations! Amen and amen!

- Pastor Sandra Matheson

10.23.13 Chaos and confusion: America

Chaos and confusion says the Spirit of God. That is where America is right now. You must keep your focus on Me says the Lord. I am the One who is in control. All the best laid plans of man will fail without Me; all the plotting and planning and secrecy will fail without Me. I have heard the prayers of My People and have sent confusion into the House of this Nation. Did I not say that a House divided will not stand? I am moving in this situation, I am your provider and your protector. No man can do for you what I will do for you. There is a turning of shame coming and several will fall but all will be well.

Come America. Turn your faces to Me. Come, turn your hearts to Me. The foolishness of man must stop; the arrogance of their self-pride is a stench unto My nostrils. I have a plan for this Nation. all is not lost. Pray My People. Lift your voices up to Heaven, proclaim the goodness of your God for there is no other God before Me or after Me. I AM the Great I AM.

It is My desire that none should perish but that all should come unto Me. I know there are many voices in the earth today calling out many ways to God but you must hear and you must understand: there is but One God, there is but One Savior – Jesus Christ, there is but one Power – the Holy Spirit. No matter what you entertain, no matter what you believe there is only One Truth – Jesus. Have I not said to you that I AM the Way and the Truth? Be of good courage My Little Ones, for I have you in the palm of My Hand and I will not let go of you! Look unto Me. Have Faith in Me. Stand firm in Me. Watch! I will cause confusion and collapse and then I will lift up and restore. Pray for your Nation. Pray for your Leaders. Pray for those whom I have sat in High Places over this Nation. Pray for their courage to carry out the assignments given unto them. For many of them have been given assignments from Me to permeate this Nation and to right the wrongs that have been proclaimed by the mouth of man. So many words of man! So smooth, so silky, so soft and so comforting, but so very empty and so filled with snares.

Surely I AM God and I will do all that I have said I will do. Amen.

- Pastor Sandra Matheson 10.23.13


O Father God how we cry out to you! We are living in a season and time of much fear and confusion. So many voices to hear; so many words to take in. Clear our minds Holy Spirit, clear the filter of our ears to hear only the Words of our God; to know the Word is Christ. We know you are the Way, the Truth, and the Life, there is no other way. Strengthen us. Cause our voices to be loud and clear in perfect unity. Have mercy on our Nation Lord! Cleanse this land of so much chaos and confusion and deceit and fear. Cause your people to rise up and take the Land back!

We know this Nation is called by God and established in Your Word. Have mercy on the House of this Nation and cause them all to fall before you and to be restored in You. Mercy and Grace. Mercy and Grace............

- Pastor Sandra Matheson

9.5.13 Be careful America:

Be careful America! The enemy is laying a snare for your feet, and one that will be difficult to get out of! All is not what it seems to be. Stop. Breathe. Wait. I will unveil the Truth and expose the lie. So many of your leaders are being deceived because of their own understandings and because of self-agendas..

I say to you, America, wait. The enemy will thrust you into a deceitful agenda and, if you accept, you will grieve - your people will grieve. Beware of the enemy you cannot see, not the one you see. The one you cannot see comes to you with soothing and soft words, sneering at you behind your back, daggers in their words. Your enemy comes to you disguised in a friend's cloak but hides an enemy's heart. You are being deceived more from within then from without. I ask you America , 'Would you support your enemy? Would fight along side your enemy and not think your enemy would not reach out to destroy you?'

Your leaders are dull in their thinking because of wanting to be politically correct, trying to appease everyone. This enemy that you cannot see - because you choose not to see - is of more danger and destruction to you than you can even imagine.

Wake up My People! Pray for your leaders. Pray for mercy over your land. Pray for lies to be exposed, for dangerous alliances to be exposed, for true agendas and beliefs to be exposed. Pray for Truth to be revealed in such a way that it cannot be denied by those who lead you. Pray for your leaders! Pray!

There is a great deception being formulated to gain an enemy's agenda. Do not be fooled and do not move until you see Truth. Because of this deception, your leaders - your President - cannot hear the words of a Friend, the words of a true ally. Though this friend speaks truth, your leader chooses the lie. Seek Me America and I will show you the way to go!

I have a following of Believers in this land, says the Lord God Almighty, and I will not let go of them and they will not let go of Me. I will hold them in the palm of My Hand. They have cried out to Me and I have heard their cries; I will answer their cries....

Wait. Watch and see, I will reveal the Truth in place of the lie! Amen

- Pastor Sandra Matheson


O God give us the wisdom we need as a nation! Let us not forget from where we have come, from what our foundation in prayer has brought forth in this nation. Let not our leaders move in emotions and great swelling words and in their own understandings and agendas. We know Lord that you have placed both men and women in the houses of our government and we ask that you call them up into their purpose in You, to stand for what is really and truly right- and good for our nation, and not to serve a man or a government party. Have mercy on this nation Father God. Have mercy on our leaders. Cause them to fall to their knees to you, to bow their heads to you; to humble themselves before the Great I AM of the universe.

Remind us Lord, for which this nation was founded and help us to take back our land from both our spiritual and physical enemies. Forgive us our sins and our apathy. We place our trust in you O Lord!


- Pastor Sandra Matheson 9.5.13   

9.1.13 Leaders of Nations:

Listen! Listen to the murmurings! Listen to the plotting and the planning and the guessing of nations! O how they plan! O how they do plot! Each with their own agendas and desires. Does not one consult with the Great I AM? Does not one listen to the voice of the God-of-the-army-angels? No. Each is leaning unto their own understanding and their own judgments as to what is right. O how they do clamor! Each leader is wrestling for the high place, for the seat of power. When will you call upon Me? When will you be still and hear My Voice? When will you humble yourselves before me?  

America, you are in confusion and chaos. Your leader is uncertain and fearful. He has great swelling words but he has no substance. You are losing your power seat in the world. You have forgotten your foundations. You have forgotten the blood that was shed for your freedom. AND, you have forgotten your calling in Christ, the very reason you were founded. All your liberalism will be your great fall for I will not continue to turn away from your stench. and yet, there are those who are called by My name who are calling out to Me for mercy and deliverance. I will hear that call. I will turn the tide of this nation and remove those in seats of power who will not hear.

Listen you leaders of America! Listen, you are in your hour of decision!

Russia, you are in defiance. Choices. Your leader desires power and great recognition. He fancies himself a czar and a great ruler and yet he plots and schemes. A hammer will fall on you. It will crush you and break you to pieces. You are making many alliances for your own greed and for your own gain, but these alliances will turn on you. I will expose your leader for what he really is. Look! Do you not see? Yet look and see for I will do what I will do and power and influence will not be what you thought it would be.

My hand is over My Church in this land and it will quietly continue to grow.

United Kingdom, you are overwhelmed by your choices and your liberal adjustments. Your society is slowly being consumed by a much more fearsome enemy from within - just as America is. Your leaders are cautious, careful, wary, riding the fence. They are trying to be politically correct and diverse, and yet they do not see their enemy right on their doorstep. He is angry and fearsome, cunning. You will implode if you do not turn away and turn to me, if you do not wake up. Your enemy stands over you with a smile on his face and a sword behind his back, ready and waiting. You must turn back to Me as in the days of old when revival of the Holy Spirit invaded your land.

China, you think you are unstoppable. Your leaders feel they are invincible and powerful. Powerful to the oppression of their people. Watch as I stomp on your land and the ripples of earth unnerve you. Look, as I wave my hand over you and your leaders fall. Your iron fist will fall and another will overwhelm you. And yet I will take out of your land that which you tried to destroy and cast down; I will take from you a great harvest of those whose hearts have turned to Me and turned to My Son Jesus. I will have a great

harvest in your land and you will not be able to stop it.

No. Korea, you are small but arrogant. Do not shake your hand at Me! Do not speak and plan such devilish things for I will bring them to naught right before your eyes. Do not say that you are a god for you will go the way of all false and arrogant gods. My judgment is upon you. And yet, I will spare those who cry out to Me and who seek My Face and who give their lives to Me. Your leaders say one thing and do another. They speak what is expedient for them. I will turn their actions upon them. They will rule for a time and a season and then I will uproot them. Pray for your leadership.

Japan, for all your hardship and calamities, My People will persevere. You will find Me when you seek Me with all of your heart. I will not let you go but will uphold you with My mighty right hand. My Spirit will move in the secret places and I will show you great and mighty things. I will restore as you call

on My Name.

Europe, you are playing with fire and yet you are fascinated with it and will not turn from your old ways. Religion, religion, religion. What good is religion? I have come to you over and over and yet you persist in your own agenda. Look at your history. Look at the blood on your ground. Do you not see? Will you not change? The old ways are rising up and you are embracing them. You will think you have power for a moment, you will think you have good alliances for a moment, but all will come down. The same evil spirit that ruled over your nations of old wishes to rise up again and is

so doing. How destructive it was back then and how destructive it will be again. Will you not turn away from it?

Africa, My Spirit is moving upon the face of your land. There is great fear and turmoil but I AM is in the midst of it. Look to Me. Listen to Me. I hear you and I see the persecution to death that you are suffering. Your leaders, in each of your nations that do not know Me, will see the move of My Hand and the anger in My Face. Your leaders will see what I will do. They will fall one by one and I will cover over the remnant of My People who call on My Name and seek My Face. Do not lose hope. Those of you who know me will see the power of my name.

Syria, your days are numbered and you will come to a bloody end. So many trying to be on top, to rule. Assad you feel you are protected by Allah but watch and see what the One True God will do to you and your house. Your house will crumble and you will be deposed. So many want to rule. I say to you that I rule! I set the limits! I determine the times and the seasons - and your season is almost up. Such a nation in turmoil, so much death, so

much sacrifice, so much blood, and for what? Come, call on My Name, see the salvation of the Lord!

Iran, you have a change of guard. New leadership. You feel you have command now, that you are in control. You think you are clever and cunning and no one is smart enough to 'know'. Ah, but I am! I see all, I know all your schemes, your evil intentions. None escape My eye, I see all and I know all. If you raise your hand against My nation, I will crush you. And yet, behind your back, right under your nose, I am gathering a people who know and love Me. My spirit is moving and healing and restoring, collecting a great harvest from your land.... You will be trampled by the very one you

desire to destroy.

Iraq, Afghanistan, struggles and struggles and still no freedom. My Spirit will

move over these lands and I will have a harvest of Believers for the Kingdom

of God. There is only freedom in Me. Call on Me and I will show Myself strong to you.

Turkey, you are quiet for now. Watching, waiting. You are poised and ready to spring. You are observing and quietly working your secrets, but I see them all. I hear the evil conniving that you whisper amongst yourselves, amongst the leaderships, in the quiet places of your walls. You think your plans will succeed but I declare to you that only that which I allow will have a time and a season. Be careful of your alliances. They all wink and smile and shake the hand, but there is a dagger hidden in their sleeves.

So. America, your leaders are diverse. Evil is evil and good is good. Look to the fruit of their words and not at the cleverness of them. I desire to take a harvest from your nations and from all of your lands, and that which I desire I will do. Rebellion. Opposition to Me, resistance. Sleight of hand, deceptions covered over to appear as truth. I am moving across your land. All land belongs to Me and I will have it. Idols, religion, shrines, high places. Destruction. Any yet I will have my way. Your leaders shake the hand and make the promises and then turn away and wink and smile, gaining and

desiring their own agendas. How clever, how devious. Yet only for a time and a season, and then I will wave over My Hand and your land will tremble.

Mexico, you are consuming yourself. There are those that are rising up who will take you over and stomp out your evil and your rampant greed. Your leaders are fearful and compromising, thinking they will get truth and relief and safety. And yet a new government will rise up out of this evil mess. Good men will rise up and will overcome you. Power through violence and blood and control will be exposed. The people of your nation, that you are oppressing and whom are fearful of you, will rise up against you and your power will be no more. I will break the murderous ties with American gangs and the border, as those who are called by My name cry out to Me. Your days are numbered and your season is through.

Netherlands and the Nations of the North, your tolerance has become a snare unto you. Your leaders have lulled you to sleep with this liberalism of thought. You are dull in your senses and do not see and do not care. I say to you to wake up! Shake off this false belief and turn your faces to Me. You pride your selves on your freedoms and yet you do not see how the enemy of your soul has enslaved you. You must turn away before it is too late. I am the same yesterday, today, and forever, I change not! I am releasing a move of My Spirit across your lands, across your nations and some of your leaders will recognize it and some will not. I say to My People in these northern nations to humble yourselves before Me and pray for your leaders, pray for your nations. Pray you will escape the wave of My Hand.

Nations of the Middle East, do not think you are greater than you are. You think you have a way to destroy My People, My Nation, but it is I who will destroy you if you follow through with your evil plans. While My Nation is not perfect, She is the Apple of My Eye and I will not tolerate anyone who means Her harm or tries to divide Her land. Your leaders are hateful and jealous and covetous over Her. Your leaders' mouths are filled with lies and deceit, and venom spews out of them. This is a poison that will poison all your nations; a poison unto death. And yet you persist. What bullies you are! You have all your land and yet you desire Her land, Her tiny little bit of ground. Have you not seen My protection over Israel? Have you not seen that you can come so far and so far only? If you continue I will release My fury upon you. Your nations are already in turmoil and deep unrest, with blood and the dying already filling up your streets. Sacrifices for what? There is an end for you and for all your leaders and yet it is not the end that you desire. There is a remnant of My Believers within each of your borders, within your nations, and I will cover them over with My Wings and deliver them. I will come and snatch them away from you when you do not see. I will provide for them, I will show them great and mighty things. Your leaders will flee in terror and it will be too late.

Israel, do not fear, do not be afraid, do not be dismayed. If you believe in Yahweh, believe also in Yeshua Messiah, My son. I have placed a covering over your leaders and their families. If they will call on Me, I will give them wisdom and direction. You say there are no prophets of today but I have sent prophets to you who have spoken My Words over you, who have prayed on your mountain tops for you and your nation, for your leaders. Though these are trying times, these are needful times. Do not resist My

calling, do not resist the Move of My Holy Spirit. I will reveal to your leaders the plans of the enemy just as I did in the times of old through the prophets of old. Trust in Me. Do not look to the right or to the left, but stay focused on Me. I am your deliverer just as I was when Moses led you out from Egypt. Do not wander in the wilderness any longer, do not lean unto your own understanding, do not allow what man has done unto you to keep you from Me any longer.

All other nations of the world, the Word of God goes out to you for the season is short and I will be gathering up My Bride soon. Wake Up! Gather yourself together. Rise up and be bold in My Name for the harvest is great and the workers are few. Many will suffer for the Kingdom but remember I am there with you and will give you the grace that you need. Move in the fullness of Jesus Christ your Savior and your Lord. Move in the Power and the Authority that He gave to you! Rise up and do not be impotent any longer,

Your enemy is at the door and YOU must conquer him through My Name and My Blood. You must remember that you are a great and mighty people called after My Name, and that I left you fully equipped with Holy Spirit, My Name, My Blood. I am coming for a beautiful and powerful Bride! Wake up and get ready! Trust in Me. Have faith in God.. You can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens you.. You will receive the Crown of Righteousness.

Benjamin Netanyahu, listen to Me. Hear the Word of the Lord to you. Remember the calling I pronounced upon your life; remember the manner in which it was given. It was from Me to you. If you will heed My Words spoken over you from the prophets I have sent to you, and you know who they are, I will honor you and give you the wisdom you cry out to Me for. I will direct you and show you the enemies' plans. My anointing will rest upon you and your house. I will not withhold one good thing from you and you will be a friend unto Me and I will be a friend unto you. You must embrace all of Me and all that I have given, both the Old Testament and the New Testament. You know this, I have spoken it to your heart. I have sent you mentors. Do not turn them away for it is all for such a time as this.


Pastor Sandra Matheson 9.1.13                          

8.5 .13 Warning to American and to Israel

O Israel, Israel! Stop and hear the Word of the Lord unto you! Do you not know? Do you not care? What are you doing? Why do you turn into the words of man? Why do you heed the words of your adversaries? Why are you so quick to give away what I have given to you? Whom do you place your trust in? Listen to the words of the Lord your God; harken unto my words. What does my word say to you? What are my promises to you? What is the covenant that I have made with you? O Israel, Israel! Trust in me; believe in me; turn to me! How my heart yearns for you, the Apple of My Eye. Beware of the mouths of your adversaries, listen how they make

great swelling promises and proclamations! They speak out of both sides of their mouths to you, they wink with their eye, they covet in their hearts over you. They mean no good for you, they mean harm and deceit and captivity and death. Why are you so intimidated by man and his positions of life, by their threats that you do not listen to me? Have I not rescue​d you form the hands of your enemies since the formation of your nation? Have I not shown you my great and mighty right arm of strength and protection time and time again? Stop! Stand still! Hear the word of your God! I have confounded the nations before you with my covering and protections, I will do so again. It is my desire for you to turn your faces up to me, to lift

your hands up to me, to turn your hearts wholly unto me. It is me and only me who will cover you over and protect you from your enemies. Be careful of the plans around you. Be careful of those who say they are your friends. Be careful of the alliances they present to you for they are not good. They will be your ruin and captivity. America! Stop and turn away from your arrogant ways before it is too late! You think you are wise and powerful and yet the nations laugh at you with snickers and mirth, they ridicule you behind your back. And yet your leaders think they are strong and mighty and possess the answers to all the questions and issues. How prideful!

How foolish are you! These nations ridicule your leaders; they cover their mouths and glare out of the corners of their eyes. Did your president not learn this with his meeting with Putin? Corruption and deceit and arrogance and lies! Shameful and grievous this is before me.

America, be very careful how you instruct my nation of Israel, be careful of your agendas and schemes. For I will not allow this deceit to flourish just yet. I will not allow your arrogance to prosper. Your time is near and I will expose all of this. America, you must turn away from your wicked and selfish ways or I will pluck you up and crash you down. You are being deceived just as you are deceiving. Your leaders think they have good alliances with other leaders but it is all smoke and mirrors and you will fall. Your enemy is at your

door. Your enemy is in your camp. Your enemy has invaded your churches and your pulpits and yet still you refuse to see. You still call your enemy good and friend. How foolish you are! You will not divide my land and not receive a tribulation. Do not do this thing! Come back to your foundations that I may bless you and accomplish what has been spoken into you to do for the Kingdom of Heaven. Do not touch the Apple of My Eye! Amen

Pastor Sandra Matheson 8.5.13


Dear God have mercy on this foolish nation! Remember your people, those who stand and persevere. Remember your faithful ones and give us strength to overcome. We ask you for wisdom and grace and discernment to see our enemy and to expose the corruption in our nation. forgive us of all our sins of greed and death, arrogance and selfishness, pride. Be merciful to us O God, and give us good and righteous leaders who will be filled with

honor and integrity and will love this land and take back all the ground for you. Give us leaders who will be bold to declare that which is evil as evil, and that which is good as good. Be merciful to us O lord and lift up your remnant in this land; allow your Spirit to blaze across this nations to save soles and wake up your people. Amen

Pastor Sandra Matheson 8.5.13                            

7.8.13               Look At The Nations!

Look! Look at the Nations, says the Spirit of the Living God. Look! Do you not see? Do you not perceive their posturing, their great swelling words, their threats and their empty promises? O how they prance and make great and magnificent gestures! How they gather their crowds and stir the cheers! And O, how they kill and destroy their own! Do not be deceived my people. Do not be fearful or alarmed or dismayed. Even though it would seem to be an unstoppable thing, I the Lord God Almighty am on my Throne and it is not so until I say it is so! Why do you cave into the enemy so quickly? Why do you bow to his lies and persuasions so easily? Do you not believe my Word? No, you do not even know my Word so how could you believe it? Come. I have a plan, says the Spirit of God. Come. I have a way says the Spirit of God. My people will go into captivity unless they know my Word! I AM the Word! Under all the pomp and under all the clamor, under all the lies and great words and the winking of the eye, the Mighty Spirit of God is moving and initiating His purpose and His plan. No matter what you hear about these nations, no matter what you read or perceive about them, I am still in control and no plan of any nation will succeed unless I allow it for my purpose. Look! Listen to the Spirit! Powerful, great and mighty things are occurring! My Spirit is moving across these nations and raising up a people to love and worship me. Do you not know that my Spirit is moving and gathering in a harvest for my Kingdom in China, in Korea, in Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, even Syria, even Africa.? England, Europe, Central America, Russia, Kenya, Tibet. Even in America I am beginning a new thing; I am initiating a rising up of my people. All over the world- north, south, east, and west, I am moving and gathering, saving and restoring, equipping and strengthening. These are great and mighty days my people. Come and harvest with me. Come and gather into the Kingdom of God with me. He who gathers with me, is for me, he who scatters, is against me. Which are you? Where do you stand? Where is your faith? What do you believe?

Look! Look at the Nations! Do you not see? Do you not perceive? Now is the time; now is the season; now is the harvest; now is Salvation.... Amen

Pastor Sandra Matheson


Father God move soundly and move boldly! May we have eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches of today.. forgive us our complacency and our unbelief. Stir up within us again that faith that says our God is the God of the impossible and knows no limits. Remind us that these nations with all the noise, these people with all the clamoring, these people and nations with all the threats and violence shall not succeed and shall not overcome the will and plan of our God. Remind us that we are a people of the Great King; we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus; and that we are called with a purpose to fulfill for our Heavenly Father' plan for our lives.. Stir us up again to be about our Father's business. We will look at the nations but we will see the hand of our God moving - and not the plan of the enemy!

- Pastor Sandra Matheson       7.18.12

6.10.13           Kenya

Kenya hear My Voice. My Spirit is with you, My Spirit is rushing over your land. I am planting, I am uprooting, I am restoring. I am doing a new thing. Do you not perceive it? It is not religion, it is not church as usual, it is not the same routine of worship. My Angels are invading your atmosphere and I am giving you a new song. I am going to cause your hearts to sing and to sing and to sing. I am going to cause the ways of tradition and religion to fall away and a new beginning of worship to flood you, your land, your churches. I have a plan, says the Lord God Almighty, a plan to renew your hearts and minds and spirits. I have a plan to bring provisions and healings and miracles. I am Jehovah Jireh! I am the Great I AM! There is none like Me. Man cannot stop Me. Man cannot contain Me. Man cannot instruct Me. I am greater than man! Come to Me. Lift up your head to Me. Focus on Me and only Me. Out of Me flows order and blessings and power and greatness. Behold, I am doing a new thing! Do not be discouraged. Do not be afraid. Do not worry and do not be anxious; for I AM is with you and I will show you the way, I will cover you over with My Mighty Hand. I will renew you like the dew on the grass, like the new morning sun. My dear little children, how I love you! How My Heart smiles over those who work and toil the fields of harvest in your land. How My Heart is moved for those of you who are faithful and bold and dare to move in My Power and Might. Though darkness tries to come, though sin abound, though the enemy of your faith would try to bring fear or dismay – you must know that I AM is with you! I am the Great God Almighty and I sit upon My Throne... I am in control! Reach out to Me. Lift your face to Me. Open your mouths to Me. Raise your hands to Me. Give Me all of your heart.....


Just as I provided the fishes and the loaves for 5,000 so I will do for you. Your provisions will come even as your mouths are filled with prayer. You will open the fish’s mouth and find the coins. Your baskets of food will be replenished just as the oil of the widow was. Your children will be fed, and they will be clothed. Their hearts and souls will be healed and restored... A great anointing for healing, signs and wonders is being released over your land through the hands and the mouths of My Faithful Anointed Believers - those who stand with Me. Those who gather with Me and do not scatter against Me. Look! A new thing comes! Are you not perceiving it?

Kenya, your seasons of time and Spiritual anointing is come! Repent, Receive, Restore. Amen

Pastor Sandra Matheson 6.10.13  

Genesis 22:14 - Jehovah Jireh

Psalm 33:3 "Sing unto Him a new song; play skillfully with a loud noise."

Isaiah 42:10 "Sing unto the Lord a new song, and His praise from the end of the earth, ye that go down to the sea, and all that is therein; the isles, and the inhabitants thereof."

Jeremiah 30:17 "For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, says the Lord; because they called thee an outcast, saying 'This is Zion (Believer), whom no man seeks after."

Matthew 14:15-21 The five loaves and two fishes

Matthew 17:24-27 coin in fish's mouth

2 Kings 4:1-7 Widow's oil


Father God, We lift our prayers for Kenya. We pray Lord that the mighty power of God moves freely over this land without hindrance or restriction. We pray for your Spirit to invade this land, stirring up hearts and minds and souls for You, O God. We pray that there is a new song from you that fills their hearts and mouths, strengthening and encouraging them in all the things of Christ. Jesus loose your healings and miracles and provisions unto these peoples of this nation. Show yourself strong to them Lord; may every need, every provision, be provided by your hand. We rejoice in you Lord over Kenya, and the mighty work you are doing there and the greatness of your anointing and power that is being imparted to your servants in that land. Great and mighty is our God. There is none like Him! Amen.

Pastor Sandra Matheson 6.10.13

5.22.13   Patriotism

“Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else." - President Theodore Roosevelt.


America, America! Rise up again and be strong; be the Light you were called to be for Democracy and Freedom – with responsibility and accountability. Shake off your complacency and political correctness; shake off your selfish agendas; shake off your political greed and avarice. For the Lord God of heaven and earth bears witness to the affairs of man and is aware of the thoughts and intentions of his heart. The Lord God of heaven and earth bears witness to the affairs of the nations and their true desires and treatment of their peoples. America, turn back to your foundations and to your morals, turn back to your true God. Separate yourselves from evil and stand upon righteousness. Just because man may say it is right does not make it so! Hear Me! Know that I AM GOD! How many laws must you pass? How many restrictions must you put upon your people? How many times must you declare evil good and good evil? Will all these things change the heart of your people? Will all these things change the nature of your government for the good? When will your bellies be filled with this rot and when will your mouths be filled with its vomit? When will you rise up and declare, Enough is enough! Man’s ways are NOT my ways! Stop and listen!! Stop and Hear the Word of the Lord to you! The enemy of your nation is encroaching upon you and you slumber while he does!

I have promised you a Righteous leader. Stop. Pray. Call out to Me. Seek My face for this leader. Turn from your selfish ways and I will come and heal your land. Humble yourselves before me. Trust in Me, I AM a God that sees ALL things.

Luke 12:48 Amplified Bible

“But he who did not know and did things worthy of a beating shall be beaten (disciplined) with few [lashes]. For everyone to whom much is given, of him shall much be required; and of him to whom men entrust much, they will require and demand all the more.”

Psalms2:2 Amplified Bible

“Why do the nations assemble with commotion [uproar and confusion of voices], and why do the people imagine(meditate upon and devise) an empty scheme?”

Psalm 33:10 Amplified Bible

“The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to naught; He makes the thoughts and plans of the peoples of no effect.”

Proverbs5: 21 NIV

“For a man’s ways are in full view of the Lord, and He examines all his paths.”


Dear Father God, turn the heart of this nation back to you. Give us righteous and moral leaders, a moral government based in honesty and integrity, and able to know what is right and what is wrong. A government bold in truth. We have listened to too many voices and our people are confused as to whom to listen to! We must repent and learn to hear your voice and yours alone, once again. We must remember that there is no god before you and no god after you - you are the great I AM, who was, and is, and always will be. We must be a people who will humble ourselves before you and seek your face and your ways and not our own. We do not seem to know what is evil and what is good anymore. We call up righteous and moral leaders for this nation, leaders filled with honesty, wisdom, and integrity. We call them up and ask that you tear down the old. Forgive us of our sins before you, O Lord, and renew a right Spirit within us. A men.

Rev. Sandra Matheson 

5.14.13 Israel:

Israel, Israel. I am aware, I see all things, I know all things. I see that your enemies are poised over you. I hear their secret plans and the deviant things they propose over you. And yet, the Lord your God remains on the Throne and in Power and in Control. Turn to me Israel, turn to my Son. Though it may seem that you are outnumbered and though it may seem as though your enemies are delighted by their plans for your demise, I say to you that I am for you. My Hand is stayed over you. Be careful of your alliances for those who make great promises and speak with great swelling words, and comforting words, are the very ones who plot and plan against you behind your back. I will give you all you need to have to overcome as you have always overcome - in Me. Because of my grace to you, you have overcome. There is an alliance coming that will be good and strong and healthy for you, one you can trust and rely upon. I am formulating and creating and rearranging to bring this about. Turn your face to me, O Israel. Come unto me, come unto me through my Son. Amen.

Rev. Sandra Matheson   


Father God we as Believers in Christ pray for the peace of Jerusalem, of the nation of Israel. We pray for her, for great wisdom and insight into the plans of her enemies. We pray for protection on all her borders, covered by your Warring Angel Armies. We pray for her leaders, for Benjamin Netanyahu and his cabinet, for discernment and wisdom to know what to do and when to do it. May there be protection over their families and inner circles as well. Raise up support for this nation Lord. Lead them in the ways they should go and let them not rely on their own wisdom that will lead them into a snare of wrong alliances. We pray for peace in the Middle East so that your Word may go forth unimpeded. Amen

Rev. Sandra Matheson 5.14.13

4.28.13 Promise to America:

America I have promised to send unto you a leader of moral courage and moral character; a leader on whom My Favor will rest. That which I have promised I will do. Your time is not My time, your ways are not My ways. You say, the Lord delays. Or you say, the Prophet is wrong. I say, My Word is true, My word is yes and amen. Watch. I am beginning to turn upside down the plans of men, all their secrets and secret agendas. Watch. I am bringing darkness out into My Light for all the peoples of earth to see. I have not forgotten. I do not speak through My Prophet in vain. Watch and see what I will do. There is a soft and quiet move of My Holy Spirit moving across the face of this earth. Soft and quiet and yet powerful and earthshaking. Only those in the shelter of My Spirit, in the covering of My name, will sense it - will be aware of it. Powerful and full of My strength and My might.

America: I am here. I am moving. I am calling out the faithful into a new place in Me. I am calling them up in your seats of government; I am calling them up in your positions of finance; I am calling them up in your places of medicines and health; I am calling them up in the classrooms of your education. I am calling up the ordinary, the unusual, the least of you. The faces of your churches are changing. Some are faithful and stand strong in Me. Some are weak and vacillate in the flesh and the spirit. Some are fearful of man and cave into the political correctness of your season. I say to you this day, I will have My way in this nation, for My reasons and My purposes! The Spirit of God is moving and shaking and sifting. Enough of this whispering and conspiring, deceptions and lies, innuendos and insinuations of truth. I am shaking up the land. First Spiritually and then physically. All is not lost America. It is but beginning. I have a plan and you shall rise again. I shall shake up and clean up, expose and reveal. Pray. Intercede! Pray for My Wisdom, for My Will to be done. Corruption and deceit prevail, but not for long - only a short season....... Rise up My Bride! Wash yourself with the Word of Your God! Cleanse yourself with the Power of His Blood! Clothe yourself with His robes of Righteousness! Fasten your hands to the reigns of His Power! Step with your feet and regain the ground your enemy has taken! Listen, I am calling unto you. Listen. Listen...................

Rev. Sandra Matheson


O Father God, God of Heaven and Earth, I hear your call. I turn my face unto you. I open my eyes to see you, only you. I turn my hearing, turning my ear to listen and hear only your voice. I bow my heart to you, Lord of Lords and King of Kings. I bend my knees to you in humbleness and in your honor. I lift up my hands unto your praise and thanksgiving, unto my surrender to you. I receive your Word unto me, realizing it will start with one at a time, spreading out as I receive and accept it and give it out to others. May you be praised and glorified in all that I do and say. May I be found ready and about my Father's business when you do return for your Bride. May I not be found wanting and inactive when you return. Fill this earth with your presence, your glory, your power and your might. Fill me!        Amen

Rev. Sandra Matheson 4.28.13

4.15.13    N. Korea, China:

Woe unto you, says the Spirit of God Almighty, God of Heaven and Earth.

Woe unto you! Stop what you are doing, for I see all that you think, all that you plan and are devising. An evil notion it is. Behold, I have said that I would stomp my foot and shake the corners of you China and this I will surely do. The evil you plan and the secrets you speak of I will expose and call out into the Light. I will pull back the corners of your cover and reveal the shame of your plans.

North Korea. I see you, I hear you. You rail at me, you sneer at me, you raise your fist at me. How full of yourself you are! Yet how small and how impotent you really are. Your boasting and your prideful words will become a snare unto you, a trap unto your feet. Your words will become an embarrassment to you and will fill your mouth with vomit.

China, North Korea, I see how my people suffer under the rule of the two of you. I hear their cries unto Me, their wails and sobs reverberating through out heaven. You think I do not know and I do not see and that I do not hear. I am going to slam down my fist upon you and bring you into despair and ruin. North Korea, your young ruler will ruin you even more and yet you will not restrain him and you will not correct him. You are afraid of him and give him unworthy power, you worship him and his false god of hedonism. China, you think you are invincible and are full pride and yet you will implode. I will wave my hand over you and your land will cry out.

Listen, the two of you, I will rain down judgment upon you if you do not turn away from your wicked ways and cover your people over with compassion. My hand will cover over my people, my Believers, that you are oppressing so violently and so wickedly. I will bring upon the two of you all that you have done to your people. I will pluck you up and uproot you, suddenly and without warning. It is but a time and season. Your season is short. Come unto me. My arm is extended and my hand is open unto you. Repent and I will give you mercy and I will restore your lands. Repent before your stench fills my nostrils and I cannot tolerate you and your ways, and destruction comes upon you!       Amen.

Rev. Sandra Matheson       4.15.13

4.11.13 Pray:

A plan is being devised. A notion has taken root. Pray for the Pacific coast of America. Pray covering and protection. Do not fear and do not be alarmed. Pray the fruit of the enemy will be cast into the sea and come to nothing. They will rise up, be blocked and come tumbling down by my hand. What the enemy means for harm I will turn away. The young ruler of the east will shout and rail, will pose and posture with his fist raised high. His mouth will spew forth many vile and threatening things; his ego will have the best of him but his season of time will be short. I am the God of Heaven and Earth, there is no other god before me, nor after me. I AM that I AM. Pray for your leaders America. They run to and fro, confusion and chaos. Believers rise up , lift your voices up to me. Pray for your nation, for her enemies rise up and alliances are being made.

Rev. Sandra Matheson

4.1.13   Give me your hearts:

Stir up your hearts O Church! Open your eyes and open your ears! Do you not know, do you not realize that the Spirit of God is moving and thundering and reverberating through the nations? Why can you not see? All is not lost. The hidden things are coming to light and I will blind the eyes of the enemy with the Truth. Stir up your hearts Church, move close into me. Give me your whole heart! Do you not know that your enemy, the Devil, only has power when you allow him to?

Do you not know that he is defeated? Act upon that fact; move upon that principal. The nations roar, the people complain and murmur, the leaders are posturing and are full of smoke and mirrors. Hear Me people of the Living God! Hear what I am saying to you! This is the time, this is the season of harvest for you. This is the completion of all your prayers that you have tarried in.

Go to Isaac's Field! (Genesis 26: 1, 12-14). Even though there was a famine in the land Isaac followed my instructions and he was obedient unto me. Because of his obedience to me, I was able to bless him with a great harvest where there should have been no harvest! Look to your area of harvest. Look to your seed. Look to your obedience to me. Do not complain, do not mummer, do not fuss as the world does! Call on my name in faith and trust and see what I will do for you! Step out in greater faith and water your seed with my word. See if I will not show you great and mighty things that you do not know. Pray for your nations, pray for your leaders. Pray that the Spirit of God moves like lightening and sears through the darkness!

Rev. Sandra Matheson

4.1.13    Western Seaboard of America:

There is a movement, says the Spirit of God. A movement of Power and Might in my name that will cover over the western seaboard of America. I am stirring up an army of my people who will stand up and say, enough! An army of Believers who will walk the ground and lay claim to the long forgotten promises and covenants that have been broken and destroyed. The Spirit of God is moving in these states to dispel the darkness and bring in a flood of My Shekinah Glory. Call up the promises my people. Call up the move of my Spirit. I desire to do a new thing, I desire to break the ground and repair the breaches!

Rev. Sandra Matheson

3.13.13   California - Washington DC:

California has been a pawn in the hands of the enemy for long enough, says the Lord of Hosts. Enough! Greed and deceit, pride and arrogance, perversity. I am raising up My people, I am calling them out - bringing them out into their blessings, their inheritance in this land. There is a move of My Spirit that will roar out, rushing and flooding over this state wiping it clean and restoring it unto Me. No longer will evil be extolled as good. My people have cried out to Me and I have heard them. No longer will their finances be stolen from them, no longer will the greedy politicians deceive and steal from them. No longer will the righteousness of their votes be overturned and torn out from under them. No. I have a people in this state that I will now shine My great favor upon and release a greater measure of grace over them. Where there seems to be no way, I will make a way, where there seems no possibility, I will make great possibilities. I am returning great harvests for great seed that has been sewn for My Kingdom by My people in this state. Financial blessings will now be released, jobs will suddenly be created and released for My people, financial lost will now be restored to those called by My Name. Listen, do not put your trust in man. Dare to extend, dare to trust in Me. Turn your face to Me, lift up your hands that hang down and worship Me and Me alone, stretch forth your open hands and I will fill them. Come. Fill your mouth with Praise and Thanksgiving and see if I will not do as I say! Great favor to California. No more lack upon My people!

Washington DC: Look! The eyes of the Lord of Heaven and Earth are upon you. I see all things, the good and the evil. Nothing is hidden from Me. I hear each and every word that is spoken and that is thought. O man how foolish you are to think that I am not aware! I am pulling you up short, I am taking your agendas, your plans, and bringing them all out into the Light for all to see - to judge if good or evil. I will uproot those in office who think they are so immovable, so strong, so anchored. Quickly, without warning it will happen. Watch and see if it will not be so! Washington DC I am calling you up and back to the roots and foundations of this nation, this land soaked in the blood of those who gave their very lives for this freedom. Beware, for what the Spirit of the Living God now declares will be so! How foolish, how arrogant, and how prideful are those politicians who steal and rob from the people of this nation. There is a roar of indignation and righteous anger coming from My people in this land -- filling up My ears and moving My heart. Enough. Repent and change your ways or I will swoop upon you suddenly and remove you from your place and you will be no more. Amen

Rev. Sandra Matheson

3.10.13   The Field of Isaac:

As the world looks on, the Lord God of Heaven and Earth says: I am shaking the nations, I am rearranging leaders, order, agendas. Man stands and expounds with great swelling words of approval, condolences, flatteries, lies. O Man, how can you observe and then call that which is evil good? How can you speak of an oppressor of righteousness and call out approval?

The condition of the heart of man is continually evil, missing that which is Righteous simply for the sake of gain. Evil is evil. Why do you not see? You do not see because it is not of interest to you; you say that it will not happen to you nor will it come into your life. Ah, but I say to you that it will invade your life and your territory with a vengeance ,and you will not know it until it is too late and has taken you captive. Religion abounds. Pomp. Regality. Great ceremony. The world waits with intense attraction. What can a man do for you? Can a man save your soul? Can a man set your soul free? Can a man heal a heart or create a new heart in you? Can a man reach deep within you and create a new creature in you, filled with My Glory, My Power, My Nature? Can a man restore your mind and fill you with unexplainable Peace?? No, a thousand times no! And yet man bows his head and bends his knees and gives homage to a symbol, to a man - to Religion. It is all vanity, it is all deceptive. I have come to give Life and to give Life more abundantly. I came to hang on that Cross to redeem man and restore him to the Father. I took on all the evil of this world and all the diseases and frailties, sickness, and death. Come. Come unto Me. Come and accept the free gift of Life that I extend to you. Do not turn away. This season of time is short and running out. Suddenly it comes; suddenly you will be held responsible before the Throne of My Father and will have to give account of your actions of resistance to Me. You will find you have no answers.

Nations of the earth: A change is coming. Complex. An undercurrent of Righteousness is bubbling up like a small brook and will turn into a powerful river that will not be stopped. Though it seems like things are frightful and uncertain, that there is not enough provisions but only lack, I want you to hear the voice of the God of Heaven and Earth, the one true God - There is more than enough for those who are My People, those who are called by My Name, those whose hearts and minds are turned to Me. I will provide, I will return the harvest for your seed that has been faithfully sewn into the Kingdom of Heaven. Just as I directed Isaac to buy a field in the time of famine, to plant his seed, and then I gave him a harvest where there should have been no harvest; I declare that I will do the same for you! (Genesis 26: 1, 12-14). Listen!! Do not fear! Do not doubt! Call unto Me and I will answer. I AM JEHOVAH JIRA: I AM your God of provision. Seek out My Word, study My Word; it is filled with all the direction and the wisdom you need. Devour it. Be fat in it so that your spirit is full and satisfied in Me. Blessed is the one who will hear the Word of the Lord and obey, for he shall receive his harvest at the appointed time and shall show forth the mercies of his God. Amen

Rev. Sandra Matheson

Isaiah 5:20"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter."

Psalm 37:19"In times of disaster they will not wither, in days of famine they will enjoy plenty."

Romans 10:13"For everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved."


Lord Jesus, save us from religion, from the trappings and ceremonies of traditions. Help us understand that we need a personal, one on one relationship with you. It is by Grace and not by our own goodness that we have this relationship. The Cross is our point of forgiveness and restoration to the Father. Take to the Cross to be reminded of the Grace you gave to each one of us. I ask you in Lord, to take my life, to restore me and to forgive me."     Amen

Rev. Sandra Matheson

2.4.13     Rest:

Now is a season of rest.. Not a season of inactivity but of rest in Me. Will you hear Me? Many have been wearied and worn from the ways of the world, from the attacks of the enemy. I am here to give you rest, to refresh you, to give you a new anointing. Come to Me. Sit with Me. Talk with Me. Listen to Me. I have not called you to do this in your own strength, in your own understanding. Come to Me and I will give you rest for your spirit, for your mind. There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is destruction. Will order the steps of a righteous man, a man who turns into Me, and a man who will hear My voice. This is a hard season - and yet this is a glorious season! My favor is going out, My grace is pouring upon you, My strength will sustain you. This is a year of overflowing for My people, those who are faithful to Me. This is a year of harvest for all the seed you have planted; this is the year of answered prayer that has been spoken out in My name. Behold, I desire to do a new thing. I desire to raise up My people. They no longer will be the tail, but they will be the head. There is work to be done. This is the year of the Kingdom establishment; the understanding of My Kingdom. Come unto Me and be refreshed for the season has begun. Amen

Rev. Sandra Matheson                    

1.1.13 America will rise:

America: America the Lord is not finished with you yet. Though there are struggles and tests and hard days ahead, know that I am with you. I have called this nation out of nothing. I have called this nation out of bondage and into freedom. Much blood is soaked into this land by those who have desired freedom and freedom for their faith. Your founding fathers gave all that they had to fulfill my purpose for this land. Will you do the same?

Now your enemy is much more subtle and much more cunning. Now more than ever, you must pray. You must pray for your nation, you must pray for your leaders, you must pray for my power to have the freedom to move. You must pray for Righteousness to rise up and to prevail. There is a great rise of my Spirit rolling out and rolling down, descending from heaven. I desire to move and restore. I desire a people who will wake up and step forward to receive what I have for you. This is not the time to draw back and to wait for someone else to take the lead. Are you with Me? Are you for Me? Will you stand and hear my voice? Will you move in boldness in my Spirit?

There is a force that desires to take this nation. It is quiet. It is from within. There is an evil that would desire to overcome you, in this nation, in your church, and in your home. Remember that I have overcome this evil, and that I have given you the power to stand and to overcome it as well. Greater am I that is in you, than he that is in the world. If my people will humble themselves and pray, I will come and heal their land. I will forgive their sins and I will move and refresh them. America will yet rise again and be strong in me if my people will give heed to my Words.

Decision - Church:

Church, hear my word to you. Rise up. Do not slumber any longer. Do not try to stand with one foot in the world and one foot in Church. I will no longer wink at the sins that permeate my Church, the divisions, the discourse, the turning away from my Holy Spirit. I have died for this Church and I ask that you will rise up and move forward in the purpose and plan for that I have for Her. Where is holiness? Where is integrity? Do you not know that I see all? There will be a day coming that those around you will cry out to you to have what you have. They will stop you and beg for what you have in me. Will you be ready to answer? Will you be equipped to provide? I ask you to draw closer to me. I ask you to bend your ear to me. I ask you to study and know my Word for it is the very breath of me and it is the food and the power and the anointing you will need. I ask you to lay down your differences and be open to me, be open to my Spirit. Behold, I desire to open your spiritual ears to hear, I desire to open your spiritual eyes to see, I desire to fill you up with amazing things that you do not know and cannot yet perceive. Repent of your apathy. Stand up and be strengthened in me. Do not be afraid for I will see that you have all you need to have to complete the task that I hereby lay out before you. In me you have all the strength you need, all the wisdom, all the discernment, all the power, and all the authority. You can do all things through me, who strengthens you, from the least to the greatest.

I am sifting my church, I am sifting her leadership. I will expose the hidden things, bringing all out into the Light. Pray for your leaders. Pray for your pastors, for teachers to teach you, for prophets to speak and apostles to plant. Pray for the power to fall upon the Church once again. Pray for those over you that they may lead you in love and in peace. So many have called out to me for signs and wonders and miracles. I desire that my Bride come back to her foundation and I desire to have an Acts Church once again. I am bringing my Bride full circle, back to the greatness she was founded for. For surely there is a day when my people will call on my name as in times of old for healing and provision and protection, and I will hear and I will answer and I will show myself strong in those who dare to step up to the call. Will you be among those who hear my voice and answer? Will you be among those who step out into faith and boldness as my Apostles did? Pastors, be my shepherds. Feed my sheep. Seek my face and I will tell you what my sheep need and I will show you the way to provide the food they need. Teachers, teach my Word in Truth and in faith. If you do not believe, how will those you try to teach believe? I am calling out to my Apostles. Some say there are no more Apostles but I have a remnant and I call them up to go forth and to teach and to plant and to bring order. My Prophets must rise up, great and small, and speak forth the word that I have filled their mouths with. My people need to be fed, my people need to be encouraged, and my people need to know who I AM.

This is the time and season of great harvest for my people who believe. This is the year of the prodigal coming home. This is the year of answered prayers and the showing forth of great favor. As you serve me and as you seek my face, as you are faithful to me, I will show myself strong in your life. I will open the windows of heaven, the portals between this natural world and the supernatural heavenly world, and I will rain blessings and mercy and grace and abundance down upon you to show my favor. In me you will have all you need to have. Do not look to the world but fasten your focus on me. Now is the season of fulfillment of all that I have called you to do, the fulfillment of all the gifts I have placed in you. Your ministries will abound as your faith in me rises up. I am preparing my bride and I come for her quickly. Will I find faith in her? Will I find you about your Father’s business? Amen.

Rev. Sandra Matheson 1.1.13

11.9.12    I am still on the Throne:

Be at peace Church. All is not undone, I am still on My Throne and My Hand still extends to you. Remember that My Word is sure and My Word is true. Do not be dismayed. The peoples of your nation, America, have spoken. Just as I called Samuel, My Prophet, to separate and anoint David the shepherd boy as King over Israel, I have called a man to come and be anointed to govern over you. And just as the people clamored for Saul instead, because of his personality and his stature, so have these people spoken. My people drew back and did not see the power that they had been given and so stood from afar. It is what it is for now. However, is there anything too hard for the Lord your God? No! I say No! What is impossible with man is more than possible with God. Watch! Look and see what I will do! What I have declared I will do, I will do! I have a plan for this nation. I have a plan for My people; I am moving and I am changing and rearranging. I am exposing the secrets held dear to the heart of man; I am exposing all that is out of order and evil and is of man's own making. I am turning a thing upside down and creating a new and marvelous thing. Watch. Be attentive. Turn your face to Me. Still your hearts and minds before Me. I will do an unusual thing and I will expose the snake of divination and the snakes slithering around in the secret rooms and the secret halls that are lies, and great lies, and exaggerations and pride. Man thinks that I do not see, that I do not hear, that I do not mind, that I do not care, that I will look away or that I will 'wink'. I say to you, My Church, that I will not do! I will expose, I will bring hidden things to Light, I will have My way with this nation America! Pray My Church! Stand and have faith in Me!

Israel: Do not fear

Do not fear My Little One. Just as I have saved you many times before I will do so again. Your enemy will not have his way. I will stomp My foot and they will scamper away. I will clap my hands and they will run. I will blow My Breath upon them and they will dissolve. I have promised you a Jonathan for your David and I will do it! Benjamin, do not give in! You have been called and you have been placed and only I can remove you - only the Great I AM can move you. You have been called to serve yet again and I will anoint you afresh. I will expand your mind with the deepest of My Wisdom. You will know and you will prove. You will have favor among the nations. Your words will have weight among the nations and ears will turn to you and they will listen! I will do a new and amazing thing in you. Your season is not yet done. Behold. A fresh wind is blowing in your land and fanning the flames of redemption! Look up Israel and see your salvation.

Rev. Sandra Matheson 11.19.12


"Father God I ask to be strengthened and encouraged by Your Holy Spirit. Help me to see what the Hand of my God is doing in the secret places. Heal my nation and restore Your people. I know we can do nothing on our own but we can do ALL things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us. How grateful I am Lord that this is true! Boldly move me to do more, to say more, to encourage more for your Kingdom. I am mindful that all is not lost but that You continue to move according to your plan. I pray for your people in this nation Lord, that they might rise up and exclaim as Peter did, "Embolden us to speak your Word O Lord, and not be afraid of man.' Forgive us Father of our apathy and our carelessness with that which you have entrusted to us. Keep us mindful that we are to be good stewards of this nation you have so graciously placed us in! Remind us that we are to be about our Father's business and to pray earnestly and diligently for this nation and for those that govern us. Remove those, pluck them up, that oppose you and have an evil and selfish intent for this nation; those that abuse their power and their positions. I trust you Lord that there is still more to come - and Righteousness will prevail. Instill Your Warring Angels around the boarders of Israel. Protect her and lift her up. Cover her over with Your Wings. Amen

Rev. Sandra Matheson 11.19.12

10.15.12   Nations roar:

The nations roar and the nations tremble. 'Peace, prosperity', they cry. They rage and resist the move of My Spirit. They resist because they want their own way, because they are stubborn and rebellious, and their fists are clinched tight. They will not submit to Me, they will not obey Me, they will not hear Me. My people, I hear your cries to me. I hear your hearts and prayers before Me. I am bending low to hear you and to answer you. There are trials and tribulations designed to refine the Church, to purge out all the dross from her - the false gold. She will then rise up and be powerful in this latter Day and in this latter Hour. My Bride will be adorned and ready for the Bridegroom! I am turning all things upside down. I am turning over the hard ground into fallow ground. I am stirring up the Power in My Bride, in My people. I will hear a people calling out to Me with a sincere heart. Look! I am doing a new thing. I am exposing the old and creating the new. Do not be dismayed! The Plans that I have cannot be stopped.

America: a new season is coming. Wisdom and peace, creativity and unity. With all of that comes a new accountability and a new responsibility to do what I have called you to do and to be. Many have declared over you that you are not a Christian nation; but I have not declared that! You will be what you have been called to be from the foundations of your very beginning.

China: your recompense has come. You will get what you have spoken out over America. Indeed, it has already begun! Turn to Me. Turn to Me. Only My Hand can stay what is about to happen; and I will protect My own that are held in you nation.

Israel: no matter what seems to be, My Way will succeed. Many times you have seen the hand of God cover you over. Many times you have survived when the world said you would not. So many have reached out to destroy you and yet, here you are. You are the Apple of My Eye, and yet you must turn fully and completely unto me, unto Messiah Yeshua.

The European Union will appear to rise and yet will fall. The United Nations will become crippled and fall. All this must be. For it is the end of a season and the beginning of a new; preparing the way for the Bridegroom.

Great Britain I am stoking the many small flames of fire that are beginning in My Spirit throughout your land. I am going to unite each flame until it becomes a roaring fire that will roll over your land and clean and purge and do away with the old things. Then I will establish the New. I have an army that has been gathered in this land for this time and for this season. I say awake! Awake and be ready! Now is not the time to slumber, nor to sleep. Now is not the time to lounge about and wait for others to do. Now is not the time to be caught in the devil's snare of apathy. Behold, the Bridegroom comes!

Rev. Sandra Matheson 10.14.12

9.25.12    Prodigal:

This is the time of the Prodigal. This is the season of the return of the lost. I have heard the heart cries of my people for their loved ones: husbands, wives, children, parents, family, and friends, who are lost and separated from Me, says the Spirit of God. I have seen the intensity and the pain of heart through which My people have persevered in calling out to me for mercies and for the salvation of those they loved. You have tarried long, says the Lord, you have been faithful and have not given up. For all your faithfulness I am now opening supernatural windows of time and favor in which I will bring back the prodigals who have walked away from Me and bring in those who have resisted Me for seasons and seasons of time. Now is the time of harvest. Behold, I am opening up opportunities of time and opening up doors of favor in which I will soften their hearts to receive and understand, I will open their eyes' to see, and their 'ears' to hear all the words you have spoken to them and all the ministry of prayers for them. Now is the time of salvation. Be prepared My daughters and My sons, to speak what I will call you to speak. Step up and step into those times in which I will make a way and open doors of hearts. Do not lose heart for am I not the God of the Impossible? Is there anything too hard for Me? Stand up. Get ready to move. Get ready to receive and get ready to give out. My hand is moving; My Spirit is blowing through. Look up! Take heart in Me! Now is the time. Now is season. It is not My will that any should perish but that all should come into the saving grace and knowledge of My Son Jesus Christ. Amen

Rev. Sandra Matheson 9.25.12


Lord fill me up with Your boldness and fill up my mouth with Your words that I may be the vessel you have called me to be, to share the Gospel of Good News with the lost and the rebellious. I recognize that there is great hunger all around me in this world. I recognize that so many are crying out for peace and can find none. I know that there are many, many false gods out there and false hope and false prophets. Help me to be the witness I am called to be and to bring the Light of Christ wherever I am and wherever I go. I thank you Lord for hearing and answering my prayer for my loved ones, for their salvation and for their restoration in You. I praise You Lord for Your grace and Your mercies, for Your kindness and patience. I receive Your promise and set my will to see and hear what You will say to me. I receive the fulfillment of Your promises to me. Amen

Rev. Sandra Matheson

8.28.12   Warfare over the Nations:

Trembling, thunder, and lightening! There is action, movement, and anticipation in My Heaven, says the Lord-of-the-Angels'-Army! For this is Spiritual warfare in the heavenliest over two nations of purpose!

America, do not be discouraged! am tired of the division. I am tired of those who plot to divide thinking they will conquer and defeat. I am tired of the tolerance that has been given to a false god that has entered into this nation deceptively; who is trying to permeate this nation with lies and fears and false tolerance. This will not be so! I am sitting a man into the White House who will bow his knees to Me; one whom I will move upon with My Presence and over-shadow with My Spirit. I will expand his heart to me. I will lead him into Truth, total and complete. I have set a unity of leadership to come to this nation and unite once again. He will be a giant in the Kingdom. You have asked for 'another Reagan'. I am sending him to you. I have assigned unto him, and unto this nation, an armor-bearer to come along side of him. He is a man of practical wisdom and knowledge; a man of integrity. America needs a Joseph for such a time as this; just as I sat Joseph down in Egypt. I will flood his spirit with Me and fill his mouth with wisdom of what to do to help establish stability again. Each of these men have the abilities to right the wrong brought into this nation. This man will serve two terms of office and his armor-bearer will then run for the Office of the Land. I will bring a deep unification between America and Israel; a unity solid and of one mind. These two nations will again rise to their roper purposes in this earth. The nations of the earth will be blessed because of this union. These three strong leaders that I have placed in these positions are where they are to be for such a time as this. America will buy her oil from the Apple of My Eye - Israel. I will break the yoke of the oppressors over you, America, because I have heard the cries of My People. I see the hearts of My People and I see that they are sincere. Stand firm America! Stand firm Israel! Remember! A Jonathan for My David! Do not waiver! Be strong and of good courage! The Lord God Almighty is on the Throne and the best laid plans of men will fail. What I have purposed, will be and man cannot stop it! Amen

Rev. Sandra Matheson 8.28.12


O Lord continue to shake up this nation of America. Shake up the darkness and break through with the Light. We desire to be a people strong in the Lord, strong in the Faith of our God. We desire to court your favor for this nation, Lord. Strengthen us more and more. Make our resolve for righteousness firm and unbreakable. Let us turn our faces to the face of our God. We thank you Lord for your blessings to this nation. We thank you Lord that we can call on your name and become the Light to the world once more, in that the righteousness of God is able to shine forth through us. Bless and keep the nation of Israel. Cover over her and protect her borders. Expose her enemies and the plans of her enemies. Bless our joint leadership that you are breathing into existence now. Let us be a people who fall on our knees before your great Throne with prayers and petitions, with humbleness and humility. Move across this nation and those nations who are seeking You. Unite us all together to have the mind of Christ and to be like-minded for your Kingdom. Amen

Rev. Sandra Matheson 8.29.12

8.11.12   A Mighty Wind Coming:

America: There is a mighty wind coming! It is blowing across America. I am doing a new thing says the Spirit of the Living God. I am shaking old foundations and laying up new ones. Do not think I am not aware, for I surely am! I see what is happening and I see the works of man. I know what the thoughts are that are brewing for this nation for those that think they have power. I know, and by the move of my hand their plans will come to nothing! As my people turn back to me and as my people cry out to me I will hear and I will move and I will bring a wind of change. Do not lose heart. All is not as it seems. A few voices are loud and commanding but mine is greater. Mine is powerful. My voice will be heard and my plan will be put in place. I have wooed and I have called out to many who are in positions of power in this land, but they will not hear. They believe it is of their own strength and their own wisdom that they will build and plant and establish, but this is not so. I am turning all upside down and revealing the hidden things and the hidden parts. So smug, they are! So full of themselves, they are! They wave their hand in the face of the Almighty God believing that their god is greater. Do you not think that I hear the secret words that are spoken behind close doors? The whispers that are spoken in the hall ways? The cursing of my name that abounds as they move from room to room? The strange gods that have been given place in the secret byways? Yes!! I hear and see all and I will bring an end to it all as my people pray and call out to me. I have a plan for America, and the foundation that was laid by those who gave their blood and their lives for this nation will not be forgotten. Their blood cries out to me! Listen! Hear the wind of change coming! Listen to the power of the wind as it moves in the whisper of my breath! I am turning this nation around and I will do a new thing by the end of this year, and I will have my way in the hearts of the men and women that I will establish in the seats of authority over this land. I will turn hearts, and knees and heads will bow to me. Do not lose heart. Do not be dismayed. Stand firm and see the Salvation of the Lord!

Israel: Though your enemies seem to see you as small, and though your enemies seem to see you as vulnerable, they do not see the Angelic armies that surround this nation, Israel. I will not allow my chosen ones to be destroyed no matter how hungry her enemies are for her, and no matter how loudly they lick their lips at the thought of her demise. My hand is upon you Israel; I hold the leaders of your land; I uphold Benjamin in the palm of my hand! I will give wisdom and direction. Just as I reveled to my prophets the plans of the enemy kings of Israel in the days of old, when they desired to destroy this tiny nation that I have called into existence, I will do so again. Look at Israel's enemies! How they gaze at her through slitted eyes, and eyes that hide behind cloth! How they mutter and complain and plan and plot! And yet, not one weapon forged against her shall prosper! I have told you in the past that I am raising up another Jonathan for my David and so it shall be. He is rising up! He is about to come forth! I will raise up a team of leaders from the nation of America that will be strong and firm and will support my people. I am the God-of-the -Angels'- Army! I will not be defeated and these enemies will not have their victories! Amen.

Rev. Sandra Matheson 8.11.12

7.16.2012    The God who knows all:

The hand of the Sovereign Lord is moving. The Spirit of the Living God is cutting through the atmosphere of earth. As lightening the heavens, from one end to the other, so is my Spirit going forth, declares the Lord. There is a charge searing through between heaven and earth. The enemy is storming and is angry. He knows his time is short. He desires to sift my people and he will begin to attempt to. However, just as I declared to Peter my Disciple, I have prayed for each and everyone of my children, those who are called by my name, those who have given their hearts totally and completely to me. I have prayed, and I hold each of you in the palm of my hand. You say to me, Lord where are you? Lord do you not see? Lord are you not aware of what is happening to me? Lord what about my children, my family? Lord how will I survive? I say back to you, 'I am the God who knows all; I am the God who sees all; I am the God who hears all; I am The God of the impossible. I will provide. I will make a way where there seems to be no way. Is there anything too hard for me? Follow my Word, obey my commandments, be obedient to what my Spirit will say to you. I will lead you. I will guide you. I will give you direction.' Listen. Be still and listen. I am allowing testing and trials and purging for a season. I am proving my people. Can I count on you? Can I depend on you? Can I give you assignments for the Kingdom and will you do them for me? Will you falter and turn back? Will you grow weary and give up? Will you be disheartened and lay down? Or will you stand and move forward with me through the impossible to the possible? Children, now is the hour of decision. Whom will you serve? Where is your heart anchored? What is your focus on? There are serious times coming to your nations. There are crossroads to be considered. These are 'kairos' moments, where the natural meets the supernatural and explodes. Which way will you go? To the natural or to the supernatural? Once you chose a path, it will be so. This is also a season of great out pouring of Power and Might and Signs and Wonders from the Hand of God. This is the cry of my people. I have bent low to hear and I have heard. Lean into to me. Lean on me. Turn your faces to me. Open your eyes and ears to me. Listen! Hear what the Spirit of God would say to you! Hear what your assignment is for the Kingdom! Harvest is here and the fields are full and where are those who would take in the harvest?! My love is full; it is complete, and it is everlasting. I will give you all you need to complete the task before you as you step out in faith and move in me. Trust me. The time is short and there is much to do! Amen

Rev. Sandra Matheson 7.16.2012 


O Lord forgive me my fears and reluctance and laziness! Forgive me Lord and lift me up into your strength. I repent Lord and desire to do your will, to follow your Word, to be obedient to you, and to complete the tasks assigned to me for the Kingdom. O God I do not want to stand before you and realize that I missed what you desired for me to do, for me to have, and for me to experience, because I could not see beyond my fears and my needs. I make a decision now to turn into you, to fix my eyes upon you, to open my Spiritual ears to your Spirit, and to focus on you and not on the things of this world. I believe you will make provision for me, in whatever things I need according to your Word in Matthew chapter 6. I will believe in the God of the impossible! Show yourself strong to me Lord! Amen.

Rev. Sandra Matheson 7.16.2012

 5.5.12     Season of His Word:

My Word is Yea and Amen; there is nothing in between. This is the season of my Word. I will say Yea and Amen and so it will be. Church, what I have said to you will be! My Word will not go out void and will not be impotent. I have declared unto you that you should reap a harvest for all the tears and toil you have been through. I am lifting up a standard and I will have my way. I want my people to know that I am a God of Truth and Promise. I have watched the faithfulness of my people, those who have obeyed and been faithful unto me; those who have persevered and not given up. You have said unto me, "Lord how long? Lord have you forgotten? Lord are you even aware? Where are you Lord?!" And I say unto you that I AM. I AM here and have not left. I AM moving and preparing and working on your behalf. I AM faithful and true and I AM a God that cannot lie. Truly my children, this is the time and the season of harvest. Yes, there is turmoil and drama all around you. Yes, the nations and peoples are in an uproar all around you. Nations are trembling, nations are being shook out, governments and financial institutions are being sifted. The earth itself is groaning and heaving. Doom- sayers are everywhere and false prophets are rising up. Do not listen to them, do not turn into them. Though situations, circumstances, and things in your life may seem to be worsening, do not lose heart for I AM moving. Look up! Look up to me and do not focus on the enemy. For a little time it will appear as though it is worse, that nothing is being resolved and that nothing is better. There is a window of time that is coming and I will right the wrongs and I will make a way and I will hear the cry of the righteous. I will reveal the hidden things and the hidden agendas of man. America, do not lose heart. I have a plan and a purpose and I will accomplish what I will. There is prosperity coming. There are righteous leaders I am raising up, America will shine once again and the mouths of her enemies will be clamped shut. Israel I am with you. I am placing an angelic army around you just as Elisha's servant saw (2 Kings 6:16). Your enemy desires to devour and destroy you but it will not be so. I have lifted up a righteous man to lead you. A man who will hear my voice and will obey. I will have my way with Egypt and the Sinai Desert. I will have my way with Iran. I will move in Japan and in China, in Korea. I will not be stopped. I will move in Russia and France. I will sweep across the lands of Europe and move dramatically in the UK. I will cover the earth with my presence, my power and my glory one more time from all the four corners of the world. Listen! Hear the word of the Lord. I AM that I AM and there is no other like me! I AM the only God who can save you, who can bring the comfort, the courage, and the provision you need. Look up! See the glory of the Lord shine forth. Trust in me. I will not fail those who put their whole heart and trust in me! Amen

Rev. Sandra Matheson 5.5.12


O Lord, help me to be of good courage. Strengthen me to stand strong and firm in you! I desire to put my complete trust and faith in you and in only you. I give you my heart. I give you my life. I give you my very being to do with as you will. I trust you that you have a plan for me. Forgive me for allowing anything to come between you and me. I will not be afraid; I will put my trust in you. I will look up and behold the redemption of my God. I will to receive all your provisions for me. Thank you Lord, that regardless of what is going on around me, regardless of whatever the enemy is trying to put in my head, I know that my God is in control, and that you hold all nations and all peoples in your hand. Amen

Rev. Sandra Matheson 5.5.12

3.26.12     The Spirit is blowing:

Church, know that the Spirit of God is active and moving even when it seems as though it is not. It is my desire to flood this earth with my presence and my blessings and my power. I did not leave the Church to be impotent and yet, in many ways, she is. How this grieves me! For I provided the covering of the Holy Spirit to come and fill the place that I left as I ascended to Heaven. And yet, my people are reluctant to embrace this part of the Holy Trinity. My Spirit is powerful and full of the thunderings of my voice and my ways! This is the Fire of Heaven! Come. Step into this power and anointing I have sent to you so that you might have greater power in me to overcome the enemy of your faith. These are trying times that are upon the earth. These are the times of purifying and separation, the goats from the sheep and the tares from the wheat. My Spirit is blowing across this earth with great force of revelation and cleansing and exposing. This time and season is changing the face of my Bride, getting her ready for her groom. Do not be fearful or dismayed by the challenges that are coming to your faith. These are all designed by me to test and prove your hearts before me. Will you stand? Will you grow stronger under pressure and persecution? Or will you be as the world and throw up your hands with fear and anger against me? A fearful man will rail against his God. Do not be fearful but full of faith and power to overcome and to be more than conquerors in me. Church, I have provided all that you need to grow and to prosper and to rise above all these things that are coming ahead, just as I provided for my Hebrew children as they made their spiritual journey across the desert. For years and years I met their needs with food and water and their clothing and sandals not wearing out. I provided the supernatural for them in all ways. All they had to do was embrace and receive, trust me and obey. Will you do so? Now is the time for my Church to take me in to their hearts and lives in ALL my fullness, not picking and choosing what she feels is 'right' for her. There is great delusion coming upon this earth and my people will struggle if they do not move in this power and anointing to have greater Spiritual discernment of righteousness or evil. Now is the hour of decision as to the foundation of your faith. Open wide your mouths and allow me to fill you up with this power. Come. Do not hold back; do not hesitate. Amen

Rev. Sandra Matheson 3.26.12

2.23.12     Eastern Nations:

Syria, Iran I am calling out to you! Listen! the word of the Lord is proclaimed over you! Judgment or peace awaits you. Decide this day! The gates of hell will not prevail against my people. Israel will stand and Israel will thrive. I will turn your evil intents upon you, O Syria, O Iran. How arrogant and how brazen you are. You are filled with pride and evil and disdain and hatred for me. This stench comes up before me; the blood of your people comes up before me. What kind of a father would kill his own household??Wickedness, surely it is all wickedness! But I am proclaiming this day that, unless you turn away from your wicked ways and from your evil thoughts towards Israel, you will be destroyed from within. I will wave my hand over your lands and, suddenly, disasters will happen and leaders will fall and change will begin. My chosen people will stand and will not fall. Israel will fight and will prevail. I will do amazing things on her behalf and the world - which scoffs at her - will watch and see and be amazed. Know that I am moving in the land of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I am stirring up my spirit there am moving in a quiet and powerful way. I am opening spiritual eyes and unstopping spiritual ears. I am lifting the veil from off their minds that the evil one has covered them over with. Look and see over all the earth! It is not Russia, nor China, nor Turkey at the moment. It is Israel. Look to her; she is the sign, and evil will not prevail against her! My warring angels surround her and cover over her. I am giving her leaders whispers of wisdom and guidance, direction. Michael, the Captain of the Warring Angels and the Guardian of Israel, is straddling her boarders waiting for my command. Watch and see the confusion that will be thrown into the enemy's camp! Israel will prevail and I will prevail, and no weapon formed against her will prosper! This is the land of my beloved David and, once again, I will scatter and destroy the giants that rise up against her.

America, fear not. Your economy will recover. Peace within you will rise up. Employment will rise up. There is a change coming - suddenly. All will stand in awe and say, 'What has just happened?'. I have not forgotten you nor turned my back upon you. I am not rising up in judgment against you but I am calling you up from your slumber and your apathy and your complacency! I am moving your dependence away from your enemies and snuffing out your fear. You have all you need and much more. I have created your land to be the land of plenty and not a land of lack. I am revealing and removing this lie. Rise up! You are called to be a Light unto the world for my namesake! I am bringing you back to your very foundations and removing the stains of your garment. Turn your eyes upon me, turn your face to me. See only me! Be encouraged. A new dawn is coming and I am doing a NEW thing for you! This world is hungry and I AM the Bread of Life! Amen

Rev. Sandra Matheson


Lord show yourself strong in these nations! Rise up and cover over your people, protect them and provide for them. Grant them strength to be bold and to stand and to bear witness to you! Help is to remember that it is not by power nor by might but by your Spirit that we prevail. Remind us also that we are more than conquerors in Christ, that we can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us. Restore our nation to what she has been designed to be, what she has been called to do. Restore your Bride and Church throughout all these nations. Turn our hearts and minds to you and only you and help us to keep our focus on you and not on the enemy. We love you Lord. Thank you for your wisdom and guidance. Amen

Rev. Sandra Matheson

2.21.2012 Things are not as they seem to be:

Behold! My Spirit is rising even though my hand seems hidden. Look up! Things are not as they seem to be. For the world is anxious and filled with alarm at what is happening, at what they hear and see. There is much grief and much turmoil across this earth - and yet the Great I AM is in control and is moving to bring about all that He has promised. Do not be fearful! I am hiding my people in the shadow of my hand, and all is not lost. Does not my word say that as the enemy comes in, like a flood I will raise up a standard against him? The gates of hell will not prevail against my Church! The enemy of your faith is not greater than the author of your Faith! This flood of my Spirit has been released and now, even now, is moving in great might and great power to benefit my people.

Syria will implode. Do not think that I do not see! Do not think that I have turned my back or closed my eyes! I see. I know. She is filled with death and destruction and her leaders are liars and murders. She will not prosper but will implode. But beware! Unless Syria turns from her wicked ways and turns unto me, she will take hands with another and it will seem to be peaceful at first but will turn and devour her.

Iranis posturing and puffing and making noise but to no avail. She thinks she has might and power she does not.

I am stirring up my church in Syria; I am stirring up my Church in Iran; China, Korea, Japan, Turkey, Russia, and through out all the middle east. I am shaking my Church awake in Europe, and to the uttermost northern parts of the world. Where there was great apathy and great disdain for me and for my word there is now a great movement of my Spirit.

France and Germany think they have the solution, but it is not yet time. They are reaching back into the evil they once knew but are not totally aware of it yet. Yes, surely all these things must come to past to fulfill the words of the Prophets, but the fulfillment of time is not yet. I am doing a marvelous and amazing thing! I am taking my Church back to her foundation, to remember her first love, to prepare herself for her bridegroom. I am taking her back to remember all that was given unto her, all that was bestowed upon her, all that I have ever promised to her. I am taking her back to remember all that is required of her, all of what her accountability in my Kingdom is, all that I have called her to do and to be! Those who will have eyes to see will 'see', those who have ears to hear, will 'hear'. In the midst of all the works of the enemy, the works of the storm in your life, I AM HERE!.

America I am providing for you. Why do you seek provisions from those who are your enemies? I have created in your land all that you have need of and much, much more so that you can give out to others! Watch! I am doing a new thing in your resources. Your land is rich and plentiful but you have stopped up your ears with the words of the enemy and cannot hear mine! I will raise up men and women of integrity and honesty who will seek out these things so that you are no longer under the lie of your enemies. I will shake out your government and those who feel they are secure in their positions, and are greedy and drunk on their 'power'. Their power is not my power, and I will crush it! Their mouths are full of deception from the greatest to the least. I will shake out the carpet and expose and make new. I will bring America back to her roots and to the prayers of the saints before you, to those who soaked this land with their blood to fulfill the purpose I have called this nation to. Now is the season of possibilities and new beginnings. Watch and see. Trust in me. Amen

Rev. Sandra Matheson 2.21.2012


Lord remind us of who you have called us to be. Remind us of the Kingdom we serve and 'live in'. Remind us of our King that we have sworn to represent and pledged to serve. Call us back to the beginning of our love for you! Let us reach out and be bold and stand on our Faith and not be moved. Let us call evil, evil, and good, good. Let us move past politics and seek out men who will serve you and bring healing to this land and support to Israel. Let us pray for our nation and for your purpose for her to be fulfilled in every way. Come and heal our land and forgive us our sins against you - our greed and arrogance, self-sufficiency and pride. Move your hand over the nations of the earth Lord, and strengthen your people and call up your Church. We pray for mercy over the peoples of Syria, Lord. May you move swiftly to bring them relief from this oppression and to show yourself strong to them and the one true God of all gods. Let your glory be seen and let your power be known! Please protect your Children in these trying and dangerous days. Hide them in the shadow of your wings! Cause us to rise up and be known by our love and support of each other. May you be glorified! Amen

Rev. Sandra Matheson 2.21.12

1.30.12    Leaders filled with arrogance

Listen! Momentum in heaven is moving! The Glory of God is moving out in great waves of power over the face of the earth. My Glory is being released without limit in this time and this season for those of My Children who desire it and have been seeking it out. I will flood over the nation that seeks me, I will flood over the people who call out to me. I will withhold not one good thing from My Bride as she prepares for the Bridegroom! I am lifting the skirts of Syria and exposing her secrets for all to see. Her leaders are filled with arrogance and pride and do not heed my warnings. They seek after the god of death and war, and so it shall be. As surely as these leaders oppress and extend their own hands over this land in death and destruction, so it shall be for them. I will reach down and 'suddenly' I will pluck them up and they will be no more. There is a cry going up from her belly and her people are raging against her. They seek peace and they seek freedom, but alas, unless they seek me it is all but fleeting as sand runs through their hands. Cry out to me, O Syria, cry out to me! I am bending low to hear you, I am stretching out my arms to you and my hands are open to bless and receive you. I am gathering a people in the midst of this nation, in the midst of this chaos and turmoil. I am gathering and harvesting and doing an amazing and powerful thing in this land. My Holy Spirit is going forth and reaching hearts, changing hearts, creating a new mind set of me. There is a great diamond that will emerge out of the midst of all this pressure. I will do a new thing. Though all seems to be impossible with man, there is nothing impossible with me. Look for me in the middle of the storm; look for me in the middle of despair; look for me in the middle of oppression and death; look for me in the middle of persecution. Here I AM! Come.......... Amen

Rev. Sandra Matheson


Dearest Lord, cover over this land. Surround us, your people, and cover us over with your wings. Hide us in the hollow of your hand. We do indeed, pray for a new thing in this nation of Syria. We pray for freedom in Christ, we pray that your Spirit is allowed to move without limit and restriction. We pray that you raise up a powerful army of Believers who will be Kingdom Walkers and walk the land for you as Abraham did. Increase our strength, O Lord, that we might stand and not fall. Bless us with your blessings that all the world can see that your Love and your Power rests on us in this natio​n. Amen.

Rev. Sandra Matheson 1.30.2012

1.17.12     A Spiritual shaking:

There will be a spiritual shaking such as the world has never seen! People will fall on their faces and will cry and lament before God Almighty. They will cry out for mercy and some I will hear and some I will turn away from. Many have I called to me and few have listened. The faithful who are called by my name will not fear, for I will hide them in the cleft of the Rock. -Deanie Oberg

Proverb 30:5-6 (Amplified) "Every word of God is tried and purified; He is a shield to those who trust and take refuge in Him. Add not to His words, lest He reprove you, and you be found a liar."   

1.3.12    A Kingdom Covenant:

This is a year of Kingdom Covenant between my Spirit and my Church. I desire for my Kingdom to be established even greater and stronger on the earth than at any time in your history. Just as the foundation of the Church was established in the Book of Acts by the acts of the Apostles, so it shall be - and greater. I am seeking out Kingdom Dwellers, Kingdom Walkers, Kingdom Keepers, Kingdom Speakers, and Kingdom Warriors. Will you answer this call? I will establish discipleship in my Church to take my people into an understanding of what this means. I will establish Kingdom teachers and Kingdom pastors to guide and lead my people. Five-fold ministries will be established in my churches. Apostles and Prophets will be sought out, Evangelists, Teachers, Pastors will rise up under my power and my authority and not under man's understanding or calling. These are anointed positions and I will set them forth. I will sift out the old and establish the new for those who are seeking and crying out for these things. I know who it is that is doing my bidding, those who are truthfully about their father's business. For too long the Church has ignored and ran off these ministries for the lack of understanding, as a threat to the leadership, and as jealousy has risen up. But no more! This is the season of my Glory and my Power to descend upon this earth and to cover over my people. My Glory cloud will descend, my angelic forces will appear, signs and wonders and miracles will take place. My Bride is being prepared to be received; the Bridegroom is ready and waiting. My people must learn Kingdom principles. You must understand that my Kingdom has no lack. Why do you look to man? Why do you look to your governments? My Kingdom has a Financial Plan, a Health Plan, a Retirement plan, a plan to do you good and not harm; a plan to prosper you and establish you in me. My Military Plan is full of Angelic Armies designed to guard over you and to protect you, to fight off the enemy from around you. You have the name of the Supreme Commander to call upon - Jesus. You must embrace these things to reap Kingdom harvests. I have called you to be ambassadors for me, for this Kingdom, and you must learn to represent this Kingdom in its fullness and without apology or fear. You are called to be set apart as a Royal Priesthood to represent this Gospel of Christ, and to function as priests. I am establishing my Church as she once was and as she is meant to be: full of Power and Might, full of Authority and Blessings and Rewards for those who love me and follow my commandments, full of my Glory! Come unto me! I am moving throughout the earth with great power and might. I am establishing my Church in China, in Korea, in Iran,Iraq,Afghanistan,Syria,Jordan,Egypt,and throughoutall the Middle Eastand Africa. I am establishing my Church throughout Germany, Spain, France, Belgium, Italy, England, and all of Europe. I am establishing my Church in America, Canada, Australia, South America, and all of the world's continents. I am establishing my church throughout the Netherlands, Holland, Sweden, Denmark, and all the Northern most regions of the earth. There is no limit and no area that I will not cover and move upon in the power and might of my Spirit. I will not be stopped and I cannot be stopped! The UN will fail and fall away; it will be deemed obsolete. The European Common Market will be sifted and rearranged, nations and numbers will be changed. There is a plan underfoot even now. I will also continue to sift and reshape the nations and their leaders. However, be encouraged! Do not be discouraged by what you see or hear for deception is on the rise, but the Spirit of Truth always will prevail! (fulfilled 6.16.12)

Rev. Sandra Matheson


Father God, stir within me the desire to be bold for you, to represent you well and at all times, and to step into this fullness of your power. I desire to be a Kingdom Daughter/Son, and all that this means. I desire to place my own heart and trust in you and to keep my face turned to you. I will not look to man nor to my government to meet my needs, but only to you. The world has no answers for me, only the Kingdom of which I am called and set apart to. You have commanded me to come out from among them and to be separate and to serve only you. I set my will to do so from this time on. I claim my inheritance and blessings in Christ, and receive all that you have for me. I set my will to embrace your Kingdom more and more each and every day and to be a Kingdom Dweller! Amen-

Rev. Sandra Matheson

12.28.11      Elections:

In thinking and praying about the upcoming presidential elections for the United States, the Lord has given the following word to His people:

America: Do not be alarmed and do not be dismayed by what you are seeing and what you are hearing. There is a whole new thing that I am doing and it is moving quietly but swiftly throughout this land! I am purposeful and I am focused to accomplish that for which I desire for this nation. There is a momentous decision that awaits the United States. This decision will weigh the balance and give direction to how this nation will proceed. Do not take this word carelessly, my people! America faces a cross roads and a turning point. I have heard the prayers of my people and I long to move on their behalf. Now is the time to determine what is that you believe and what it is that you wa